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Sharp pain in my left side of my chest
[ 1 Answers ]
I keep getting this sharp pain in my left side of my chest. Sometimes when I breath in (threw mouth or nose) I will get a real sharp pain in my chest out of no where. Most of the time I kind of like lean over and hold my chest. The sharp pain will last for about maybe 4 breaths in maybe 5. But...
Having right side chest pain
[ 3 Answers ]
Having right side chest pain under right breast. Pain started suddenly yesterday. Still occurring today. Feels more painful when inhaling. Pain is pulsating mild to moderate, but not intolerable. Will make an appointment in the morning, but wanting to know what it could be.
Pain in right side under my chest
[ 2 Answers ]
I've had this pain under my rib cage on my right side for a few months but now its got worse
Pain on my right chest side
[ 1 Answers ]
I have pain on my right chest side kind of in the back. What could this be? I often feel when I am very tired.
What does a pain in the right side of my chest mean?
[ 5 Answers ]
So I woke up yesterday morning and I had a pain in the right side (under my boob) of my chest. It is kind of in the middle too.. but NOT on the left. When I breath in deep, I can feel it and it kind of travels up the right side of my throat. I delt with that all day and night, then finally went to... View more questions Search