New Member
Nov 11, 2015, 04:20 PM
Question about family law?
So here is the brief story, I am 19 years old, my grandparents adopted me when I was 5, I do not know who my biological father is and would like to know, I have 2 leads and one person lives out of state, my mother won't talk to me about this. I cant say much more because its too personal. So my question is even though I am over the age of 18, can my county family court help me get a court ordered DNA test done? I don't want anything from whoever it is, I just need an answer to who it is mainly for medical reasons. My grandparents got the court involved back when I was 4 to try and find the person, my mother the name she gave and that's listed on all my adoption papers, is not the right person, I've narrowed it down to 2 people, with the help of my godmother mainly. Anyway I cant say much more because I'm very private with personal and family information. I hope I put this in the right category. I'm new to the website.
I live in SC and the person mentioned lives in TN.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
current pert
Nov 11, 2015, 04:36 PM
No, you can't get any court to order a DNA test. It's an invasion of HIS privacy. (If you were still a minor and your mother were interested in establishing paternity, that would be very different.)
Your only options are the personal contact ones, lots of delicacy, and thinking as you go. Good luck.
Uber Member
Nov 11, 2015, 05:23 PM
Understand there is the real possibility he doesn't want to meet you, or know you... or give you any information.
Yes difficult to believe... but its not uncommon when adoptions were involved.
And want anythiing or not, since there was an adoption... there was no entitlement to anything. He might have a wife and a family now..and that would cause significant turmoil in his life. And could be one reason if he doesn't.
But I can understand for reasons of family medical history if nothing else.
I agree with joypulv. Finesse and delicacy MIGHT get you further (it works in many other things as well)... but prepare yourself in case he refuses to say anything or do anything more. Maybe he will at least give you that much.....
Uber Member
Nov 11, 2015, 05:46 PM
As noted, since you are an adult, you are on your own. No court ordered DNA since paternity for child support or survivorship is not involved.
Nov 11, 2015, 11:05 PM
No, you can not get any court order for a DNA test.
If you were still a minor, and your grandmother had not adopted you.
And your mother still had custody, your mother, could file.
But at this point, no there is not.
Also as noted, it is very very likely that both men would not want anything to do with you, and in fact unless you knew they were the father, if you contacted them, and if they had a current family, and this caused trouble, they may have a civil claim in court against you.
So if you must go ahead, hire a third independent party to contract them and ask if they would allow a DNA test. But do not be surprised if they say no
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