View Full Version : Parental rights removed

Oct 26, 2013, 12:09 AM
My husband wants to adopt my daughter. Right now my daughters biological father does not vist her And has not done so for two years. He is also doing drugs and is an illegal immigrant. He will not sign the papers and now he is completely ignoring me. I do not have his contact information other than through Facebook. He will not tell me where he is or give me his phone number. How can I go about getting the rights taken away from him without a lawyer? I know I need to put an ad in the paper or something but I'm lost. Can you help?

Oct 26, 2013, 02:51 AM
You can't do this without a lawyer, and it will be a long process without the father's formal agreement, regardless of how absent he has been.

Oct 26, 2013, 05:31 AM
What "papers" are you talking about? Have you filed a petition in court already?

You can't get his rights taken from him separately. However, a court may grant the adoption despite his objections. But I doubt if they will without an attorney preparing the petition properly.

Posting an ad is just a way of showing a good faith effort to inform him of the adoption petition. But it has to be done right and you need an attorney to make sure it is done right.

Oct 26, 2013, 11:38 AM
I am astounded by the number of people who think adoption should be done without an attorney. Would you have a bone set without a doctor?

Do this right, make sure it cannot be undone later, and get an attorney. Fees for stepparent adoption are generally reasonable.