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    Ruby's Avatar
    Ruby Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 28, 2005, 10:43 AM
    Accounts Payable
    What are the job duties for an Accounts Payable Position?
    raju_peddapally's Avatar
    raju_peddapally Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 26, 2009, 08:02 AM

    Financial year starting to financial year closing all accounting entries in a pvt ltd company?
    morgaine300's Avatar
    morgaine300 Posts: 6,561, Reputation: 276
    Uber Member

    May 26, 2009, 11:19 PM

    Ruby, no one can tell you what any specific job might entail. An accounts payable position my be simply entering invoices into the computer and running off checks every week, or it could start getting very involved. You could have purchase orders that have to be checked against packing slips, and then check invoices against either or both when they come in, and then resolve any issues. (That would be if the company is receiving goods of some kind.) It would still entail probably entering them all into the computer. Depending on the software, it may do a lot of things automatically, like figuring discounts and printing lists of everything due as a certain date, etc. And then you may be running off the checks. If you have that level of knowledge and decision making, it can also involve deciding where to charge stuff, or depending on the business, what department or job to charge it to, etc. And the more authority one has, the more likely there could even be knowing which things to pay when, rather than just being told.

    Doesn't sound like much, but it can get complicated if you start running into problems with invoices, which you will. Especially if shipment of goods is involved. (That invariably gets messy at times.)

    But that's the basic idea. How much it involves would depend on the experience of the person, how big the job is, and how much supervision someone is under, and how much leeway you end up with. But if there's a full-time position for just A/P, I imagine it would involve a lot. Just entering and paying a bunch of utility bills and such wouldn't be too time-consuming.

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