View Full Version : Why does my daughter hate me so much?

Dec 3, 2006, 10:52 AM
I have been asking myself this question for a long time. My problems are many and I've probably made many mistakes. My husband of 20 years is verbally abusive. I am handicapped and unfortunately, I rely on his help. My two children (daughter 17, son 13) are both healthy and are doing well in school. I have tried leaving my husband but my children are so against the idea, (maybe they are embarrassed of me?), they both prefer a father around the house who every few weeks goes into a rage, than not having one at all. I am taking steps to secure my independence from him, and in the meantime, I am doing the best I can, ignoring his outbursts. My daughter, cannot stand me. I do everything for her, I drive her everywhere, I buy her way more than I can afford, I clean up after her continuously, (she does not help me with housework at all - she absolutely refuses), and she takes everything I do for granted. She often says things to my husband so that he will start fighting with me (things such as : "You know what mom said? You know what mom is planning? Do you know that mom is hiding money from you?", etc... ). Her behaviour makes no sense to me at all - she will do anything to hurt me emotionally, she calmly looks at me and tells me how much she hates me, how she has no respect for me, and how the thought of my touching her (like a caress on the cheek) makes her skin crawl. When she breaks her curfew, and my husband goes ballistic, I am the one to calm him down. When her cell phone bill comes in and has over $100 dollars in extra fees added to it, I am the one who scrapes the money behind my husband's back to pay for it - and then she tells him just so he could get mad at me. Two weeks ago, her school had an optional trip to Washington for five days (including hotel, meals, etc... ) Naturally, it was quite expensive - my husband felt it was out our means, but she kept begging me to go, and when I would tell her that we couldn't afford it, she would start on how horrible I am and how much she hates me. So I fought with my husband, and he finally gave in. While she was happy to go on the trip, it only "bought" me a couple of days of niceness from her. While she was there, she bought small gifts for everyone, including something for me. Yesterday, while mouthing off her hatred of me, (triggered by something as simple as "please pick up your clothes") she confessed that the item she had given me from Washington, was something she actually bought for herself, and she wanted it back. She took it back, and said, "You know what's sad? While I was in DC, I realized you deserve nothing from me - that there is nothing I want to give you or do for you - I just hate you so much. I cannot wait until you are out of my life completely". Here I am, basically I go out of way to convince my husband to send her on the trip, go out of my way depriving myself of things I need just so I could pay for her trip, and she tells me this? She has been in and out of counseling several times, with no success as far as our relationship. She refuses to go for joint counseling with me, and of course, her counselors do not tell me what she is saying to them. I am at my wits end - I do not know what to do anymore. My physical condition is worsening, and, I cannot understand what I have done to make her hate me so much. I would appreciate some support and advice. Thank you.

Dec 3, 2006, 09:43 PM
Wow... This is quite a story and I am sooo sorry you are having to deal with such a manipulative and selfish child. Im sorry if you take that offensively because I know that this is your child, but ma'am, you do not deserve that. Obviously giving in to her "Wants" all the time isn't helping.. Instead, maybe you should focus on her "NEEDS". Stop giving into what she wants.. I know you'll feel like she hates you, but it works.. Try taking something away from her that she adores.. Seriously, she has to ADORE this thing or place... Be harsh with her.. You need to lay it on the line that you are HER mother and while she is living under YOUR roof, she needs to respect you and stop taking advantage of you. I really hope you have realized that your daughter has taken complete advantage of you, and she will sweet talk her way into and out of everything. Don't GIVE IN. I think its wonderful that you love your daughter enough to want to make her happy. And you know what? I don't even think your daughter HATES YOU.. That's RIGHT... I think what's going on here is teenage hormones and her way of acting rebellious to get what she wants and in order for her to do that she feels like she needs to rebel... It needs to stop, one way or another.. You are obviously a great mother and you are trying your best.. But don't try to hard because she is just going to screw you over.. Be strong, toughen up, build some courage girlfriend and don't give up. You can do it, I know you can..

Good luck with everything


Dec 4, 2006, 06:09 AM
Thank you for your advice, I've attempted many times in the past to withhold privileges, but I end up giving in after a few days (I know this is wrong) because it's very difficult to continue. She yells and says horrible things and makes our home life intolerable. Sadly, I know the situation is such that she has taken total advantage of me, manipulates me, and is unbelievably mean to me. Of course, with everyone else, she is a darling. Her teachers love her, she has lots of friends, a boyfriend, etc... So, obviously she KNOWS how to behave, she just chooses not to with me. Is there anyone out there who in the past treated their mother this way, and now realize just how lucky they were to have a caring mother? Is there any mother out there who went through a similar experience, and things turned out fine?

Dec 4, 2006, 07:18 AM
I feel so bad for you. Stop being so nice to her - the nicer you are, the more she will continue this awful cycle. She won't change until you do. Sadly, being nice to her won't make her realize anything, you have to do the opposite, no matter how hard it is. Stick with it, as long as it takes.

Dec 4, 2006, 07:45 AM
I think you need to take control of the situation. You are her mother and SHE is required to listen to you! The more you allow these outbursts to continue, the worse they are going to get! I do have to say thought, you are a very generous, caring and loving mother to act that way towards your daughter despite the hatefullness from her.
Good Luck!
<3 Sara

Dec 4, 2006, 11:12 AM
Your daughter is a spoiled brat. You are generous to a fault. She doesn't respect you because you don't have enough self-respect to insist that she (and your husband) stop treating you like a doormat. It's really hard to change long established habits of thought and patterns of behavior, but they won't change until you do. Consider counselling for yourself to learn how to assert yourself in a healthy way. It may be that the best you can do for everybody is to remove yourself from the situation. Without you to kick around they might have to learn to deal with each other. I hope this doesn't come across as unkind or uncaring, but your family is dysfunctional and you have to start with yourself to improve the situation. It will be a long and difficult process, and I wish you well.

Dec 5, 2006, 05:36 AM
The posts all seem to agree on one thing - she is spoiled and manipulative. And that observation is 100% correct. My husband says the same thing all the time. And I know it too. But, I have a very difficult time getting her to listen to anything. I would like to share with you an example of how inconsiderate she is - this just happened again yesterday: I have been hearing impaired since I was a child, and my hearing is about 10%. I can hear a little bit, I rely on lip-reading, and I get by okay. Because I rely very much on visual cues, people have to take a few extra steps with me, just to let me know that they are there. She refuses, she just comes in the house, without saying hello, walks up to the bathroom, family room, whatever... So here I am in the kitchen, thinking I'm home alone, hearing the vibrations of the footsteps, and of course, I get scared thinking there is an intruder in the house. She does this all the time. Yesterday, I was really frightened because she came in running, and so the footsteps were heavy and fast - two minutes later, she came out of her room like nothing happened. She was let out of school early, and used her key to let herself in. I did not see her come in. I told her how scared I was, and how important it is for her to acknowledge me when she lets herself in the house. She smirked and replied "It's not my fault you can't hear - too bad"... She does this a lot. No one should do this to a hearing impaired person, let alone their mother. Yet, with others, she is so unbelievably considerate.
OrdinaryGuy, you really made me think. I do need counselling. I do need to be able to stand up on my feet. Believe me, I wish I could get away from my husband and daughter for a while, but that would mean leaving my son too, and he's an angel. I can't leave him. I'll get myself back into counseling, and I'll take it from there. Sorry if my posts are long, I have a lot to say.

