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What are Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 ratings for pipe?
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Ok, pvc is temperature restricted to 140 F so no hot water, cpvc can be used in the house. What is schedule 40 and schedule 80?
Dogs Schedule
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Our black lab has to go pee at 3am every morning... we take him out before we go to bed around 11pm. We cannot continue this routine as we are not getting enough sleep. He is crated during the day while we are at work and we don't like the idea of using the crate at night. He stays in our bedroom...
Getting dog on our schedule
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He is a 7 month old black lab male. He has to go pee at least twice a night at approx 3am and again at 6am. We also let him out beofre bed at approx 10-11pm. The last couple of nights he has had to go pooP right at 6am. The other night he was really wanting out of the bedroom, he took all his toys...
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