Junior Member
May 26, 2013, 06:07 AM
Acupuncture help
Can anyone give me advice on Acupuncture and if it works or worked for them? I suffer with Migraine and Anxiety which has worsened due to the peri menopause. How many sessions do you have to have and do you have to go afterwards to top up on it? I also have not asked my doctor although I have been told you do not have to? Advice is welcome . Thank you.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
May 26, 2013, 06:41 AM
Go to a reliable and highly-recommended acupuncturist and ask these questions. He will review your medical history with you and figure out (and tell you) how many sessions you will probably need. It didn't work for me for a back problem, but shiatsu (a blend of acupressure and chiropractic) did. My brother had some kind of long-term sinus problem that medical doctors just couldn't fix, but after several acupuncture treatments, he was like new and never had to go back for that particular problem.
No one here can predict the success of acupuncture on your migraines, but I strongly recommend it if you have exhausted other avenues. Helping the anxiety might end up being a side success -- or you may have to go elsewhere for that.
May 26, 2013, 06:50 AM
It works very well on many things, the cause for yours will depend on what and how it works.
It is not always solved in one visit, but can take several weeks of a couple visits a week, for some more serious issues. Next often Eastern medicine is not a fix and stop, but a on going issue of maybe once a month to keep balance. But that is up to the doctor you see
New Member
Jul 15, 2013, 04:47 AM
It works for my anxiety but only for a few days and then Im anxious again.
Jul 15, 2013, 07:07 AM
It is used to balance your energy flow in the body, so if there is some other medical issue, or something you may be doing, stress, diet or other, then you make the energy flow out again.
It is fairly painless and worth a try if you are having a lot of problems
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Jul 15, 2013, 08:24 AM
And it may have to be done more than once. I remember I had several treatments before things evened out for me.
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