New Member
Dec 10, 2008, 03:48 PM
Searching for A Daughter
I am helping my very close friend search for a daughter she gave up to adoption 50 years ago. The child was born in the Michigan State University Hospital in E. Lansing on October 28, 1958. She weighed 8 pounds 15 ounces. The birth mother's name was Ann Maddy Collins. She was about 17 years old. We have searched the Micigan adoption registry and there is only one female with that birthdate. The name of that person was Karen Hess. It was a private adoption. The birth mother understood that the family adopting the baby was a doctor friend of the doctor that delivered her. We have contacted two different women by the name of Karen Hess who had that birthday. Neither was the right one.
Dec 10, 2008, 04:02 PM
Have you tried adoption.com, adoption.org and ISSR?
They all have reunion sites that you can enter that information into, and hopefully a matchup happens!
Full Member
Dec 10, 2008, 05:40 PM
Being an adoptee myself, I would advise your friend to post her information in as many registries as possible and keep updating them yearly (i.e. making sure contact information is current).
Being an adoptee I know it's unlikely that a 17 year old would actively seek out their birth mother fearing that it may hurt her adoptive parents (I had those feelings). However, once she is an adult and out of the house; I am sure she will be curious and start conducting as least an internet search if not something more serious.
I would make it easy for her to find you and then be patient and let her come to you. I was in my early 30's before I actively searched and did not have the advantage of the internet; but my curiousity and desire was their long before.
Considering young people's internet savy, this could happen much faster for your friend. I would even create a blog where you can post the information in various ways so that the internet search engine trolls it; it will pick up the information and when her daughter does a search it may find the phrase she typed in.
Good luck to your friend.
New Member
Dec 10, 2008, 07:18 PM
 Originally Posted by Synnen
Have you tried adoption.com, adoption.org and ISSR?
they all have reunion sites that you can enter that information into, and hopefully a matchup happens!
Oh yes, that is why I am helping her. I am an adult adoptee who has been reunited with my mom. I was very active, in fact I was on the board when ISSR originally formed. We think we have the right Karen Hess, but she was told she was born in Indiannapolis. However, there are no adoption records for an adoption with the specific information that we have. Thank you!!
New Member
Jun 6, 2018, 01:50 PM
I have information about this, I think you are looking for my sister in law. She was born October 28th in East Lansing and was adopted by my in-laws. Hopefully after 10 years someone knows the person who posted this. I believe that the name given the baby at birth was Marjorie Collins. I am not sure if the birth mother gave her this name or not. The adoption was finalized on 1-11-60 in Clinton County.
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