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    Priscime's Avatar
    Priscime Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    May 23, 2007, 04:35 AM
    Read this will you?I'm really scared.
    OK.. I really need your help.. im scared of what will happen to me.. so here's my situation.
    Im just 16. When I was 15, I was really desperate to be thin, even tough I am, that was my friends told me. Im not really obese or what. I just want to be thin. Because that time when I'm thin I felt beautiful and when I get fat, just a little fat, I really feel ugly. So when I was 15, I took ballerina pills. Everyday I take 4 pills. Then I saw the result and I became thin and happy. Then I got fat after 2 weeks I guess. Then I bought ballerina pills again. This time I take 2 to 3 pills a day. Here's the question. If I get drug tested, will I be positive? Because next year ill go to college. Im scared that if my parents will know that I take ballerina pills, they're going to be so mad. I don't know what will happened. I don't know what to do. Please help me. Im really paranoid at this time. Really ,really paranoid. Will I get cancer out of this?. my god, I'm so scared. Please help me... please!
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    May 23, 2007, 04:46 AM
    Since these pills are not regulated by the FDA it is unsure of the long term effects. So I can't promise you that you won't get cancer, but probably not.

    Now, I do want to address your weight issues. It sounds as though you are quite thin as it is, just from your post. You see, one does not gain enough weight in two weeks to become fat.

    I doubt that you will test positive as most drug tests only test for illegal substances and supposedly these are only herbal substances. However, you do understand that if you bought these over the internet there is no telling what is truly in them, right?
    ActionJackson's Avatar
    ActionJackson Posts: 301, Reputation: 28
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    Jun 1, 2007, 09:23 PM
    If I get drug tested, will I be positive?

    I am no doctor so I cannot give medical advice (at least none that can be taken seriously);however, as a fellow human being, I can give some caring advice. Quit taking pills of any kind to make yourself something or someone you are not. You don't need to. I work with a woman who was so obsessed with her weight that she ended up getting her stomach stapled so that she would eat less. She seemed fine for 3 or 4 years but she is currently lying on her death bed. She couldn't get any thinner. She looked much better overweight than she does right now. Anyway, some drugs will remain in the system for a very short amount of time while other drugs can hide in the roots of your hair or fat cells or in other areas of the body for long periods. I have no idea what "ballerina" pills are and don't know what type of chemicals are in them. Are they legal? Can you buy them over the counter or are they some sort of street drug? Whatever the case, when you compare a person that became thin chemically to one who was thin due to a proper diet and regular exercise, there is no comparison. Stay active and eat apples instead of Big Macs and you'll be just fine. If you stop using chemicals right now... this very day, then you should be clean enough to take your blood test next year. By the way, did you know that worry can make you look old and wrinkled? Don't do things that will cause you to worry!
    nikki_22's Avatar
    nikki_22 Posts: 63, Reputation: 10
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    Sep 20, 2007, 03:58 PM
    Please talk to a school counselor, teacher, religious leader, parent, or other trusted adult. Drug tests only test for illegal drugs and steroids. I don't know what kind of pills u are taking. Do they have effedrine in them? If so, you could develop heart problems from them. You shouldn't worry about your weight so much. It sounds like u could be anorexic. Please talk to someone about this-you shouldn't have to deal with it on your own. My friend used to take diet pills all the time and not eat and she had heart failure at 19! She is OK now, but will always have to take meds and moniter her heart condition for the rest of her life. She only weighed 135 when she started doing this and that is sooooo not fat! The best way to maintain a healthy weight is to eat a good balanced diet with lots of veggies and to exercise for at least a 1/2 hour a day. You should really get help because I would hate for you to end up like my friend. She used to weigh herself several times a day! It was sad to see her get so thin. Remember- athletic/toned muscles is healthy and bony thin isn't. A lot of guys say they would rather date a larger girl with a confident attitude then a super thin girl who isn't happy. Be who you are! You should go to the doctor and tell him what you wrote in your post. You may be surprised how many people will reach out to you with love when you tell them what you are going through. I hope you feel happier soon!
    N0help4u's Avatar
    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
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    Sep 29, 2007, 09:04 AM
    You need to find out what it is that is making you gain your weight right back.
    Are you eatting too much junk food, fast food, or instant prepared foods which cantain a lot of preservatives?
    I know bacon, chips and donuts are an instant five pounds for me!
    If you have the right vitamin balance you should be able to lose easier than if your system is lacking them.
    Try taking Vitamin B complex in the morning and Co Q10, omega (fish oil), and chromimum picolinate. You can also try some digestive cleansers occasionally.
    Quiggler's Avatar
    Quiggler Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    May 19, 2008, 06:13 PM
    Ephedrine was also an "herb". And was found to be so bad they made it illegal to sell in the US... this "Ballerina" stuff sounds like the same stuff... just a different name. Also, "belladonna" and "hemlock" are just herbs too. Herbs can kill you just as fast as any poison. Would you eat rat poison? It was originally derived from some sort of herbal material.
    GUYBRUSH's Avatar
    GUYBRUSH Posts: 10, Reputation: -3
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    May 30, 2008, 11:25 PM
    The Best Thing To Do To Contorl Your Body And Look's Is To Go To A Gym And Eat All 5 Food Grop's Why Because You Can Get Thin But Your Fat Percentage Can Be High Even Your Skiny. Don't Skip Meal Go See A Nutritionist

    All So Organic's Is The Way To Go .do Not Eat Junk Food One Time A Day And A Tick Tack At Night.
    Dr Dermie's Avatar
    Dr Dermie Posts: 31, Reputation: 3
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    Jun 21, 2008, 07:16 AM
    All the previous posts offer excellent advice and you would do well to take some of not all the suggestions made. Body image for your age group is possibly the most important influence of social behaviour. Forget about the 'cancer' risk: cancer is caused by exposure to radiation, viruses such as the human papilloma wart virus, environmental amines (chemicals that are concentrated by industrial activity and farming) and exposure to environmental toxins. Some folks are also just genetically disposed to cancer. The important thing is to focus on being healthy and happy. And there might be five or a dozen things that make you healthy and happy. Friends, family, sports, study, spirituality or planning your day, week, month and year. If you could give yourself a sctructure and a plan to achieve a goal in each part of your life each day, week, month etc; you'll find that your weight will stabilise and fall into a normal range for your age. Remember that at this time of life young people regard themselves with a very critical eye. It's really important to know that you will not be fat, thin, beautiful, silly, athletic, smart or dumb forever - be kind to yourself, be patient ad enjoy the journey!
    blackblue's Avatar
    blackblue Posts: 145, Reputation: 8
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    Jul 9, 2008, 07:21 PM
    DON'T take those kinds of pills now or never again.

    If you want to lose weight do it the right way.

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