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Can we fall sick due to sick puppies
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi We bought a puppy, it's a Labrador, when he was 45 days old rite now he is 63 days old (he was born on 30th may). The problem is when he came to us he had a bit of cold as he was sneezing he didn't eat properly, we took him to a vet who gave him canine corona virus and vanguard plus... its...
Hi everyone, I've been feeling sick the past few mornings not acc getting sick but jus
[ 0 Answers ]
Hi everyone, I've been feeling sick the past few mornings not acc getting sick but just empty reaches I have no pains in stomach just the going to be sick feeling, my breasts are sore at the sides and front and are sore to touch could I be pregnant please help? Oh and did have unprotected sex a few...
Very sick puppy very sick
[ 12 Answers ]
I know I have been reading on this site and others and before I go any further I know my pup needs a doctor. I can not afford one at all right now and they won't make a payment plan with me because I have horrible credit. I have an 8 months old black lab that I was given for free or they were...
My 1yr old puppy is sick, vomiting.not worms, sick only in morning.
[ 5 Answers ]
Hello:) I am new here.. My 1yr old pup, Gracie, is a house dog, she is 1/2 Pomeranian & 1/2 Min. Doberman. For the last few days she has been vomiting in the morning, that is the only time she does. We are very careful what she eats & as we live in town, she stays indoor.. even to void. She is...
Getting Sick, What Can I Do?
[ 3 Answers ]
I feel a cold coming on and I have the best weekend ever planned and am going to be so sad if being sick ruins it... is there anything I can do in the next day and a half to help me feel better sooner?? Thanks?! Lol View more questions Search