Dec 5, 2006, 09:06 AM
"I have tried leaving my husband but my children are so against the idea, (maybe they are embarrassed of me?), they both prefer a father around the house who every few weeks goes into a rage, than not having one at all. I am taking steps to secure my independence from him, and in the meantime, I am doing the best I can, ignoring his outbursts."

1) Your daughters may appear to be against this because they don't understand the full extent of the abuse. Also I think your plans to leave their father may be more than they can get their young heads around. They might just be angry and confused because they don't really understand what is going on. I feel you have to ignore their protestation for now and do whatever it takes to get yourself to a safe and happy place, if that means leaving him then do it. The girls will have to sort out their own feelings on this. You can't tell them what to think or how to feel.

2) If I go shopping and one check out person is a bit sharp with me, I assume she is having a bad day. But if I come up against it in another shop and maybe another, I have to start asking myself what am I doing that is bringing that out in them. We can be doing things that we are very unaware of until other people's behaviour towards us brings our attention to it. I went outside, had a coffee and decided to put a smile on my face and start over. It works!

Now I'm not saying any of this is your fault, please don't think that. I'm simply trying to bring your attention to the fact that you are the only one who can change your situation. If you don't love your husband anymore and want to get out of that relationship, do it. And while you are at it, stop doing thing for your daughters, they are old enough to do for themselves.

Look at it this way, if you keep doing for them they will never learn to stand on their own two feet and take care of themselves. If you stop doing so much for them, you will be doing them a favour. Okay so they get mad and storm out, let them. And if they yell at you, tell them calmly that you can't make out what they are saying and ask them to come back and talk to you when they have calmed down. You could do the same with your husband. You stand for this treatment and that is why you get it. It is time to refuse point blank to put up with that kind of treatment.

I sincerely hope I haven't offended you. Please come back and chat and let us know how things are going.

Dec 5, 2006, 09:27 AM
Dear Bluerose, thank you for your reply - perhaps I wasn't clear in my post - I am taking steps to secure my independence from my husband, but my children are not aware of this. I try to shield them as much as possible from things that they do not understand. My daughter has always been this way with me, ever since she was about nine or ten. We've tried counseling before, and she changes for a little while - I kept hoping that as she would mature, she would stop, but if anything, she has become worse. I know I am the only one who can change my situation, but it is so difficult. I will keep in touch...

Dec 5, 2006, 09:54 AM
OMG... if I would have talked to my parents the way that your daughter talks to you... I would've been "back handed"!

I have no idea as to tell you "why" your daughter is treating you this way. I just wanted to give you support. I am very happy that you are securing your future independence!

I think your husband has failed at his parenting by not getting down on her and being more strict with her. The first time she "mouthed off" he should have put her in her place and let her know that she is under your roof. It is just known that the father is the stronger disciplinarian. I know my dad was and when he said to "jump"... I asked how high!

Good Luck!

Dec 5, 2006, 01:53 PM

I'm glad you are taking steps to get out. And think you are right about keeping your plans to yourself for now. I'm sorry if I misunderstood.

"My daughter has always been this way with me, ever since she was about nine or ten. We've tried counselling before, and she changes for a little while - I kept hoping that as she would mature, she would stop, but if anything, she has become worse."

Maybe it is something more serious and I don't think a counsellor could pick it up but a therapist might.

I hope you do manage to change your situation, everyone deserves some peace and happiness. Good luck.

Dec 10, 2006, 10:52 AM
I'm 20 and used to be the same to my mum not because I did hate her I just said it your daughter mite be suffering from depression like I was and maybe if you could get her to see a dr they may be able to help. If you don't want to be with your husband then don't because that will cause more tension in the house. When your daughter asks for a lift or money say no if you do not respect me then I will not do things for you that's what my mum did to me and it works. My mum and dad divorced and I didn't want it to happen but now I know it was for the best. Good luck

Dec 11, 2006, 07:01 PM
When Children say they hate you that means that they love you. I used to say that to my mother and when I said that it would either be used as I love you and that its not fair or as I love you and I am really dissoponted at you because I really wanted to *blank blank* (what ever she wants.needs. Etc)

Dec 11, 2006, 07:09 PM
As horrible as it sounds it also sounds kind of normal- like a normal mom-daughter relationship at that age... Yes, you need to make some changes and do some things differently, but also realize that you don't need to take it personally, that things will change and evolve and that this is a normal part of growing up. Much of what you've done has created a breeding ground for her behaviour and allowed it to perpetuate and develop into a normal course of reacting, but it will change and get better. Be someone she respects, do not buy affection or give her things she does not deserve- in the end you do her a disservice for the rest of the world will not do so- but since you have started the pattern its going to be hard to break, you should seek help for yourself on how to deal with it all... take care of yourself, love yourself, others will love you too...
And good luck!

Dec 24, 2006, 04:37 AM
This may not sound like much consolation, but the best thing you can do in your situation is take care of yourself. By doing this, you will be a good role model for your daughter. I’m sure she will have to struggle with her kids in the future, and she’ll need to know a parent does not let a child manipulate them. I know this is easier said than done, believe me. I am in a situation similar to yours. My daughter was only 12 when my ex convinced her to live with him after our divorce. She is 20 now, and she has only visited me a handful of times since the split because she hates me so much. Of course, my ex encourages that behavior. Her stepmother has constantly bought her expensive items throughout the years, and I think, thank God I am not the one being manipulated here. Having a child hate you is very painful, but it would be more painful if I did not know in my heart that I am setting a good example. Try to think of your situation in these terms: If you are walking the walk and you step in a pile of someone’s do-do, just shake it off your shoes and keep on walking. We need fewer drama queens and more role models, so stay strong!

Dec 24, 2006, 05:10 AM
Wow Tat, I think your in a vicious cycle. Your husband sounds verbally abusive. And your child is practicing this same sort of verbal abuse. Children learn what they live. If I were you, I would continue to get counseling and support myself. I wouldn't allow either of them to continue to verbally abuse me. Therefore, I would stop being so nice and going out of my way to try to enable them to hurt me any further. How? By making future plans for yourself. By making a statement to both of them that their abuse will no longer be tolerated. That you have plans to move out of the situation, if necessary. You have a choice. You don't have to continue to be anyone's dart board. I believe you have to make some difficult choices in order to gain respect and understanding in your family. But more importantly, you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else.

