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To-date total based on current date
[ 1 Answers ]
:confused: I am trying to create a forumula that will give a cumulative or "to-date" total that will exclude future months from the total. i.e. ithe point in time is August and I need to show a to-date number Through August only even though September and October are included in The...
Drywall corner technique
[ 6 Answers ]
Well, I am progressing with my seemingly endless bathroom remodel and have a few drywll/mudding questions: 1) What are some techniques for neatly mudding and sanding the top ceiling corners where the 2 walls and ceiling meet? I have a corner sponge which is great for the long 2 wall corners but...
F-1 to H-1, what's the start date of H-1? Should be approval date or visa issue day?
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As I mention before, I changed from F-1 to H-1 last year. I got my H-1 status in Feb 2004, but I went to my home country to get the H-1 visa stamp in August 2004. So I would like to know for counting my H-1 status, is it the date that USCIS (the Immigration) approved (which is Feb 1st), or the...
What's the meaning of Slide Windowing Technique?
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Dear, Just not quite understand , what's mean by "Slide Windowing Technique" in network protocol, any relations with X.25 WAN? And how this technique can address network problems especially on network delay and bandwidth utilization? Also, can this technique overcome the flow control and... View more questions Search