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    hello527's Avatar
    hello527 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Aug 6, 2011, 02:00 PM
    Etg/ets testing

    I drank pretty heavily last night till about 4am. I might be tested for an etg/ets screen on Wednesday at 6:30 PM. With the cut off at 100 ng and about 111 hours in between drinks... what are my chances of passing this test??
    tickle's Avatar
    tickle Posts: 23,796, Reputation: 2674

    Aug 6, 2011, 02:21 PM

    You should not be asking here what your chances of passing this test are. If you didn't drink you would not have a problem. And the problem is, for whatever reason, you are being tested for abuse. So don't bother coming here and asking, Are you an alcoholic? This is not an addiction most people would want to have. There are mutliple health reasons,

    DrBill is acquiring quite a reputation for answering questions like this, and he should not be, because as soon as you find out, you will know the time line and go right back at it again.
    DrBill100's Avatar
    DrBill100 Posts: 3,241, Reputation: 502
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    Aug 6, 2011, 04:29 PM

    Of course there is no discernible timeline that can be reliably applied to EtG elimination/testing. We know that the metabolite is produced in widely varying amounts from one individual to another. It is produced not only by consuming alcoholic beverages but via thousands of other external and even by endogenous sources such as fermentation or intra-cellular processes as well. So if you are scheduled for an EtG test you are never in a safe zone.

    If those possibilities aren't sufficiently dissuasive then consider that the sample you provide, if it contains any EtG at all from any source, may actually increase in the container.

    On the other hand, for those who choose to drink while on an EtG testing program (such as yourself), the foibles of the test will likely accrue to your perceived benefit: EtG is even more likely to degrade and even disappear from the urine sample. That hardly seems fair, let alone scientific, now does it?

    In direct response to your question, at 111 hours between last drink and test, it is highly unlikely that EtG or EtS would be present at detectable levels from the drinking. Yet, you must always consider the foregoing.

    I am always willing and anxious to respond to questions about EtG testing (I believe it is the epitome of pseudo-scientific commercialization). Don't mind providing after-the-fact prognostications (educated guesses) about passing (you can't un-drink). Contrariwise, if you can use that information to construct a predictable timeline for drinking, safe from the documented problems with the test, please let me know... I sure can't.

    Additional information on EtG/EtS testing can be obtained at Ethylglucuronide, a website provided by Greg Skipper, MD (introduced the test in the US). Further, the information I provide is otherwise publicly available, most on the internet and in the form of peer reviewed studies. On request, always happy to provide supporting and publicly available documentation for any statement contained in my response(s).

    Please do not avoid this site for your questions about EtG/EtS. Rather view it as a resource for reliable and scientifically based information on the subject.

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