Dec 28, 2006, 11:58 AM
I hope I am not late to respond. I agree with others who say you need to begin to respect yourself first. But I imagine that this may be not clear how.
My vision of the situation is: your daughter instinctively doesn't agree with the injustice, which you allowed in your family (abusing you, wife and mother). If a person lets others abuse him or her , lets others to encroach upon his/her dignity (in your situation it is you) this person violate the justice. Your daughter unskillfully fights with your helplessness, with your internal agreement to be abused, as you believe inside yourself that you deserve it. (I may use tough words, but this is for the sake of clear understanding.) So she hates not you, mother, she hates your weakness and defenseless even before her! Children test parents for having dignity, yes, believe it or not. So I would recommend to begin respecting yourself. The first step you are doing already: thinking about this (and preparing your financial independence). Then begin affirmations: I am worthy (100 times a day.) Try everything to increase your own self-esteem. Self-help books will help. What is important - maybe begin some kind of business, which will help you to revive your social value. Get friends, get respect from others. Work for yourself, stop working for your family members, which act disrespectfully. Well, a lot you can do, if you change your own mind first.
One more thing. Think what does your daughter feel? Do you think she is happy to be mean to her mother? I doubt. I think she is badly depressed about that and behaves corresponddingly, trying to hurt you, because inside herself she is lost. You can help her, not by speaking, but by treating yourself well, and treating others fairly. If your girl deserved your anger, show it to her, but don't speak too much. Speak only when you ready to tell the right things. If previously your speaking did work, it means you didn't know what to tell her right.
I feel very compassionate for your situation. I wish you good luck and strength!

Dec 29, 2006, 03:06 AM
Is there anywhere she absolutely hates to go? Like, insane grandmother's, aunt's, counsin's house etc.. That will take her for a while? For example, you can ask her to simply pick up her clothes or wash dishes etc.. And tell her that you will send her to X's house for spring break if she does not comply, says disrespectful things, ex. Is a to you at all over the next week. And if she does, you can send her over there, and you won't have to listen to her insults etc. because she will not be with you.

And for those times when she is home, and you deny her of something, you can call a friend or family member to talk to when that moment of door slamming takes place.

Dec 29, 2006, 03:48 AM
Wow I'm really sorry that your daughter is that manipulative. Well ill share something I know. My family and I are lower class. But my mom's friend (and child Vienna my age "14") needed a place to stay. My mom is very kind hearted and very generous and she just could not sleep one night with out thinking of them. Now they have lived with us 5 times at like 1 - 4 month periods. Anyway back to my story. Ive known Vienna since grade 6 (were in 9 now) and that's the reason my mom knows her mother etc... etc... Vienna didn't grow up with a father around th e house and was very attached to her mother. When I met her she was not a bad person at all she was very bright had a university reading level and she was the top of my class. She was so scared about anything happening to her mom that I remember one time we were walking home from school and she couldent get a hold of her mother. She started to cry and ran home to find out that her mom was outside. Well now, in the nicest way. Vienna is a manipulative little who has gotten so good at it. She can get away with murder. Ive watched her go through these phases from suicidal (cutting, calling help line, saying her mom was beating her etc... ) to what she has now become. A stoner who got kicked out of school and gets stoned drinks etc like more than 3 times a week. She's home schooled but she doe sent get any of her work done. Instead she does those things listed above. And her mother has to work 2 jobs so they can live in a motel. Its hell, I fell quite sorry for both of them. See, I'm very attached to Vienna. Considering I've known her for quite a while I feel like she's the sister I never had (well I do have one but she has Cerbial Palsy and so she cannot really control her movements all to well). Anyway as mentioned above Vienna is very good at manipulating to most of the population. Accept for me. I know when she's ting me and what not. And she's good at it to. But she's very mean to her mother now a days, and very mean to my mom and my step-father (when she lived with us). But she just takes off whenever she feels like it, goes out gets stoned comes home tells her mom her mom es at her for a couple of minutes, says she's grounded and then Vienna storms into her room and when she comes out she's like "im running away,I'm going out, im gonna get stoned etc" This is a vicious cycle, Vienna has her mom so scared that her mom barley has any restrictions on her. And that's because Vienna's mother is SCARED of her. What I'm saying is stand up for yourself and threaten her and instead of being kind just be a complete and tell her who's boss and get your husband to help. Because from what I saw and now from what I recently read your scared less of your daughter. And I'm sorry to say but you have to take action NOW before she actually gets out into the world and screws her life up. And video tape her or audio tape her or something and show it to everyone, show everyone who selfish she is and how she plays everyone. Then she will have to change. And could you go into more detail about how she acts please. I probably offended many people in the segment but I said it a light hearted as I could and I'm really sorry for offending you Tatiana17 epically. One last thing though, You daughter just in the long run is either embarrassed of you divisibility (sorry my sister is disabled to I know what its like yet I'm not embarrassed) Or, she wants attention and I mean like for you to enforce the rules I know it sounds "far fetched" but I'm pretty sure that's what Vienna wants is that her mother to force rules etc and to show her she really loves her. That is all and *Sigh* thanks for listening :) And for the Record, I love my TWIN sister very much and look beyond her disibillity.

Dec 31, 2006, 05:57 AM
Thank you for sharing somewhat! Your opinion is respected! It helps to get other's view's on things! Helps the asker to gather their own answers to their questions. As well as helping the lurkers to evaluate their own feelings on a particular subject! Happy New Year's! And you are NOT lower class! Not in my book! You're a caring and compassionate soul! Which makes you TOP notch! First Class! :)!

