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I need to open adoption records on closed adoption
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:confused: I am looking for my son I keep hitting roadblocks today I found out it was a closed adoption I need to know how to get these records opened
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I am trying to find a direction or path to take to find out more about my Birth-mother, birth-father I have waited 21 years to find out who they are and it is a closed adoption I just would like to know the path I need to take to find out who they are thank you Jacob
Closed adoption!
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I was born in houston, my birthday is 8-19-85 and my birth mother I white my father is mexican. I don't know or how to find the hostpital I was born in to start looking. Please help my birth parents have grandchildren id like them to meet
Closed Adoption
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I was adopted through a closed adoption. How can I find my birth mother?? There has to be a way. I am 21 years old. I do not know her name, age, or birth date. I do know the hospital I was born at and the attending physician. I also know she was of Irish-Norwegian decent. I have no real...
Closed adoption
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