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How long does it take for alcohol to leave your system in a urine test
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I have a urine test on Thursday at about 8:00 pm but I basically spent all day Tuesday drinking beers and wine till about 7:00pm that's about a 48 hour window. I weigh about 265 pounds. Will the alcohol be gone for that urine test?
How long dose alcohol take to leave your urine ?
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If I drank aprox 6 to 8 beers and 4 shots of alcohol before 8:30 one night will it be out of my urine by 7pm the next night?
How long does it take for alcohol to get out of your system?
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I drank a fifth of captian morgan with my friends last night at 11 30 and I have a UA today at 2 will it be out of my urine by then? Please help I am very worried... I am 5'10... 133 lbs.. female... View more questions Search