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    Triund's Avatar
    Triund Posts: 271, Reputation: 24
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    Sep 30, 2011, 10:26 AM
    Namaste in Church
    The video was sent to me by a friend who is a Hindu. I share Jesus with him through emails, but he throws back works of false christians telling me that Christianity is full of hypocrates. I have explained him many times who is a real follower of Jesus and who is a mere christian. However he does not get that. This Youtube video was another attempt from him to prove that many churches are adapting Eastern religious stuff.

    Pastor Eddie D. Smith Sr. - The Meaning of Namaste' - YouTube

    I fully know that since we are in the Last Days, mixing of religious practices and people falling away from faith, is bound to happen. This Pastor needs to to be told what wrong he is doing. In my church my priest was doing the same thing every time she would start her sermon. One day I talked to her about this and told about the roots of Hinduism. After that she stopped. Now I do not know whether she does not say "Namaste" when I am present in the congregation, though I had no intention of putting her down. Am I judgemental and should not do it? Or let the pastor know before many fall away from Truth?
    SERGIO41593's Avatar
    SERGIO41593 Posts: 26, Reputation: 2
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    Sep 30, 2011, 10:34 AM
    All the more to be a christian. Christianty straightens out your life ,you don't come in it already straight. Like jesus said,only those that are sick need a physcian.his purpose,his plan all along.
    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
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    Sep 30, 2011, 10:39 AM
    You are stating premises with no basis. "You fully know" what? How do you know? Prophesies about last days have been 'here' and 'almost here' so many times I can't count (although I saw a list online somewhere).

    Why can't you just share with your Hindu friend? Share is the word you use here, so surely you aren't trying to convert him? Is he trying to turn you into a Hindu?

    I happen to like religions learning from each other. (And all of them have hypocrites in them as far as I can see.) Hinduism has a philosophical base that I find helpful. I think Jesus may have picked up some of his radical new ideas from Buddhism and Hinduism.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Sep 30, 2011, 10:41 AM
    "Namaste" is simply the same as putting palms together in a gesture of peace, and is universal. I wouldn't get upset if my pastor began or ended his sermon with that. Getting upset over it builds one more fence that limits love.
    SERGIO41593's Avatar
    SERGIO41593 Posts: 26, Reputation: 2
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    Sep 30, 2011, 10:47 AM
    Case and point. No matter what, if you are not a christian, which is to be a follower of jesus christ.your labor, and beliefs are in vain. Vanity,vanity.all for nothong.
    Triund's Avatar
    Triund Posts: 271, Reputation: 24
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    Sep 30, 2011, 04:58 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    "Namaste" is simply the same as putting palms together in a gesture of peace, and is universal. I wouldn't get upset if my pastor began or ended his sermon with that. Getting upset over it builds one more fence that limits love.
    I appreciate your input however try telling Hindus to say "All this we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen" at the end of their prayers.
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    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Sep 30, 2011, 05:02 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Triund View Post
    I appreciate your input however try telling Hindus to say "All this we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen" at the end of their prayers.
    But that wasn't the concern. And my answer stands; I make no apology.
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    Triund Posts: 271, Reputation: 24
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    Sep 30, 2011, 06:00 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    You are stating premises with no basis. "You fully know" what? How do you know? Prophesies about last days have been 'here' and 'almost here' so many times I can't count (although I saw a list online somewhere).

    Why can't you just share with your Hindu friend? Share is the word you use here, so surely you aren't trying to convert him? Is he trying to turn you into a Hindu?

    I happen to like religions learning from each other. (And all of them have hypocrites in them as far as I can see.) Hinduism has a philosophical base that I find helpful. I think Jesus may have picked up some of his radical new ideas from Buddhism and Hinduism.
    Very interesting input. Now, how do I know we are in the last days..? it is all in The Bible. I read it there and then look around what is going on in the world, from there I conclude what I fully know. Recently a documentary came out known as "The Daniel Project" The Daniel Project Home Page. This wonderful DVD picks prophecies in The Bible and then shows the same happening around in the world.

    I have no right to convert anyone. I am only limited to tell others about Jesus. Changing a person's heart is all in Lord God's control. Only HE can draw a person to HIM not even Jesus. Yes.. my friend is surely doing a futile effort to pull me down from the Truth.

