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I was adopted(birth parents are dead) but my adopted father is a deadbeat dad..
[ 7 Answers ]
I was adopted(birth parents are dead) but my adopted father is a deadbeat dad... My mother re-married & he husband (stepfather) has been what I consider my father. How can I have my adopted fathers name taken off my birth certificate & add my step fathers name? My mother is now deceased. The...
Adopted in OH, Live in MD, husband wants to adopt my adopted son
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I adopted my son 2 yrs ago in Ohio (single adoption), I live in Maryland. My soon to be husband wants to adopt him after we are married. Would we have to do it in OH or MD?
Runaway cat
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Hi hope someone can help me my cat has recently had kittens they are nearly 4 week old but yesterday the mother went out and she has not come back yet (been over 24 hours now) what do I feed the kittens and how please help View more questions Search