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    Lacey19's Avatar
    Lacey19 Posts: 193, Reputation: 9
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    Mar 31, 2007, 03:34 PM
    Im really NOT enjoying being pregnant
    Im really not enjoying this at the moment I've am constantly feeling sick day and night, if I fancy something to eat I can't eat it because ill be sick and same goes for if I'm really hungry ill get something to eat but then ill feel sick again so I won't eat it, the tiredness is driving me up the wall. Im also not really getting much support from my partner at the moment his not understanding the changes happening to my body and constantly annoys me and wants to play fight but doesn't get we can't do that any more. Plus if any of you have read my previous posts I've not had a brilliant time with my family its just all getting a but too much at the moment, I am constantly reminded that I'm pregnant I just want to forget about it for just one day. Is anyone else feeling like this at the moment??

    Im 2 months and 2days
    zelda's Avatar
    zelda Posts: 83, Reputation: 0
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    Mar 31, 2007, 04:09 PM
    Yea my partner gets mad because I go to bed early and I lost my sex drive so it grosses me out and he gets really pis said off.. I also get really bad headaches
    Pheobelike's Avatar
    Pheobelike Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 31, 2007, 07:36 PM
    I hated being pregnant! Absolutely loathed it. Like yours, my Hubby, bless him, didn't understand. It wasn't real to him until he held our daughter in his arms. I was severely nauseous throughout my pregnancy but because I didn't actually throw up very often Hubby thought I was making it up so I didn't have to go to work. :mad: One day he found me in hysterical tears over the loo and told me "Crying isn't going to help anything," before leaving me there. Men!

    Just after thirteen weeks the sickness should die down a little, at least enough to make it manageble. The best thing I found was sipping water almost constatly but different things work for different people and it's worth trying everything that's recommended to you just to see if it helps. Talk to your partner and try and make him understand that though you're happy to be pregnant at the moment you're feeling very ill and explain you aren't up for the usual rough and tumble at the moment. If he's a more visual person find a site that shows pictures of the baby developing, that could just bring it home to him that you're currently supporting two lives.

    Hope things start getting better soon,
    Lacey19's Avatar
    Lacey19 Posts: 193, Reputation: 9
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    Apr 1, 2007, 01:22 AM
    Thanks guys, Its just like Friday night he woke me up every hour for sex and because I said no he did it even more and that really got on my nerves, I was overly tired anyway as I had a long day at work and all I wanted to do was sleep.
    curlybenswife's Avatar
    curlybenswife Posts: 2,477, Reputation: 267
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    Apr 1, 2007, 02:20 AM
    Hugs poppet I totally understand and it seems ten times worse to you because you are rush of hormones, I think a lot of men actually start to feel very rejected at this time rather than just excepting you feel like e they push there luck and you just get annoyed.
    What I will say though is eat but try not to eat sugery things as it can cause a few problems if you binge on them. Even if it's a slice of toast you need the food for energy.
    Are you doing anything to combat the sickness?
    Lacey19's Avatar
    Lacey19 Posts: 193, Reputation: 9
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    Apr 1, 2007, 03:02 AM
    I don't really no what to do?
    curlybenswife's Avatar
    curlybenswife Posts: 2,477, Reputation: 267
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    Apr 1, 2007, 03:05 AM
    There are a few things you can try poppet I'm not saying anything will work mind you but you might find something that will ease the sickness... bare with me and ill find you some links.
    curlybenswife's Avatar
    curlybenswife Posts: 2,477, Reputation: 267
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    Apr 1, 2007, 03:10 AM
    In the morning

    O Take your time getting out of bed.

    O If you tend to feel really sick in the morning, eat a little as soon as you wake up and before getting out of bed.

    O Ask your partner to bring the food to you, or prepare a snack the night before and leave it beside your bed.

    Throughout the day

    O Eat little and often, every two or three hours - even if you're not hungry.

    O Drink a lot of liquid, preferably 10 to 12 glasses of water, fruit juice or herbal tea each day.

    O Avoid food containing a lot of fat or spices.

    O Avoid alcohol and caffeine.

    O Eat dry crackers, toasted bread or rusks.

    O Ginger tea or ginger tablets can help reduce nausea.

    O Rest several times a day. Lie down with a pillow under your head and legs.

    O Move slowly and avoid sudden movements.

    O After eating, sit down so that gravity helps to keep the food in your stomach.

    O Avoid smells that make you feel sick or throw up.

    O Don't brush your teeth immediately after eating because this can cause vomiting.

    O Get some fresh air and exercise by going for a little walk every day.

    O Avoid smoking. Not only is it harmful for you and your child, it also diminishes your appetite.

