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    meecy12's Avatar
    meecy12 Posts: 133, Reputation: 2
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    May 14, 2007, 12:18 PM
    No more cutting
    How can I not be anxious and frustrated when I try to stop cutting?
    templelane's Avatar
    templelane Posts: 1,177, Reputation: 227
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    May 14, 2007, 01:32 PM
    Distraction is what you need - something to remove your mind from it. Play an instrument - it involves concentration and uses your hands, or paint or draw. Remove yourself from the situation which has triggered you. Find people, phone a friend.

    Work out what triggers you and try to avoid it.

    The rest is just willpower I'm afraid. But try not to upset yourself if you fail- it just makes things worse in the long run. Also if you do cut decide before you start how far your going to go - no not pass this line. This is more of a weaning technique, but personally I found cold turkey more effective.

    I've heard rubbing ice on the area can be therapeutic or drawing on yourself in red pen - but you may find this triggering.

    Remind yourself of your ultimate goal, visualise it, keep it in mind.


    Edit - I completely forgot exercise- wears you out, can only concentrate on 1 thing, good endorphins and it'll improve how feel about yourself.

    Good luck- I hope this was of some help

    Stay strong it'll be worth it in the end
    shatteredsoul's Avatar
    shatteredsoul Posts: 423, Reputation: 130
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    May 16, 2007, 07:52 PM
    You have such a delicate heart and you obviously feel things very deeply. I am sure that cutting alleviates some of the pain and anguish that you are dealing with. I know it seems to get rid of the anxiety and frustration for the moment, but it always comes back. That is because you are supposed to feel a multitude of emotions, maybe some all at once. That is part of the human existence. IT is part of our journey to find ways to cope and manage all of them and still feel o.k. The problem is, we are taught to not feel. We are taught to cover feelings up with other things. For some, they use food as comfort, some people use drugs and alcohol, some antidepressants, some people shop or gamble. The reality is, we are all dealing with the same emotions, but we all have different experiences and ways of coping. I think you should start by writing everything down that you feel, when you have the urge to start cutting. It doesn't matter what you say and it doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense. YOu will feel a release when you do. It won't be as intense as when you cut, but it will begin to make your feelings not as overwhelming. First you also have to find ways of thinking differently about yourself. You have to stop being so negative and hateful of yourself. You are a beautiful human being with many gifts waiting to be discovered. I don't have to know you to tell you that. You are smart enough to reach out to people an ask for help, that is a really good thing you are doing. Also, don't isolate yourself. Even if you don't have lots of friends or people that understand you, continue to write on here and find the support and strength you need. As you wander through this websit you will see you are not alone. There are so many people that are reaching out to feel understood and accepted for who they are. However, that has to come from within. Maybe you should also go to the book store. Look for different kinds of books. Maybe spiritual, or inspirational or books about other people's experiences with this stuff. I am guessing you are young. It is hard to be young. Everything feels like it is so important. The way people look at you or what they think. It doesn't matter, but it feels like it does. IT only matters what you think of yourself. You should also start writing down things that you like about yourself whenever you start having bad thoughts. IT could be physical traits or personality traits. Whatever. Start focusing on what you like, then immerse yourself in something you are good at. Maybe it is drawing, singing, being with kids or animals, the possibilities are endless. You know how easy it is as a little kid to try anything or imagine being anything? Before you had all these hang ups and issues about yourself? You need to get in touch with that kid. I don't have any right answers, only suggestions. I don't know how old you are but any kind of hobby will help too. Maybe you like to take pictures, or design things? Whatever you do, don't give up on yourself. Find a way to claim and give purpose to all of your feelings. Allow yourself to be angry and frustrated, get those feelings out in some healthier way. You need to go within and ask for inner strength, acceptance and to see yourself as loving and worthy of being loved. Once you begin this journey, positive things will begin happening. You are asking good questions, keep asking. Search your soul, you want meaning and purpose to your existence, we all do. Part of it is connecting with others and feeling the love that is within and in the universe for you. Ask to be part of it. Look up inspirational quotes, Buddhist quotes, things will will give you hope and strength. Anyone on here will guide you if you need it. I hope you keep in contact and tell us how it goes. You could also put your feelings on here when you feel like cutting, never know, maybe you will save someone else in the process. I wish you peace and may you know that you are never alone!
    seize_the_day's Avatar
    seize_the_day Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    May 17, 2007, 02:11 PM
    Hey meecy12,

    I am a recovering cutter myself. I think whatever works is different for each person. When I was trying to find out the same thing, the internet gave a lot of different suggestions. Most of them really didn't work for me at all.

    I found that drawing on my arm with a red pen helped once or twice.

    But the best thing was to talk it out. I have a very close friend who is helping me get through, and by using e-mail I can talk and let it out no matter what time of day or night it is. So that is what I suggest. Get someone you TRUST, and let them help you through it. Talk with them whenever you are having those urges. It really really helps to know you are not going through this alone and that someone else knows what you are going through!

    I hope that was able to help. Let me know how it goes.
    Kutie20's Avatar
    Kutie20 Posts: 22, Reputation: 4
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    Jan 19, 2008, 05:03 AM
    I am a recovered cutter. I have to say that talking really is the best way to distract yourself... But I also used the thick hair bands. I would wear them around my wrist and when I needed to cut or felt anything that could trigger it... I snapped myself until I felt the urge go away...

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