Jan 28, 2007, 02:11 AM
I have been asking myself this question for a long time. My problems are many and I've probably made many mistakes. My husband of 20 years is verbally abusive. I am handicapped and unfortunately, I rely on his help. My two children (daughter 17, son 13) are both healthy and are doing well in school. I have tried leaving my husband but my children are so against the idea, (maybe they are embarrassed of me?), they both prefer a father around the house who every few weeks goes into a rage, than not having one at all. I am taking steps to secure my independence from him, and in the meantime, I am doing the best I can, ignoring his outbursts. My daughter, cannot stand me. I do everything for her, I drive her everywhere, I buy her way more than I can afford, I clean up after her continuously, (she does not help me with housework at all - she absolutely refuses), and she takes everything I do for granted. She often says things to my husband so that he will start fighting with me (things such as : "You know what mom said? You know what mom is planning? Do you know that mom is hiding money from you?", etc...). Her behaviour makes no sense to me at all - she will do anything to hurt me emotionally, she calmly looks at me and tells me how much she hates me, how she has no respect for me, and how the thought of my touching her (like a caress on the cheek) makes her skin crawl. When she breaks her curfew, and my husband goes ballistic, I am the one to calm him down. When her cell phone bill comes in and has over $100 dollars in extra fees added to it, I am the one who scrapes the money behind my husband's back to pay for it - and then she tells him just so he could get mad at me. Two weeks ago, her school had an optional trip to Washington for five days (including hotel, meals, etc...) Naturally, it was quite expensive - my husband felt it was out our means, but she kept begging me to go, and when I would tell her that we couldn't afford it, she would start off on how horrible I am and how much she hates me. So I fought with my husband, and he finally gave in. While she was happy to go on the trip, it only "bought" me a couple of days of niceness from her. While she was there, she bought small gifts for everyone, including something for me. Yesterday, while mouthing off her hatred of me, (triggered by something as simple as "please pick up your clothes") she confessed that the item she had given me from Washington, was something she actually bought for herself, and she wanted it back. She took it back, and said, "You know what's sad? While I was in DC, I realized you deserve nothing from me - that there is nothing I want to give you or do for you - I just hate you so much. I cannot wait until you are out of my life completely". Here I am, basically I go out of way to convince my husband to send her on the trip, go out of my way depriving myself of things I need just so I could pay for her trip, and she tells me this? She has been in and out of counseling several times, with no success as far as our relationship. She refuses to go for joint counseling with me, and ofcourse, her counselors do not tell me what she is saying to them. I am at my wits end - I do not know what to do anymore. My physical condition is worsening, and, I cannot understand what I have done to make her hate me so much. I would appreciate some support and advice. Thank you.
it seems to me that your daughter sees how your husband treats you and since you just take it from him, she thinks that it is ok to treat you like that. if i were to treat my mother that way i would have been slapped! you just need to disclipine her..take away her cell phone until she can respect you. whenever i go over on my minutes, my parents make me pay the bill. you could maybe try doing that. i'm sure your daughter really doesn't hate you though. girls dont just hate their mothers for no apperant reason. especially after all the things you do for her. she must be going through some sort of problem in her social life or something like that. so my advice to you is to just lay down the rules and let her know that you are the mother and she is the daughter, NOT VICE VERSA. i really hope this can help you. your story just tore me up inside. and my sister is kind of the same way. it is not so extreme as your case, but she thinks she is the boss. also, maybe you could spend some quality time with your daughter. just you and her. do something that she is interested and that you can tolerate. i recommend painting pottery. whenever me and my mom fight, we set time aside to do that and it really calms things down and helps us work out whatever problem we were having with each other. good luck, and again i really hope i can help you.

Jan 28, 2007, 12:34 PM
You need to sit your daughter down and tell her you are tired of her crap. I know you are trying to be nice to her by giving her what she wants, but since you are being nice to her, and she is acting like a little bratty female dog, you need totake some serious control.If I were in your situation, I would not try to take care of this in a calmly matter.It is to late for that.What my mother did when I was little(like 3 or 2)she got tired of my unruly behavior(throwing fits in public, yellimng at her)she tried to be nice, but she eventually figured out that I was not going to give in.Actually, ny mothers tactics were somewhat different than the usual help .She would throw a even bigger fit than I did, and she told me that once I saw her do that, my eyes were wide and it looked like I was fixing to cry, she told me to suck it up or she would do something, like take away christmas(I would believe her) or the one thing I feared most, move away and never see any one ever again ,like my grandparents or my friends.After that I straightened up.She continued to use this strategy until I was 13.It worked.Every time I see something in the store that I like but I know it is too expensive for our budget, I don't say anything or whine about it because I know that if I whined about it, my parents love me so mch that they would probably break the bank to get it for rmy happiness.So my advice is to tell her you are tired of her crap, then see her reaction.If she justs continues this act, you nedd to tell her the truth.She is 17, not three.You tell her that the only thing from now on that you are covering the expenses for is food and electricity.Take away her cell phone, any other communication,and then(this is what really made me straighten up)You need to tell her that she needs to get off her a** get a job, show some respect(and while doing this,remember you are yelling at her)take away her door,and the only privacyis in the bathroom. I can't believe she said that thing about the present wasn't for you, when she had already gave it to you.WHat you should do is while she is at school, go into her room and take all entertainment,purses,shoes,fashion everything that she might like or love and put it into storage(like at a building)including her door.WHen she finds it is all gone, tell her first that it was really hurtful of her to be an indian giver and that is no t how your daughter is going to be like.THen, say when she asks about her stuff, that you decided that all that stuff you have bought for her, it was really for you.She will either start yelling or shutup a minute.If she continues yelling, continue to yell at her, showing her that you aren't backing down without a fight, because you said that you have been nothing buit nice to her, and that she doesn't hate you, every time she says that she hates you break or rip up something of hers.Dont replace it either, don't say your sorry, anything.If she becomes quiet, ask her how it feels to be told that. The only things you are allowed to put up in her room is a bible and a picture of her family,or a picture of you and her.So basically the routine goes like this ,yell,yell,yell.Show her that you are the boss.I am serious.Tell her you love her, and that's because you are her daughter,you would die for her.Then say, this girl in front of me is not my daighter.This her is a little bratty 3 year old.And three year olds don't have cell phones,or cars or toys.Then say sternly, you are going to stay in here, for 10 minutes.You don't leave.I will be back to talk to you.I love you.Leave for 10 minutes.Then come back and tell her about that 78% of girls who get hooked on drugs,become protitutes and murderers don't have good relationships with there mothers.It is true.Tell her that once pubertyh its, d and ms are either friends or enemys.You wan to be friends, but you are going to be a mother first.Ask her what she wants to do with her life.When she tells you, tell her that if she had a daughter who yelled at her and all that crap, what would she do? If she comes out with a remark,you desperatly need to get in touch with a counselor pronto.Don't let your husband try to stop you.You are going to need his help with this because if it is only you yelling at her, she will just go cry to daddy.If he refuses to help , you need to leave him fast.Don't let him be the reason that your daughter becomes a litle female dog.Get help GEt help.I am not a professioanl,but for your daughter sake, get help get help .

RazorBlade Kiss
Jan 30, 2007, 02:45 PM
Holy.. I've done some nasty things to my mum.. but woah.. okay send her to a group home or something.. you know? Kick her out. You don't deseve this no mom does. Hearing this makes me feel bad for what I did to my mum. Thank you for making me relize this while I'm only 13! But I think you should leave your husband for sure let the kids stay with him! You go find yourself a better guy that treats you good. I hope I helped good luck!

