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Step parent adoption
[ 4 Answers ]
My daughter got pregnant by someone she doesn't want to be with. During her pregnancy she married a man and he wants to be the father of the baby. The bio father has said to leave him alone. We were told that since she was married at the time of the birth that the babies last name will be the...
Any parent out there?
[ 6 Answers ]
My husband and I are married and have four children. We both parents working but always manage for one of us to be home when the children get home from school or the grandparents. My children age are 14, 12, 10 and 6. Last night, I found my oldest daughter locked herself in the bathroom and was...
Step parent
[ 1 Answers ]
Does anybody know anything about step parents rights? Do we have any? Where do I look to find out more? View more questions Search