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[ 2 Answers ]
I have this friend who just told me that he gets migraines quite often and feels the pain in the occipital area where neck meets head, lower back, temporal area, top of head, and in sinus area below eyes. He also stated his fingers go numb or tingle sometimes. I was wondering what all could be...
Is This a Migraine?
[ 9 Answers ]
Before I went to bed I was seeing annoying white flashes. They happened every few minutes until I fell asleep. I woke up at 8 with a throbbing, pounding headache in my temple/eyes/teeth. It's continued all day and it also spread to my sinuses. It isn't as severe as it was when I first got up and...
Three Day Migraine
[ 15 Answers ]
I have what can only be described as a vicious migraine. My head has hurt so bad that I can move my head without a tear coming to my eye FOR THREE DAYS now. What's going on? Aspirin, Tylenol, Midol, and Excedrin don't help. :cool: What could have caused this and how do I make it stop?:( ...
Migraine pain
[ 2 Answers ]
I’ve read from some threads that taking pain medication for migraine is not good for babies who are breastfed. I am doing that now although it’s only during severe migraine attacks. My baby who’s now 5 months young didn’t show signs of any side effects like constipation or not being alert, etc. ...
Migraine since 06/01/09
[ 3 Answers ]
I've had a migraine since 06/01/09 --- the pain is gone, but nothing is getting rid of my auras... I've gone through a midrol dose pack, taken numerous doses of Axert, Tylenol, and Ibprofen. Yesterday I lost a whole day of work and went and got a migraine infusions, I thought that had worked...... View more questions Search