Jan 31, 2007, 07:15 PM
I have been asking myself this question for a long time. My problems are many and I've probably made many mistakes. My husband of 20 years is verbally abusive. I am handicapped and unfortunately, I rely on his help. My two children (daughter 17, son 13) are both healthy and are doing well in school. I have tried leaving my husband but my children are so against the idea, (maybe they are embarrassed of me?), they both prefer a father around the house who every few weeks goes into a rage, than not having one at all. I am taking steps to secure my independence from him, and in the meantime, I am doing the best I can, ignoring his outbursts. My daughter, cannot stand me. I do everything for her, I drive her everywhere, I buy her way more than I can afford, I clean up after her continuously, (she does not help me with housework at all - she absolutely refuses), and she takes everything I do for granted. She often says things to my husband so that he will start fighting with me (things such as : "You know what mom said? You know what mom is planning? Do you know that mom is hiding money from you?", etc...). Her behaviour makes no sense to me at all - she will do anything to hurt me emotionally, she calmly looks at me and tells me how much she hates me, how she has no respect for me, and how the thought of my touching her (like a caress on the cheek) makes her skin crawl. When she breaks her curfew, and my husband goes ballistic, I am the one to calm him down. When her cell phone bill comes in and has over $100 dollars in extra fees added to it, I am the one who scrapes the money behind my husband's back to pay for it - and then she tells him just so he could get mad at me. Two weeks ago, her school had an optional trip to Washington for five days (including hotel, meals, etc...) Naturally, it was quite expensive - my husband felt it was out our means, but she kept begging me to go, and when I would tell her that we couldn't afford it, she would start off on how horrible I am and how much she hates me. So I fought with my husband, and he finally gave in. While she was happy to go on the trip, it only "bought" me a couple of days of niceness from her. While she was there, she bought small gifts for everyone, including something for me. Yesterday, while mouthing off her hatred of me, (triggered by something as simple as "please pick up your clothes") she confessed that the item she had given me from Washington, was something she actually bought for herself, and she wanted it back. She took it back, and said, "You know what's sad? While I was in DC, I realized you deserve nothing from me - that there is nothing I want to give you or do for you - I just hate you so much. I cannot wait until you are out of my life completely". Here I am, basically I go out of way to convince my husband to send her on the trip, go out of my way depriving myself of things I need just so I could pay for her trip, and she tells me this? She has been in and out of counseling several times, with no success as far as our relationship. She refuses to go for joint counseling with me, and ofcourse, her counselors do not tell me what she is saying to them. I am at my wits end - I do not know what to do anymore. My physical condition is worsening, and, I cannot understand what I have done to make her hate me so much. I would appreciate some support and advice. Thank you.
I'm sorry to hear that. I used to say most of the things your daughter says to you to my own mother as a quick hurt. I'm now 20 and regret saying these things as I've matured and realised how much she does for me. I love her so much. I don't think your daughter realises what the word 'hate' actually means and how she can't just go spouting it out whenever she pleases as it is very hurtful. And as for your husband! I reckon leave him and go into care, even check into a mental instituation for a while if you need a break. How about writing your daughter a letter about how hurt you are and maybe the message will get through. One day she will realise that she only gets one Mom and how precious you are. Then she will regret her treatment towards you no end.

Jun 16, 2007, 12:56 AM
=i hate my mum so much at times its not ******* funny. I wish someone else was my mum. I am a 14 year old and I yell my hatred at my mum . Kids like me and your daughter have a reason to act the way we do. Its not necessarily about how much we hate our mums. Maybe she doesn't have a way to express her anger so she takes it out on you. Remember she doesn't just scream at you because she hates you. She just has a big problem with how to get people to understand her. Some people say I'm a perfect angel but when I'm at home I need a way to release my anger so I take it out on everyone at home, especially my mum. There's nothing wrong with your parenting skills or anything its just the way your daughter choses to behave. Most likely after she's been naughty shell go somewhere and REALLY regret what she's done. Some people can't control their behaviour around certain people. She certainly loves you WAY more than you may think.
GOOD LUCK *---*:)

Oct 20, 2007, 06:40 PM
Leave your husband. She doesn't think you have the guts to do it. He is teaching her how to treat you.

Jun 26, 2008, 04:32 PM
This is a little late to be answering this question.

But I have the same situation except with an older daughter. While I know the people who answered you mean well, I get the same answers. None of them work. You have to be in the situation to understand it.

If you choose to be firm and stand by rules, she will hate you more. I do not know what the answer is, of course, because I am still having the same problem. I probably do more of what you do except on a larger scale. Buying her everything which I cannot afford because I think it will make her happy and I guess secretly thinking she will like me for it. But like you said that only lasts a second, and then it is back to normal. She even said to me lately, I need a mother who listens to me, not buy me things. So I stopped buying her things for a little while. Nothing changed.

I know what you are going through, believe me. I keep on looking to see what I have done, and I can't come up with anything, except that I do too much. Maybe she resents me for it. She just got married the other day, and she did not speak to me the entire day. She left the wedding and never said goodbye to her father or me. Earlier in the day, she told me she would only get married if I didn't come. And then she told me she would have nothing to do with me after the wedding. And I think she is actually doing that right now. I haven't heard anything from her. A simple thank you would have meant the world to me - The wedding cost a fortune which we did not have. I could go on and on but I know you get the picture.

If you ever get the answer please let me know.

Jun 27, 2008, 10:27 PM
I really do wish you good luck..

You seem like a wonderful woman. I tell you, my mum wouldn't put up with that.
I didn't read your whole question but I read the answers and what your daughter does is ridiculous.

1. your daughter doesn't hate you, but I don't believe she appreciates you either- nor clearly, respects you. I don't agree with one of the answers- for her to change, you must change your behaviours.

Perhaps act less bothered by her attitudes.. she wants you to care. Do you think you are strong as a person? Perhaps that is what the underlying problem is. Children are smart- don't cry or act concerned... and she will realize her behavious doesn't much affect you anymore.

2. Don't let her get away with ANYTHING.
Don't let her act like a spoilt brat. Don't give in to her selfish and manipulating behaviour.

I think kids sometimes think that their parents shouldn't have a life, and should tend to theirs.

You have a life, and you need to have yours too..

Good luck,

Keep in touch and don't let yourself give up.
I don't know how old she is but I hope its not too late to help her. Don't let her run out of control like my mums friends daughter has.

You need to do this, for yourself, and the love you have for your daughter.

Jul 12, 2008, 04:10 AM
Don't be nasty to her, just because she's nasty to you.
Don't give her everything because she demands it.
These things will p*ss her off even more,
I advise you, not to clean up after her, if she doesn't want to do any house work, then she can live in a pig-sty.
Why should you pay for things she wants, if you didn't apparently "deserve" even a gift.
An eye for an eye, right?
Remember, she depends on you, Whether she likes it or not!
To recover some peace between you two, I think you need to sit her down and have a very Calm Calm calm CALM talk with her, when she gets aggregated at the thought of this serious conversation or at what you say (she most probably will) be calm and don't let her get away with not having a good talk to you, Everything about how you feel and I think it would only be fair to ask her to tell you too, but having so much pride for oneself she might not tell you, believe it or not, its because she Cant. Get her to write to you, in a letter.