    At night

    O Before going to bed, it may help to eat a snack such as a yoghurt, bread, milk, cereal or a sandwich.

    O If you wake up during the night, eating a small snack may stop you feeling sick in the morning.

    O Sleep with the windows open to get some fresh air, if possible.

    I found keeping a packet of ginger biscuits by the bed for when I woke helped I also drank a lot of ginger bear and I never felt sick but I can't stand the smell of the stuff now it really churns my tummy.
    Lacey19's Avatar
    Lacey19 Posts: 193, Reputation: 9
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    Apr 1, 2007, 03:20 AM
    Thanks hunny
    curlybenswife's Avatar
    curlybenswife Posts: 2,477, Reputation: 267
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    Apr 1, 2007, 03:25 AM
    Anything is worth a try I know just how misserable it can make you lots of hugs xx
    zelda's Avatar
    zelda Posts: 83, Reputation: 0
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    Apr 1, 2007, 04:56 PM
    He should have respect not to wake you up if you have to work... that is insane ,tell him if he wants some action try self satisfaction
    destinyangel_01's Avatar
    destinyangel_01 Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Apr 17, 2007, 03:34 PM
    I actually loved being pregnant and it will get better further along in your pregnancy, You should feel better in the second trimester, if you don't take a deep breath and say it's only nine months. Make sure that you are exercising and relax!!
    Congratulations on being pregnant just wait until you feel the baby move and actually get to see the little miracle for the first time nothing else is going to matter
    buggage's Avatar
    buggage Posts: 1,514, Reputation: 165
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    Apr 18, 2007, 07:31 AM
    That first month of pregnancy with morning sickness, is just awful. You were so excited to get pregnant, and after you've had the sickness every day, all day, for a few months, it starts to wear on you and you start to think " why did I want this so bad?" and it makes you feel worse for thinking that, but some days you just wish you could go back in time, because you feel so awful. Its like having the flu for months on end. Then once you get past the morning sickness, you are usually good for a few months until you get to the third tri, and you are just ready to be done because you are so big and uncomfortable and anxious to get that baby. But you know what? If you loved every moment of pregnancy, (and experts agree on this) you would be a LOT less willing to go through the labor and delivery process to get the baby into the world. You would be fine being pregnant forever hah. It takes all that discomfort over the months to make you want to go through the intense, but short lived discomfort of labor. And then once baby is here, you'll forget all about it. They have that effect on you. Otherwise, the world would have died out a long time ago, from women saying " NO MORE! I don't want another kid it was awful!" hah. I believe that is why God blessed us women with such a short memory when it comes to having babies hah. As far as your guy goes, it is probably several things. One, strange as this may seem sometimes, guys for the most part find pregnant women VERY attractive. Just something about them, guys go all hot and itchy for. Hah. Second, he's probably starting to feel a bit neglected. Its rather annoying when you are feeling like crap, but guys tend to feel neglected when we feel sick all the time and don't show them the attention and affection that we use to. To them it seems like just an excuse for us to get out of it. They don't understand how you could possibly be sick all the time. My husband has been saying this whole pregnancy " I can't wait till this pregnancy is over" haha. I'm like, I'm the one that is having sickness, and discomfort and aches and my body is all out of wack, and YOU can't wait till its over? And this time around has been so much easier then it was with our first! But for them its hard for them to understand the effect of the hormones on you, and its easy for them to just see it as you carrying a little extra weight in front. They don't understand that it isn't just a few pounds of baby that you are carryign around and all the emotional changed going on in you , and that you really are sick all the time. So just try to explain to him that you don't expect him to understand, but you do expect him to sympathize and to respect your new limitations. Remind him that he would not want you waking him up every hour through out the night to have sex, while he had the flu and had to go to work the next day. Pamper yourself in these hard times, and don't worry, it will get better. Hang in there sweety. It'll work out. Just hang in there and remember why you are doing this.
    robertsqueen's Avatar
    robertsqueen Posts: 376, Reputation: 43
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    Apr 18, 2007, 07:46 AM
    Hey Lacy.
    I understand where you are coming from. I was sick from the time I conceived until I gave birth. It is no fun. My doctor recommended me to wake up at midnight and eat a cracker. It sort of worked. Unfortuantlly nothing is going to take away that feeling of naseua. I hated being pregnant also because I was doing school and work at the same time. Do you work? Maybe you should take some time off. Just try to stay well rested and try to keep food down. I know how frustrating it can be not to eat lol. Fortunatly I had a partner that waited on me hand and foot so I was lucky in that department. You just have to think of the outcome of the pregnancy... when you are feeling overwhelmed think about the first time that you hold your son or daughter in your arms. Pregnacny sucks,but it is worth every second in the end. Good luck hun!

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