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How do I treat the side effects of lemonvate cream?
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I started using this cream called lemonvate and it removed the bumps on my skin. When I stopped using it I got an itchy allergic reaction and the bumps came back. I also heard that this cream causes thinning of the skin. I have stopped using it but I don't want the itchy alergy to come back. Help!
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The lightening crème (30g) "LemonVATE" with Lightening System for External Use. This cream stimulates the lightening process in a natural way, makes your complexion clear and even. Gradually fades skin discolorations such as age spots, freckles, scars. DIRECTIONS: Clean your skin with LemonVate...
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L don't trust all lightening creams from africa.l want to try this lemonvate but l don't know how safe is it to use so far. View more questions Search