View Full Version : Dads looking for me

Jun 30, 2007, 01:40 PM
My dad's wants visitation rights after 12 years. Should I be excited or mad?

Jun 30, 2007, 01:43 PM
It just depends on how you feel about him. I haven't seen or spoken to my father in about 12 years, the same as you, and if he tried to contact me I wouldn't speak to him. Too much time has gone by and I feel like I wouldn't even know him anymore, besides the fact that he treated my mother like dirt. My kids don't even know he exists, so I wouldn't allow him into their lives either.

Jun 30, 2007, 03:49 PM
Depends on why he what's to visit now, and also why he did not visit before. Often there are many reasons children do not know or are even told lies.

I will give you an example of my two boys, I went down to see them ( I had court ordered visitation, but they lived in another state, and their mom just refused, if I walked onto her property, she called the police to arrest me for trespassing.) I would send Christmas gifts and she would repackage them with her name as the given. So my boys were in their teens and believed I never sent any money, believed I did not want to visit. But that was a lie. I am not saying this is your case but it does happen.

Also he may have found religion, or just realised what he is missing.