Also, you probably don't know what else is going on in her life, socially even though you might think you do.

Kids these days are 10000000000000x more prepared with fierce language and actions than parents; sometimes even I walk away thinking; "sh*t, i think ive gone too far!"

If she calls you something, a name, or has a Tantrum, don't even bother talking to her, because remember, she depends on you;
if worst comes to worst, she might threaten to move out, don't believe her.
she's 17 and in school... she's smarter than that and knows life would be so much harder.
if she does, she'll probably try to move in with a friend or boyfriend and that will be temporary.

I recently told my mother I hated her, but I did this because I was emotionally hurting on the inside, it wasn't even her fault! But I screamed it directly at her, repeatedly.
She didn't speak to me or look at me for about a week.
(She paid attention to my sister instead of me.)
I got so sick of it, I know I depend on her, so I made it up to her, cleaned the house sssssoooooooo much and without asking. I behaved.
She does favors for me when I ask but when I don't for her, the next favor I ask for, I don't get.
Give and take.

Sometimes she probably just feels like being a , she's in a crap mood or something else is bothering her.

Don't let her control you.
I think, your husband needs to be reminded of why you're married.
See the good in each other. Keep positive, or see a councilor.

Goodluck hope I helped!

Jul 14, 2008, 08:46 PM
I think you should stop being so nice to her if she does not appreciate what she has. Maybe you should consider looking for an apartment 2 get away from your husband. Then go and visit your children a month later and they will realize tat they can't live with u.

Jan 23, 2009, 12:37 PM

We raised a lovely family. Our daughter became very difficult and manipulative at age 16. She was a very bright and intellegent girl, right from the start. However from the age of 16 she started to be really difficult disturbing the peace in the house. She eventually qualified as a doctor and had a lovely family herself whom we absolutely adore. However, one day her my husband tried to tell her of a concern he had with her daughter inappropriately grabbing him on a couple of occasions on a visit to them and the child's attitude was to my husband was"but Grandad we know each other" That started such a battle with my daughter and her husband that they have stopped the children communicating with us or sending any kind of christmas cards etc. Now my daughter writes to her brothers that her daughter has never been sexually abused or touched inappropriately etc. in other words, sheer lies, as all my husband did was to report to her the little girl's attitude towards inappropriate touching. Instead of having it looked into, they tackled all 4 of their kids telling them how mean we are to accuse their poor little daughter of 9 of such awful things, which is so absurd. Her husband has joined in, as he has done his best from the very start to cut us out of their lives. They live in Australia and for years we visited them sometimes twice a year in order to get to know our little grandchildren. One of them emailed in secret and has been stopped since. We were comfortably off growing up so we were able to give them all the best education and show them the world and loved them to pieces. Life got difficult with us when one of our sons had a tragic accident, leading to quadruplegia and further illnesses with another son but we plodded through and have devoted our lives to all of them. My daughter, a doctor herself and her husband, seems to thrive on hurting us and spreading lies about us. They all went on a world tour over Christmas and didn't bother to visit her disabled brother or even call any of them. Can anyone relate with this - I have tried everything, writing, calling, counselling but nothing seems to work. They are our only grandchildren and I know they love us very much, but they being in Australia and we in the US makes it very hard. I know we are good people and help others when needed, so I have a very clear conscience. I do break down in private so no one sees my sadness, except my husband but men seem to be able to cope better than us females. If anyone out there has a similar problem I would love to hear from them.


Jan 26, 2009, 09:09 AM
Your daughter has no respect for you. She knows that if she trows her little tantroms then she'll get what she wants. I think, in her eyes, she sees you as a big push over. Have you tried grounding her?if you ground her from the things that she loves to do,(say going to the mall) ground her from that. I hope that this will help a little bit.
Sorry for the spelling mistakes.

Jan 26, 2009, 01:42 PM
Did you think about that she started when she was about 9 and 10 means that she wish to have a healthy mom, don't get me wrong I understood your pain but now see her pain. Not easy for her and she is a teenager. I guess is not helping that you let her manipulate you behind your husband back either. In the first place how long is you husband abusive with you? Maybe it is because he knows that you are not honest, no trust, you do things behind his back if the trust is lost the respect is lost to. If you could work together be honest each other and your daughter should know that if he says no is no if you says no is now and she can't do anything against you two and if she hurts you she hurts your husband to. If you to would work together than she would be different. But she is a very smart teen and she use both of you... So no matter if you leave your husband or not you should learn to work together, because trust me (I know from first hand) if you will live a separate life from your husband your daughter will have more space for manipulation. Firs step no matter what, work with your husband together and be strong. No liar or week person can get a respect from others. You can support your daughter better if you tell her that you love you’re her mom, and don't play the weak person because she will step on you she is a teen! Good Luck you need it.

o NitSuA o
Jan 26, 2009, 03:37 PM
Have you considered some kind of boarding school for her? You can use the possibility of sending her away from all her friends as leverage to get her what you want her to do. She may have no respect for you but what she doesn't realize is that you hold the cards in the situation, and this can give you a distinct advantage. If she calls your bluff I would suggest a loan maybe and send her away. She sounds like she needs some discipline big time!

Feb 11, 2009, 08:38 AM
Hi Tatiana17;
Wow, I really feel your pain and situation. My 18 year-old daughter is doing the same type of thing with me. I can't figure this out. It makes me feel better to know at least tha I'm not the only good , caring mom out there who has a daughter with this problem.

I'm at work now, so I can't type long, or I'd post what's been happening in my house, as you did. But I can tell you that it all sounds about identical to my situation. Sheesh!
It's hard, isn't it?

And it doesn't help matters when the father seems to turn a deaf ear to it all, as if the
Daughter is "just a child", and we should bruch the bad behavior off as you would with a tot. My goodness.

I'll try and write more later.

Feb 11, 2009, 08:43 AM
Ooh! I just read over my answer, and , lawd allmighty, the typo's!

Really, I am not illiterate! :)

That's what happens when you're typing at work, and someone walks in before
You get a chance to proof read! LOL

Sorry for all the misspellings. I'll try back later.

Mar 11, 2009, 04:16 PM
Thank you for your advice, I've attempted many times in the past to withhold privileges, but I end up giving in after a few days (I know this is wrong) because it's very difficult to continue. She yells and says horrible things and makes our home life intolerable. Sadly, I know the situation is such that she has taken total advantage of me, manipulates me, and is unbelievably mean to me. Ofcourse, with everyone else, she is a darling. Her teachers love her, she has lots of friends, a boyfriend, etc...So, obviously she KNOWS how to behave, she just chooses not to with me. Is there anyone out there who in the past treated their mother this way, and now realize just how lucky they were to have a caring mother? Is there any mother out there who went through a similar experience, and things turned out fine?

