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I want to be adopted
[ 3 Answers ]
I honestly hate my family, you may think I'm just being stupid and that I love them but I really don't, I'm treated like nothing in this family, especially by my parents, yeah there's 6 kids altogether but the way I'm treated its like there's only 5, I've tried so hard speaking to them and trying...
HELP! I think I am adopted!
[ 4 Answers ]
I never thought about this before because there was concrete evidence proving I was not adopted. But all that was shattered a few hours ago with my mothers drunken words. She through a big bomb shell on me previously while she was in a drunken state iswell. My evidence that I was not adopted was...
Am I adopted?
[ 12 Answers ]
Okay before anyone starts to comment on this yes I am a teenager and it isn't just that I don't get on with my parents. I have asked to see my birth certificate, my parents where hesitant at first but gave it to me. It was very small and only had my name, date of birth, where I was born and the...
I was adopted(birth parents are dead) but my adopted father is a deadbeat dad..
[ 7 Answers ]
I was adopted(birth parents are dead) but my adopted father is a deadbeat dad... My mother re-married & he husband (stepfather) has been what I consider my father. How can I have my adopted fathers name taken off my birth certificate & add my step fathers name? My mother is now deceased. The...
Adopted in OH, Live in MD, husband wants to adopt my adopted son
[ 1 Answers ]
I adopted my son 2 yrs ago in Ohio (single adoption), I live in Maryland. My soon to be husband wants to adopt him after we are married. Would we have to do it in OH or MD? View more questions Search