New Member
Aug 31, 2010, 07:15 AM
If you are a diabetic can you take nopalea?
I am a diabetic and I take regular insulin shots. Has any diabetic tried this product? Is it safe for someone in my condition?
Uber Member
Aug 31, 2010, 07:24 AM
I would take NOTHING, including over the counter products, without consulting with your Physician. Nothing!
I lost a husband to diabetes and I am very, very wary of over the counter and "miracle" cures.
New Member
Sep 17, 2010, 10:30 PM
Yes you can take Nopalea if you are a diabetic. I have a friend who has type II diabetes for over 35 years and takes it regularly. It helps with much of his pain and helps regulate his blood sugar levels.
There is no sugar in Nopalea and is sweetened with natural agave nectar.
Please refer to this case from the pmc http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti...0630001130.pdf
But the previous writer is correct. Always discuss with you Doctor.
Senior Member
Sep 19, 2010, 04:59 AM
I am a big fan and user of alternative medicine and natural foods and products. I have no direct experience with Nopalea but I do want to mention the natural agave nectar.
We switched to agave some years ago as it was promoted as a natural, low GI, alternative to sugar. It is often sold in health shops as suitable for diabetics. However, after further research I am not entirely convinced by the claims on agave and, like many people I know, have switched to other alternatives.
It would take me quite some time to find all the research I looked at and I don't want to spend ages hijacking a thread which is about Nopolea, but I am concerned that diabetics and anyone else that needs a low GI diet aren't given the impression that agave is proven to be a good alternative to sugar.
Here is an article that gives a bit of information regarding the concerns:
Debunking the Agave Myth - That's Fit
Uber Member
Sep 19, 2010, 05:26 AM
I thought agave was a sweetener, used in place of sugar. I don't see that it's the least bit similar to nopolea.
What do you mean by a "low GI diet?" Low in what?
Senior Member
Sep 19, 2010, 05:41 AM
Agave is indeed a sweetener. The poster above me mentioned that Nopolea is sweetened with agave, implying that this means it is suitable for diabetics. I don't know what the concentration of agave is in Nopolea, nor whether the resulting mix of cactus juice and agave, would be good for diabetics. It may be that the other ingredients in Nopolea offset any potential problems from the agave, but I wanted to point out that the agave in itself may not actually be beneficial for diabetics.
Low GI as in low glycaemic index - the glycaemic index is a measure of how much fluctuation in blood glucose levels and insulin levels is caused by different foods, how quickly they turn into glucose in the blood if you like. For diabetics and various other health conditions low values are considered better than high.
If I haven't explained that very well or you want to read more:
Low glycaemic index (GI) foods good for blood sugar levels & health - Bupa health news
Or if you want something a little bit more techinical:
I might add that, as the last article mentions, some countries outside the USA have more fully embraced the idea of promoting a low GI diet. Here in England, my daughter was put on a low GI diet by her mainstream health providers for some health problems, so we didn't embrace it just because of our 'alternative lifestyle.'
Uber Member
Sep 19, 2010, 06:08 AM
My husband died from the side effects of diabetes - I pretty much am familiar with the topic.
I just never heard the phrase "low GI" before. His Doctors always used the words - go figure.
New Member
Sep 19, 2010, 06:15 AM
I did not state that because it was sweetened with Agave, that was the reason Nopalea was good for Diabetics.
I did show study after study, and test after test that the Opuntia species of cactus, Nopal (which is what is used in Nopalea) helps to normalize blood sugar levels.
I also mentioned the positive results my friend has using Nopalea who has been a type II Diabetic for over 35 years.
He has no spiking sugar levels when he drinks Nopalea as of yet and he uses it two times daily and has been using it for over a year now.
But the Agave article is interesting. I saw just as many, still quite confused and it seems to depend on the fructose % and how it is prepared if there is even a spike in sugar.
Seems the jury it out on that one. But interesting!
Senior Member
Sep 19, 2010, 06:19 AM
Judy, I apologise if I gave the impression I was 'trying to teach my grandmother how to suck eggs' - if you are familiar with that phrase. I am aware that you have much knowledge on medicine and diabetes I just don't know how much similarity there is in approaches in different countries, and wasn't sure if it was something you were particularly familiar with in the USA. As the last link mentiioned the idea has not been taken up as much in the USA as in other countries.
I also wanted to give information that was accessible to anyone else reading the thread, who may not have your knowledge.
My apologies if I offended you.
Senior Member
Sep 19, 2010, 06:22 AM
 Originally Posted by coriewallace
I did not state that because it was sweetened with Agave, that was the reason Nopalea was good for Diabetics.
I did show study after study, and test after test that the Opuntia species of cactus, Nopal (which is what is used in Nopalea) helps to normalize blood sugar levels.
I also mentioned the positive results my friend has using Nopalea who has been a type II Diabetic for over 35 years.
He has no spiking sugar levels when he drinks Nopalea as of yet and he uses it two times daily and has been using it for over a year now.
But the Agave article is interesting. I saw just as many, still quite confused and it seems to depend on the fructose % and how it is prepared if there is even a spike in sugar.
Seems the jury it out on that one. But interesting!
I understand what you are saying. As I subsequently said, it may well be that the other ingredients offset any potential problems with the agave, which are still being debated. I just didn't want anyone reading it to think, 'ok it's sweetened with agave not sugar, and might be good for diabetics so agave is OK too.'
New Member
Sep 19, 2010, 06:27 AM
Know what I find interesting? Everyone's body reacts differently. One person's cure is another person's poison. Perfect example is Penicillin, widely used and curative... unless your allergic to it. :)
New Member
Dec 31, 2010, 02:40 PM
I just started taking nopalea and I love it have taken it for a week and love it.I'm a diabetic on pills.And it has lowered my blood sugar quite a bit. And my energy level is great not tired all the time like usual. I also have Fibromalgia and Arthritis it is all better.I'm so excited.No side affects.and it tastes great.But I'm not a Dr. so you should ask you're Dr.Like I said I'm not a Dr but I'm very pleased with all the results in such a short time. Am ordering more right now
Good Luck
New Member
Aug 5, 2013, 10:27 PM
I have Diabetes type 2, High Blood Pressure, Asthma, Apnea and Sarcoidosis. The Doctor send me to do a lung test and found the sack bag in my lungs swollen and also the muscle of my heart. Napolea can be a good choice for me now? I start taking steroids for my Sarcoidosis but I gain too much weight. I want to try Napolea maybe help me with my conditions.
Uber Member
Aug 7, 2013, 05:51 AM
It takes more than one thing to cure anything. You need to follow a glycemic diet for diabetics.
A cup of greens and 1 Tablespoon of cinnamon daily are good. AVOID all artificial sweeteners as much as possible. Many things say no sugar added but they have artificial sweeteners instead. Glycemic Index There are alternative supplements you can take but you would need to talk to a dr that is open to that since taking supplements could be like taking an over dose with meds meant for the same thing.
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