New Member
Aug 20, 2007, 07:32 PM
Foods to make vaginal fluids taste better?
Are there foods you can eat to make your vaginal fluids taste and smell better?
*Edited for language
Full Member
Aug 20, 2007, 08:22 PM
Just like a Man if you stay away from spicy foods and dark green veg. Alcohol is also one to stay away from, you will find that you are as sweet as candy. They also make flavored drops you can use to give yourself not only a flavor he likes you can also get drops that make you warm or make you tingle in the right places.
Many Ladies have yeast problems and will smell so if you need more then the drops to be fresh smelling, try an over the counter yeast treatment and you will be fine.
New Member
Aug 20, 2007, 08:29 PM
Your vagina has a natural ph level, which produces certain smells. These smells shouldn't be fishy or foul-smelling. Eating a well balance diet will maintain the ph level in the vagina. If the ph level isn't correct than that will produce foul odors. Yogurt will help with yeast infections if that is a problem, just make sure it is yogurt with live cultures.
Full Member
Aug 21, 2007, 08:23 PM
A great question. Best to go out with man who has head cold then you can eat anything you like. Hope he remembers to brush teeth before going to work. Not able to find man with red nose? Best to follow dreamangle226's outline.
Junior Member
Aug 22, 2007, 09:00 PM
3 Altoids right before pleasuring your beloved - HeeeYaaaaa! Comes the Millennium!
Uber Member
Aug 23, 2007, 04:56 PM
In my limitied opinion, the only thing that has ever been "distasteful" is if there is an imbalance, such as a yeast infection. Even with a partner who, I thought, tasted great normally (and I mean that, she tasted really nice), this can produce a harsh response that is hard to ignore.
I've never found flavored drops needed, and when used, I thought they distracted from the experience. Knowing how a woman tastes is not something that, I think, needs to be masked, hidden, or otherwise distracted from.
So good hygiene and a healthy pH should be enough. After that, if you get a complaint, he's probably a whiny boy who doesn't want to do the work.
Junior Member
Aug 23, 2007, 08:25 PM
Oh, I forgot - vodka or any such naturally ocurring bioproduct taken internally before imbibing vaginal fluids is what most guys do anyway...
However, most wimmen that I have been with will shower and usually douche before heading for bed - you might think that is less than spontaneous but these wimmen were preparing for a marathon, not a 2-5 minute quicky.
Of our physical senses, smells are the strongest in impact, bypassing all of our filters and going straight to the brain. So it behooves us to smell as good as we can.
So if bathing not really an option, the Greeks will take a liquer and pour that down the back of the recumbant woman and then start slowly licking that off, starting from the neck and moving on down. This is not a race and boy howdy, it can be so much fun as there is an incredible amount of tactile stimulation and incredible anticipation of what it feel like to have the next area licked clean by a warm, wet and thorough tongue. When you do finally reach the vaginal area, it should be awash with fresh vaginal juices so take care not to drown...
Heavy foods should be avoided, such as beef, the more vegetables the better before excusing self for the bed check.
Maybe the best test would be that of if you can smell on someone's breath, it's probably permeated the other bodily fluids as well so be kind to others.
Coffee, cigarettes and the like will give both men and wimmen love juices a stark flavor. I knew a gal that loved champagne, both for herself and her lover as it changed his flavor to sweet and kind of tickled her nose (according to her.)
New Member
Aug 23, 2007, 11:01 PM
From what I heard strawberries and pineapples are what make a vagina taste the best.
IF you want her to feel better.. . (and I ve done this).. . Eat a few mentos rite before and spit them out. Than rite as your about to go down there put two or three in your mouth and eat away. If she is really feeling risky put one inside her with your tongue and it will do wonders.
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