New Member
Jul 4, 2011, 02:00 PM
How long does alcohol take to leave your system?
I have a bood test this week and have not had a drink for 5 days now will this still show in my blood and urine,also will it show in my liver ?
Uber Member
Jul 4, 2011, 02:06 PM
Will it show in your liver? Are you scheduled for a liver biopsy?
I would say, in general, that it will not show in your blood or urine.
Ultra Member
Jul 4, 2011, 02:29 PM
After 5 days alcohol will not be present in your blood or urine no matter how measured. I know of no way to test the liver for alcohol in a living being.
Junior Member
Jul 5, 2011, 05:17 AM
I agree with the above, but your LFT's (Liver Function Test) may show that your liver is not functioning properly if you have been abusing alcohol for a while. If you have, 5 days is not enough time for your liver to recover. But even if your liver enzymes are high, they won't know if it is due to alcohol or something else... like too much Tylenol.
Uber Member
Jul 5, 2011, 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by RNBSN
I agree with the above, but your LFT's (Liver Function Test) may show that your liver is not functioning properly if you have been abusing alcohol for a while. If you have, 5 days is not enough time for your liver to recover. But even if your liver enzymes are high, they won't know if it is due to alcohol or something else...like too much Tylenol.
Are LF tests run when a person is being tested for alcohol consumption? I thought they were useless because they don't indicate recent alcohol consumption - the purpose of the alcohol testing.
Junior Member
Jul 5, 2011, 05:54 AM
"Are LF tests run when a person is being tested for alcohol consumption? I thought they were useless because they don't indicate recent alcohol consumption - the purpose of the alcohol testing."
Not usually, but since he mentioned that he was having blood work done, LFT's are often done... not to test for alcohol, but to monitor his enzyme levels if the patient is known to abuse alcohol. Blood tests are usually not done to check for recent alcohol use unless they are being done to check for the blood alcohol level for post accident, DUI cases... and even then, they are not scheduled days out.
If they are checking for recent alcohol use, I would be surprised if they don't do a UA (urinalysis)instead.
New Member
Apr 23, 2012, 02:03 PM
I got drug tested about 7 am this morning an I drainked 2 beers last night finish the las one about 8:45 pm would it show in my urine test
New Member
Apr 23, 2012, 02:03 PM
I got drug tested about 7 am this morning an I drainked 2 beers last night finish the las one about 8:45 pm would it show in my urine test
Ultra Member
Apr 23, 2012, 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by vic212005
I got drug tested about 7 am this morning an i drainked 2 beers last night finish the las one about 8:45 pm would it show in my urine test
The alcohol content from two beers should be completely eliminated in under 4 hours.
New Member
Jun 18, 2012, 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by RNBSN
"Are LF tests run when a person is being tested for alcohol consumption? I thought they were useless because they don't indicate recent alcohol consumption - the purpose of the alcohol testing."
Not usually, but since he mentioned that he was having blood work done, LFT's are often done...not to test for alcohol, but to monitor his enzyme levels if the patient is known to abuse alcohol. Blood tests are usually not done to check for recent alcohol use unless they are being done to check for the blood alcohol level for post accident, DUI cases...and even then, they are not scheduled days out.
If they are checking for recent alcohol use, I would be surprised if they don't do a UA (urinalysis)instead.
I often have Live Function tests that are not in line with the base testing. I have for years and they never had looked at that as part of any probation etc.
New Member
Jun 21, 2012, 09:55 AM
I'm on probation I want to know if I can still drink and be clean before I take my alcohol test? Lets say its Friday and I'm going out I usually drink a fith of vodka and chase it with beers with someone else for that night. If I don't drink Sunday through Wednesday, will I be clear for a drug test I have to take on Thursday?
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