New Member
May 28, 2015, 02:58 AM
I want answer from mufti and ulmah
Asalmo kalikum
I'm a maried man since 4 month.
Sir my qsn is my wife some time feel when ever she sllp alone she feels like some one is having sex with her we both are really vry woried plzzz help ys
CravenMorhead Clarifies:
I've been married for four months. My question is: Sometimes when my wife sleeps alone she feels like someone is having sex with her. We're both very worried about this. Please help us! (Implied: What is going on here?)
Adult Sexuality Expert
May 28, 2015, 07:06 AM
I believe I got your question right, or at least what you seem to be asking. The first question from me is:
Does this happen in specific places? Only in your home? Parent's home?
The reason I ask this is that location can be a subconscious trigger of these episodes. Your house for example, she could be expecting sex and when you're not there and she is sleeping she feels even though your not there. A psychology thing.
When you're sleeping your body is paralyzed, this is so that you don't act out what you're dreaming. There are cases that when a person is going asleep the sleep paralysis takes over and they are still aware. The brain is slowly disconnecting the world and going into it's sleep cycle and the brain interprets this into your conscious mind. Usually this gives out of body experiences, or other odd things. Some times the sensations are of sexual arousal. This might be what is going on right now.
I would consult your doctor about this, maybe a therapist to understand what is going on better. The thing to remember is: There is nothing wrong with your wife. This isn't dangerous, or a sign of infedility or a sinful mind. It is probably just the brain playing a trick on itself.
May 28, 2015, 11:49 AM
This is the wrong site for advice from mufti and ulmah.
Adult Sexuality Expert
May 28, 2015, 12:06 PM
Don't even know what that or those are.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
May 28, 2015, 12:12 PM
Mufti is a Muslim legal expert who can rule regarding religious matters.
New Member
May 28, 2015, 01:34 PM
# CravenMorhead
In her parents house but when her mother sleeps with her nothing happens. I thinks this is a evil act from wch she is suffring from couple of month
 Originally Posted by talaniman
This is the wrong site for advice from mufti and ulmah.
Can u sugest some web site where I can consult from them
Adult Sexuality Expert
May 28, 2015, 02:43 PM
Might want to look in your local community. I don't think we have one of those in here.
May 28, 2015, 03:56 PM
Who else lives in the house? Do you both live with her mother? How long has she been complaining of this? What does her mother say about this?
May 28, 2015, 05:07 PM
Some cultures are more prone to look for a "evil spirit" and blame some satanic force for normal actions. Dreams (maybe she is missing you) can be very realistic. As can other personal issues.
Pets Expert
May 28, 2015, 05:41 PM
So she's dreaming of sex, and her body is reacting to her dreams. Sorry, but that's not a big deal. No need to be concerned, no need to dwell on this. She's having sexual dreams. We all do it. It means nothing!
This is the major problem I have with your beliefs. You always make a mountain out of a molehill. :(
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