ADD/ ADHD help
I am 18 years old, born and raised in Canada. I am currently attending school in Philadelphia on an athletic scholarship for baseball.
I have always had symptoms of ADD and ADHD when I was in grade school and high school. My parents and I would often talk about why I struggle to pay attention, sit still, get work done, etc. but we never went to get me tested because 1- the test centre was fairly far away, and 2- I thought everyone basically had the same problems as me.
So here I am in my freshman year of university and I am struggling with these ADD/ ADHD symptoms. Whether it is zoning out for portions of, or full lectures, procrastinating on homework or chores, or forgetting simple tasks. I started telling my friends and teammates how I felt just in a casual conversation and they too said it sounds like I have ADD. So I went to my special education development centre on campus and he said he thinks I have severe ADD? Lol so there's no doubt in my mind that I have it (whether its "severe" or not is irrelevant haha)
My parents know of all the meetings and what not I have scheduled and attended in regards to my ADD/ ADHD and said that once I go home for christmas break we will get me tested. (It is free in Canada, and way to expensive in Philly) They are unaware of what adderoll is.
I have tried adderoll and it worked wonders for me in the classroom and just being proactive in general. I did a project on adderoll and have a lot of knowledge on the topic which means I am aware of the dangers, abuse rate, all that stuff. My baseball teams psychiatrist, and special education development professor both said I could benefit from adderoll and that it would "simply even the playing field" for me educationally.
My mother is completely against any type of drug especially if it is an amphetamine so when I go to get tested and the doctor mentions adderoll (if I truly do have ADHD/ ADD) my parents are going to research it. I know 100% that they aren't going to allow me to get a prescription simply because of my mothers negative outlook on prescription drugs.
So my question here is what else can the doctor do to help me educationally? Can I obtain and IEP and get more time on tests? (I ALWAYS end up running out of time and not answering questions that I know) Anything of that sort.
Or could I look after all of this on my own. Go to the doctors, get tested, get the prescription, everything without my parents knowing about the adderoll part? My mother comes from a family of addicts, hence why she is so strongly against drugs, prescription or not.
Also, is there something you advise me to do to influence her and educate her on the topic to change her view?
Thanks! And sorry for the long question haha