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Psychic abilities
[ 9 Answers ]
I am just wondering if I have a bit of psychic abilities: I have dreams that come true like I had a dream that my cousin would be having a baby and 2 days later someone told me that the person I dreamed about was pregnant and this happened 3 times with 3 different people. I had a dream that my...
Other abilities that you might have that I see spirits
[ 3 Answers ]
Is it true that if you see spirits would you have other abilities like telling the future or others you may know??
Sons abilities
[ 2 Answers ]
My 4 year old son keeps doing things I find strange and saying things there is no way he could have heard from myself or anyone I know. When I ask him who told him these things he says "grandad told him" but he has no grandad... when shown a picture of my grandmothers father he told me "that is... View more questions Search