I just read your letter. It is 2009. I'm curious how did you resolve this problem with your daughter. It is 3 years later.

Mar 14, 2009, 11:30 AM
I hate to say it but I used to be like your daughter, I mean I didn't get everything I wanted but just the simplest things set me off because it felt like my mom was trying to rule my life at the time. I would say stuff to her to make her mad and mean hurtful things too. But when I was alone in my room I was just cry into my pillow because I knew I loved her and never wanted anything to happen to her. Now I am 19 years old and I have a four month old daughter, I have total respect for my parents now that I am a parent myself. Your daughter loves you she is just acting out this way towards you for some kind of attention that she is not getting somewhere else. Good Luck things will change.

Mar 15, 2009, 07:42 AM
Im going threw the samething with my parents and I'm a teenager. You daughter needs to realize that what you did for her was the right thing to do. Just sit down and talk to her

Mar 16, 2009, 10:50 AM
From a teenager's perspective, who went through the same thing:

I don't know why, but I actually act this way with my mother a lot. Like you said, maybe it's teenage hormones. Or maybe it's just the fact that she knows that no matter what she does, you're still going to love her.

I'm currently 16 years old, almost 17, and my parents got divorced a couple of years ago. I've always partly blamed myself for it because I treated my mom so badly before the divorce. I refused to do things around the house, I never told her I loved her, etc. and she sacrificed literally all that she had for me, just like you did.

One night, though, I remember (it was really weird) being overwhelmed with this sense of guilt, like I was a horrible person, and suddenly everything that I had done to her in the past was playing back to me now from a different perspective. I just went up to her and started crying, telling her, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She asked why, and I told her, "I'm sorry for the way I've been treating you." She said, "I know. But you're still my daughter." or something like that.

Moms are tough chicks. They have to go through a lot. First the pregnancy, then their child growing up, and eventually, they have to deal with them leaving. And through all of that comes the teenage hormones.

My mom also has a disability. She is legally blind, but not completely. She can still see, but not really well enough to do everything a person with normal vision can do. Since the divorce, her vision has prohibited her from getting a job, so she has relied on child support for income. She's always had that sort of dependence on my dad, even though I know she probably doesn't want to.

I've gone back and forth between living with my dad and my mom for the past couple of years. She moved away to Georgia after the divorce to be closer to family, and I stayed with my dad at first. Then, I moved in with her for 6 months, and now I'm back with my dad. And, not surprisingly, I'm moving back again, but permanently, to Georgia this summer.

I talk to her now about everything. She's like my sister, my other half. She knows me better than anyone else (except my best friend). I go to her for advice, support, encouragement, anything I need. She's a wonderful mother.

That's why I hate to look back and realize how horribly I treated her. I'm totally ashamed, and sometimes I just hate myself.

So, to the advice part... just give your daughter time. She might be doing the same thing I was. And honestly, I don't even know what I was doing. I was being a teenager. Some, I guess, are worse than others. Don't be too harsh on her, or she might rebel even more violently, but don't be too big of a pushover, either. Draw a line somewhere. You have to have a limit to what you put up with.

But just remember... she's your daughter. SHE LOVES YOU. She may not realize how much yet, but she will, I assure you, someday. And that day may be the best day of your life, when she tells you that.

I feel for you. I wish you luck for the future.

Mar 16, 2009, 08:29 PM
Thank you Tkdgal. Your letter is very mature. I wish it would be my daughter writing. She is also your age. In a few weeks she will be 17 but she is not ready yet to accept responsibility for her being a difficult teeneager. You say "don't be to harsh on her". I think I'm not harsh. I'm being a mother. Two weeks ago she was late for school again. I said that if she does it again she is not alloud to use the phone that day. In return I heard; "I don't like you, I hate you, You are not my mother, you are my biological mother, I live in jail, I hate you and your husband. He is nobody to me, and you are my guardian only!"
Next day she asked me as is if nothing happened, for 20$ for her friend's birthday. I let her go for the party but I didn't give her money. I also asked her to return at midnight the latest. She came at 1:30. After midnight she phoned that she doesn't have a ride and she goes to a friend for a sleepover. I asked her to come home because we didn't discuss any sleepovers prior to her leaving. So, she came but at 1:30 A M. I was really upset. She did that already twice before. Next morning my husband told her to fix things with her mom or we can't live like that. Her answer was "I'm out of here!" While I was at work she left and I culdn't find her for a few days. Through her school I got to know that she lives with her friend and her family. Finally she called asking me to call her school because she was ill and missed a day. I explain her that if she has chosen a new family which is better than me, she should ask them to take care of her problems.
Next time she called me wishing me "happy birthday". I was awaiting for this phone call. God knows how I'm suffering not having her in my house. Again as if nothing happened "happy birthday mom, you see I didn't forget". That is all. Right now she is for winter holiday in her dad's house for a week. What next? After March break? I live in terrible stress thinking about what she does, wher she is, is she safe? I can't count on her father talking to her. He told me that he pays me 300$ a month (last few months, we have been divorced since 8 years ago) and she is under my care that is why he doesn't take any responsibility.
It is terribly sad. I put so much effort in her health, education, sports, dancing, piano, birthdays for her and her friends. No mentioning clothes, trips, going out etc. All by myselve. That was my baby. When she turned 13 it is getting worse day by day. My health is falling apart, I can't sleep and I have constant pain in the back of may head. How your own child can turn against you so much? Some children wish to have any mother and they don't have. Believe me I was much more than "any" mother to her. I also have a son 25 years old. I have never had any problems of this nature with him. He is on his own right now. Finished university, successful, respectable man. We have really good relationship.
Sometimes I feel I need exorcist for my daughter.
Maybe some mother are tough chicks but I'm on my last legs.

Mommy 102808.Thank you for your letter also.
bsaah thanks for your response but I sat with my teen already so many times. Telling her what she needs to realize is futile job. Her answer is "you are so lame".

Girls be good to your moms. Life is very short. Don't loose this precious time and tell your moms "I love you" as often as possible from the bottom of your hearts. I miss my daugter so much.
Thank you all.

Jun 28, 2009, 11:32 PM
You ask why does my daughter hate me so much. Well from your letter I deduce that your husband (on whom you depend) goes into rages every other week or so. This is the cycle of verbal abuse your daughter has grown up in. She sees him ,although he is the one you depend on ,get away with this abusive and hateful behaviour. Your daughter is acting like the example she has to draw from- including the fact she is a teenager it becomes unbearable. Have you ever heard of "the cycle of violence" ?

