View Full Version : Meal Replacement Plans

Mar 6, 2007, 01:38 PM
I would like to jump start my weight loss program. Any meal replacement plans any one can recommend?

Mar 6, 2007, 02:32 PM
I always had good succes with Slimfast.

Mar 6, 2007, 02:46 PM
Yes, Slimfast is a good product and they have an online program, called "Zip Your Hunger". You can sign up for it, they send you some information, diet plan ideas, etc. But with any diet, make sure you get your fresh vegetables and fruit, vitamins, lots of water, (you know the drill). The frozen meals from Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice, and South Beach Diet are pretty decent. You would not have to worry about portion control.

Fruit smoothies - homemade - are an excellent meal replacement. You can find many kinds of fruit smoothie recipes online, or check out your local library for books on smoothie making.

Good luck to you!