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Can a Kidney Infection turn into kidney failure answer needed asap
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If you don't take your antiboitcs for a uti and kidney infection can it turn into kidney failure and how fast? Is it normal for people to feel like the infection is gone and no more symptoms without taking antibotics?
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Can a Kidney Infection turn into kidney failure answer needed asap
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Can a Kidney Infection turn into Kidney Failure? I was hospitalized and put on antibiotics for 2-3 days but still was given antibiotics to go home with but if they aren't taken could the infection turn into kidney failure
I have had kidney cancer in my left kidney.
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I had a kidney cancer operation at Sloan Kettering in NYC and all cancer was removed at that time. The surgeon was able to remove the cancer portion through a small hole and leave the rest of the kidney.I have my right kidney also. My creatinine level just tested at 1.9. I love to cook Italian and... View more questions Search