New Member
Jan 2, 2016, 07:26 PM
Is it normal for a straight guy to not get erections when seeing naked women virtuall
Well I never get erection when I see a picture.
I like to see her naked in front of my eyes than I'll get erections and want to do her.
Is that normal?
Pets Expert
Jan 3, 2016, 01:51 AM
Normal is a very loose term. What's normal for you may not be normal for someone else. When sex or arousal is concerned, there are many different levels of normal. You have to figure out what you like, what floats your boat, and if you're comfortable with it, than that's normal for you.
Pest Control Expert
Jan 3, 2016, 03:35 AM
Despite the high pressure tactics from the advertising and porn industries, some guys do not become aroused by just pictures. Others don't become aroused without them. Still others have seen so much that the subject matter doesn't even attract their attention while they look at lighting and posing and technical matters.
We get so many questions here from women concerned about their partner paying more attention to pictures than to them that you may just be the perfect guy.
Jan 3, 2016, 03:45 AM
You are stimulated more by the real thing rather than images, and that's as healthy as anything in my book. The whole notion of what's normal is in the eye of the beholder. Be comfortable with your own normal and not what others say it should be.
Ultra Member
Jan 3, 2016, 06:12 PM
"Do her". So romantic.
There's no normal when it's sexuality.
Jan 3, 2016, 07:59 PM
I will agree, there is no such thing as normal, there are sometimes, some people, and at times.
Also your age, your culture, even your religious beliefs and education can affect things.
If you are not having any issues with your sexual performance with your partner, there is no worry.
Adult Sexuality Expert
Jan 5, 2016, 08:39 AM
Arousal is something that varies a LOT between people. What it takes to arouse a person can be vastly different depending on the person. Some people are more aroused by touch or smell while others by images. Some people need motion or what not.
So is this normal? I don't think normal can be used here. Is there anything wrong with it? No. It is natural.
Full Member
Jan 21, 2016, 11:33 PM
Unfortunately what is normal for other is and can be not normal for you.
Everyone is different and have different turn on's and turn off's
You will just need to be patient and find out by practice and having sex what gets you aroused.
I mean for some it's Fantasy Role Play , for other as you put it " naked in front of my eyes " and for some seeing naked pictures etc.
Senior Member
Jan 22, 2016, 01:21 PM
(Well I never get erection when I see a picture.
I like to see her naked in front of my eyes than I'll get erections and want to do her.)
Is that normal?
If you can see her naked, why are you even worrying about a picture not turning you on? Pictures are more for those of us, who don't have a naked woman in front of us.
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