Phase 1: Tension Building Phase

the abuser may :Pick fights
Act jealous & possessive
Criticize, threaten
Drink, use drugs
Be moody, unpredictable
Be crazy

the reciever may :

Feel like she’s walking on eggshells
Try to reason with the batterer
Try to calm the batterer
Try to appease the batterer
Keep silent, try to keep children quiet
Feel afraid or anxious

Phase 2: Crisis Phase Verbal Abuse
The abuser may;

Sexual Assault
Physical Abuse
Increase control over money
Restrain partner
Destroy property, phone
Emotionally Assault
The receiver may;
LIST] Experience fear, shock
Protects self & children
Use self-defense
Call for help
Try to flee, leave
Pray for it to stop
Do what is necessary to survive

Phase 3: Calmer Phase Ask for forgiveness

abuser may;
Promise it won’t happen again
Stop drinking, using drugs
Go to counseling
Be affectionate
Initiate intimacy
Minimize or deny abuse

Receiver may;

Return home
Arrange for counseling
Feel hopeful
Feel manipulated
Blame self
Minimize or deny abuse

My experience has been that this cycle happens every 2-3 weeks,that one becomes so engrained in it it feels odd if it doesn't happen. Yes I was the receiver, I can recognise your daughters behaviour in relation to some of my children.Dont focus on your need for her love.She isn't capable now- probably won't be for years. Nothing you can do "except getting out and going to counseling" will help you feel any peace in your heart and mind. It took my daughter 10 years and marriage to finally forgive me for allowing the abuse to go on for the first 12 years of our lifes. If you find yourself saying : Im in the process of leaving,bet never actually go,but I need this man for help,he never hits us, he is just moody, or any other kind of excuse or explanation that says your family isn't one of a cycle of violence, this is just more proof that your are.Get out now. Get your head clear.
There's a hero inside of you, let her out!

Jun 30, 2009, 03:34 PM
Ok, I'm 13 and I feel so bad for you! I couldn't imagine putting my mom through something like this. But, I still may be able to provide some advice. She may, for one reason or another, feel that you "don't know her well enough" or "are treating her like she's a little kid". When you touch her cheek and you say it "makes her skin crawl" it's most definitely because she doesn't like the whole "touchy feely" thing, and it makes her feel like she's being treated like a baby. It's really just cause she's trying to grow more independent, and this really does happen a lot where a child chooses one parent as the favorite and acts as if they hate the other. It would have been better if you disciplined her from the start, but it's never too late to start. Good luck

Jul 6, 2009, 10:50 AM
I feel so sorry for you. I can not imagine treating my mother with such disrespect. However, I have witnessed such behavior from my cousins.

Just remember that in a year or less she can legally move out, and if she hates you so much she will. And life will be much easier for you I'm sure.

She will learn about the hardships of life on her own, the hard way. And I'm sure one day she will realize her mistakes and be truly sorry. Hopefully she will mature one day.

All I know is that she probably takes your kindness for granted.

I do know though, that it won't be much longer before it gets better.

She will go off on a rampage and move out eventually. I know that's not going to be easy either, but in the long run it will make things better.

I pray for you and good luck with your daughter and husband.

Jul 9, 2009, 04:51 PM
Just curious. How are things now. I so wish I had seen this post earlier but I guess at that time I was going through the same thing as you. My ex worked my children against me in such a way that they were doing things like continuous cursing, breaking down doors to bug me and laughing. He supported their behaviour and was definitely not a parent. Funny enough just two months prior to our separation our children were asking me to kick him out and call the police on him. Well, this behaviour did not go away anytime soon (a couple of years). He discussed all court proceedings and bad mouthed me all the time where as I continued to be the best parent I could be and told them it wasn't their concern about what was going on between their father and I, not to worry and that we both loved them. I even had to continuously take the risk of rejection and hate to be a mother. With the help of counseling, I was reassured of my actions and how to tolerate their behaviour. One very important thing that stayed in my mind, that the cousellor told me is that our children knew I would always love them, whereas, they didn't know if their father would, which resulted in me receiving the reaction of their frustrations. I also very much later learned they didn't want to live with me because "dad" said I wouldn't be able to afford them. Children are very smart and very nieve at the same time. Things are told to them and they also form their own opinion out of nowhere. I'm very happy to say our children and I have an awesome relationship now (took a couple of years) but unfortunately it's not the greatest with their dad. My daughter once asked me during a period she was living with me "why don't you ever say anything bad about dad, he always says bad things about you". I said "now what good is that going to do. He is your father and always will be and I want you to have a good relationship with him". I did mean those words and still do, however, I don't know how. We went through an extremely bitter divorce. No matter what I did to try and settle things with him, he was so vexatious. And to think we broke up because he had an affair. I guess everyone handles things in their own way.
Enough of my story. I hope it might help someone out there who is going through the same thing we did.
And I hope you see this. I would like to know how you and your children are! God Bless!

Jul 23, 2009, 11:30 AM
Firstly, obviously it is very hard to admit something big that YOU might have done wrong, but I'm guessing there probably is something. If you're husband is really that bad, then maybe when your children are older they will realise that he wasn't a very good father, but at the moment they care for him and love him. DO NOT try to turn them against him, or try to understand what makes them nicer to him than to you, it will just make everything worse. About your daughter, she's probably not having an easy time at school and so takes it out on somebody she trusts will always love her and never reject her. She may feel that in other parts of her life she is rejected, and takes it out on you when she gets home. She is confused in how to act towards you, but thinks that it is 'ok' to manipulate you into getting what she wants. You have to understand that your daughter is unconfident about you and your husbands marriage etc, and blames it on you. Before you can get anything right with your daughter, you have to try to talk to your husband about his temper, and how you can try to manage bringing up your kids. You need to ask him what he would like YOU to do in a situation when you need money for something but he refuses to give it to you. You need to discuss how to manage your relationship so that your daughter doesn't have to worry about it herself. You are a mother, and have brought up your daughter for 17 years and know her well. You need to ask yourself what went wrong and come up with a solution to undo it. You may, at the moment see her as very selfish, but this is because she doesn't know what else she is 'supposed to do'. Don't blame the problems on anyone else, you have to all work as a team to sort it out. Online answers won't solve the problem, but I really hope that it will help.:)

Jul 23, 2009, 12:01 PM
Another almost three year old post.

Jul 29, 2009, 05:07 AM
Sometimes children want more than what you can give them. You can give them all and they still can find something even wrong with the all you have given them. Material things are creature comfort. Spiritual things comes from the soul. You can reach your daughter through spiritual prayer. Love her, forgive her and pray for her. You must be the change you wish to see in your daughter

Jul 29, 2009, 06:59 AM