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Alcohol Testing
[ 8 Answers ]
I just found out I have to be tested next Wednesday. What is the difference between the different testing methods? How far back will they be able to tell I've had a drink? I have no plans to go on a Tuesday night bender, but I do have the occasional social drink (1-2 drinks once or twice a week,...
Alcohol Testing
[ 1 Answers ]
How long does alcohol stay in ones body? I must test 1 time a month. I drink 1 or 2 glasses of wine perhaps 3 times a week.
Alcohol testing?
[ 2 Answers ]
If you drink 3 beers the night before and you stop at 8:00 pm and you took the test the next morning at 8:30 am will you give positive?
Hair alcohol testing
[ 3 Answers ]
Can alcohol be detected in a hair test? What is the time limit for alcohol on an EtG test? View more questions Search