    Had Jesus picked things from Hinduism or Buddhism, HE would had surely adopted "Namaste" and asked HIS followers to greet each other with that word. There is no word, no ritual or ceremony in Old Testament or New Testament which has any tinge of Hinduism. Christianity has very strong roots in Judaism for very obvious reasons. And Lord God had told Jews not to mix with other people, then how could had Jesus learnt stuff from other religions?
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    Sep 30, 2011, 06:02 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    But that wasn't the concern. And my answer stands; I make no apology.
    I never expected any apology from you and for what? Every one has right to their own views.
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    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Sep 30, 2011, 06:05 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Triund View Post
    I never expected any apology from you and for what? Every one has right to their own views.
    At least I didn't twist the original question around 180 degrees.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Sep 30, 2011, 07:57 PM
    One can think or find a relationship from almost any Christian act to some other heathen or other religion acts. Bowing, Kneeling, raising your hands above your head.
    The idea that there is a "son of god" The story of Adam and Eve ( under other names are in many religions) The story of the flood (Noah) is in many other religions.

    We say it is in theirs since it happened and they are talking about a real event.

    Christian baptism is related to the early Jewish tradition of the temple cleansing.

    Get the hint, every thing we do, or every thing they do, can be related to some other faith or religion.

    You are never going to convince someone because of a practice or a custom.

    And your friend is right, there are most likely more hypocrites in Christian faith, esp in the US, than there are true believers, people go to help their business, to make business contacts, they go to look good as a community leader, Others go and talk about all the other ones.

    Others will fight or argue over silly customs with their friends that only takes away from the only message of conversion, that of the Cross ( although the death and coming back to life of a god is not new to christianity either)

    The fact that a custom is used in another faith, does not mean it is not a christian custom also, A christian may do something , not to worship another god, but to remind them of Christ, or to guide them to faith.

    Allowing others to make you worry about how we hold our hands, or gestures we use is silly.
    classyT's Avatar
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    Oct 3, 2011, 10:28 AM

    There are LOTS of hypocrites in the body of Christ today. I for ONE have been one.. haven't we all if we are honest. That is just ONE of the reasons Jesus died for me. I am human and my flesh is a hypocrite sometimes. Yes, Christians can be very disappointing sometimes that is why we need to keep our focus on the Lord who never disappoints.

    What this Pastor is preaching I believe is wrong. I could no more see the Apostle Paul getting up and using a pagan term to explain a Christian prinicpal to love one another. Why not go straight to the Bible to teach. Utterly ridiculous in my book.
    dwashbur's Avatar
    dwashbur Posts: 1,456, Reputation: 175
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    Oct 3, 2011, 02:54 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by classyT View Post

    There are LOTS of hypocrites in the body of Christ today. I for ONE have been one..haven't we all if we are honest. That is just ONE of the reasons Jesus died for me. I am human and my flesh is a hypocrite sometimes. Yes, Christians can be very disappointing sometimes that is why we need to keep our focus on the Lord who never disappoints.

    What this Pastor is preaching I believe is wrong. I could no more see the Apostle Paul getting up and using a pagan term to explain a Christian prinicpal to love one another. Why not go straight to the Bible to teach. Utterly ridiculous in my book.
    Paul quoted pagan poets twice in Acts 17:28. In Titus 1:12 he quotes Epimenides and calls him a "prophet." So I'm not sure why you can't see him doing such a thing, because he did it three times that we know of.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
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    Oct 3, 2011, 03:25 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by classyT View Post
    using a pagan term to explain a Christian prinicpal to love one another.
    That's not what it is! Paul's journeys didn't take him into India to learn this gentle tradition. He didn't travel to the U.S. either to see that we shake hands in greeting. (That's a joke.)

    Namaste is a common spoken greeting or salutation originating from the Indian subcontinent. It is a customary greeting when individuals meet, and a salutation upon their parting. A non-contact form of salutation is traditionally preferred in India and Namaste is the most common form of such a salutation. In Nepal, younger persons usually initiate the exchange with their elders. Initiating the exchange is seen as a sign of respect in other hierarchical settings.

    When spoken to another person, it is commonly accompanied by a slight bow made with hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointed upwards, in front of the chest. This gesture can also be performed wordlessly and carries the same meaning.
    (from Wikipedia)
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    Oct 3, 2011, 06:06 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by dwashbur View Post
    Paul quoted pagan poets twice in Acts 17:28. In Titus 1:12 he quotes Epimenides and calls him a "prophet." So I'm not sure why you can't see him doing such a thing, because he did it three times that we know of.
    I don't believe it is the same thing at all. This pastor is taking a term from a pagan RELIGION ( at least that is what he says it is) and is trying to make it a biblical truth. He isn't quoting a poet. And lets just take what this pastor has to say concerning it. