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    fordchk's Avatar
    fordchk Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 26, 2006, 02:17 PM
    Mom is a pill addict
    My mom who is 60 years old is addicted to Ativan/Lorazepam and has been for maybe a few years. She has been through some very serious life changes ei: forced into early retirement where she was making VERY VERY good money to now surviving on next to nothing, been married and divorced multiple times and just dealing with getting older. I went from the East coast to the West coast with my young son and got her packed and moved to Virginia where my husband is stationed. She is now living with my family and I which is what I wanted and not complaining about that. I NEED TO GET HER HELP. I am a recovering alcoholic who has been sober for 17 years and know what it's like to admit to a major problem. She is so in denial and there is no way she is going to get help without an intervention or an involuntary commitment from me. And that is the last thing I want to do to my Mom. I have looked up an act called the Marchment Act but nowhere can I find what the parameters are for the state of Virginia are. If there is anyone who can help me and point me in the right direction, Please Please do so. I have no where to turn now and I can sit by and watch her do this to herself any more.
    valinors_sorrow's Avatar
    valinors_sorrow Posts: 2,927, Reputation: 653
    I regard all beings mostly by their consciousness and little else

    Aug 26, 2006, 04:42 PM
    I am sorry to hear about your mom, boy she certainly has gone through a lot these last few years. Here are a few resources you might want to investigate further for immediate information about your concerns. Her doctor - the one writing the prescription -- should be at the top of your list. I would also check with your local AA or NA office, if there are any, to find out about other local resources. Any treatment facilities or mental health clinics in your area could also provide a professional you can talk indepth with...

    Some of what they will want to know is how much is she taking, what side effects or impairment do you see occurring, what is causing you to claim its drug abuse, how closely is she being monitored by her doctor, etc. In fact, I was sort of wondering some of that myself as I read over your post-- what exactly are you watching her do that is causing you to raise this alarm?

    I know this must be hard on you too and while I don't mean to offend you, the claiming of personal sobriety (while very often done by folks in your circumstances) is of little relevence-- your concern as her daughter is enough to get the ball rolling for asking questions. But just be prepared to provide specific information about your mom. Because family members can do some pretty strange things to each other, especially concerning addictions, no one is going to be willing to take your word at face value so please don't be put off by their need to investigate too.

    Marchman Act is what its called in Florida. It may be called something else in Virginia. It can yield a three-day involuntary stay in a hospital, treatment center or mental health facility depending on what area you are in for the purpose of detoxing the patient. It is a very temporary interruption of someone's dangerous behavior and will do very little if long term steps for recovery are not included in the aftermath.

    I hope this helps clear a few things up for you. It is good that you care so much about your mom and I hope you are able to get to the bottom of this soon. If you have more to share or any questions, please post it here and I will do my best to respond.
    lukeduke's Avatar
    lukeduke Posts: 10, Reputation: 2
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    Nov 13, 2006, 06:32 AM
    It is always sad to hear a story like yours. I am also a recovering addict but my drug of choice was heroin which is about as hard as you can go. I have been blinded by this addiction for 2 years and have tried many methods to kick it but the only thing that helped me was methadone. I finally can see the light to recovery. I have been sober now for 62 days.

    I know that methadone might not be the answer for her, cause I don't think that a doctor would recommend methadone be the answer simply because of her drug of choice being a downer like ativan. I do know that methadone is very strong pain killer and almost positive if she was taken methadone she would totally forget about, and crave the pills she was on for sure...
    isabelle's Avatar
    isabelle Posts: 309, Reputation: 31
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    Nov 17, 2006, 05:45 AM
    Why do you think your mother is addicted to these pills? Older people take these pills for years for a condition and live normal lives with them. When taking any pill as prescribed, how can we call it addiction. I am always surprised that when a person takes a controlled drug they are often described as addicts.
    I would love to know what behavior your mother exhibits that has brought you to this conclusion. Is she taking more than is prescribed for her? Is she running out of pills and having to buy more? Is her behavior irrational?
    You sound as if you care very much for your mother, but don't read more into her taking these pills than you have too. They may be something she very much needs to take.
    As I said before "controlled drug" does not always mean "addiction".
    isabelle's Avatar
    isabelle Posts: 309, Reputation: 31
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    Nov 17, 2006, 05:56 AM
    lukeduke, I don't mean to step on any toes so please excuse me but I feel this is inportant.
    Methadone is not a benzodiazepines inhibitor . It is an opiate inhibitor. While methadone works well for herion it would not work with Ativan/Lorazepam and the combination could be fatal.
    lukeduke's Avatar
    lukeduke Posts: 10, Reputation: 2
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    Nov 17, 2006, 07:46 AM
    Yes I know the combo could very well be fatel, again I was not emplying for her to take both. I was merely saying that it being a pain killer, her atking it would take away the craving and sickness from the abstinence of the others, although I dought one would prescribe or recommend.
    I was just being nice, understanding and suggestive and not sure what your intent was but I felt you were harsh and could have be a tiny bit nicer about the way you talk to others because not everyone is unschooled.:)
    isabelle's Avatar
    isabelle Posts: 309, Reputation: 31
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    Nov 17, 2006, 09:01 AM
    My intent is to educate, not to be mean to anyone. I am sorry you insist on taking everything I say as a personnal insult to you. It is not meant to be that way at all.
    Like you.. I was trying to help the poster.
    Taking methadone for a benzodiazepines addiction is just wrong and no doctor would allow it.
    Again that was not meant for you personally.

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