New Member
Jul 9, 2017, 05:52 AM
Is It A Problem If I Hate Sex
Hi everyone. I have a topic I want to discuss that I kind of feel a bit sensitive about. I was hoping you guys could give me some insight on this.
Basically, I'm a guy who absolutely hates sex. Yes, I'm not joking around. It just doesn't appeal to me at all, especially after knowing about the three different forms of it. Plus, there's a lot of things that seem to turn on other men I see that doesn't really have much effect on me, like girls in swimsuits. Things like that might be attention-grabbing for a few seconds but after that... nothing. I don't feel any arousal, whatsoever. Also... I've even looked at one bit of porn, out of sheer curiosity, to see why people tend to bring it up so much, and instead of being turned on, I was completely disgusted. In fact, I was turned off after looking at a few seconds of it and immediately clicked away from it. However, a lot of guys that I see, on television and in the real world, are totally into stuff like that and I'm even reluctant about kissing. In fact, a few people at my job, including my manager, even suggested that I go to a bar full of women and my opinion would change. Needless to say, I didn't like that idea one bit. After thinking about how many people nowadays who really like sex, it kind of makes me feel like an outcast, in a way.
So, is it wrong for a guy like me to hate sex completely? Be completely honest. This is something I feel that I should know.
Jul 9, 2017, 06:15 AM
How old are you ?
New Member
Jul 9, 2017, 06:23 AM
I'm nineteen, at the moment, and about to turn twenty in about a month.
Jul 9, 2017, 07:45 AM
There are many other things in life to enjoy besides sex, so try not to obsess over your lack of wanting it, or liking it. Jut because many exploit it and obsess over it themselves doesn't mean YOU have to fall into that category. Celebrate your own uniqueness and find ways to express it and don't follow the crowd, as that's the problem. Because you don't fit the mold you think it's a problem. It's not, you just have yet to find a way to relate to what everyone else thinks, does, and talks about, and even feels about some things.
Instead of faking it, explore and experiment with your own likes, and enjoy trying different things, different ways, young guy. That's what youth is about isn't it? There is a whole big world to learn about and find your ow part of it that you enjoy, so why worry about what you already know that you DON'T?
Enjoy the journey.
Ultra Member
Jul 9, 2017, 08:40 AM
I totally agree with Tal and would add that you are so young your feelings, wants, and desires might change. Not just with sex but many different topics. So as Tal says, enjoy the journey because everyone should enjoy their journey.
current pert
Jul 9, 2017, 10:40 AM
Given your age, I'll go further on this topic. There are many many reasons to be turned off. More unusual to never have had any sexual feelings.
None of these may apply to you, but I'll mention them:
You have very low testosterone. It's a hormone that a blood test can measure.
You have a genetic difference, such as having female chromosomes in a male body.
You are gay and don't want to think about it yet.
You have an unusual fetish and don't want to think about it yet.
Have you ever tried to masturbate? Have you been able to, if you tried? What was going on in your mind would be a clue to who your sexual self is.
There are books on the subject, and even a community (YAY!). Here's the wiki entry
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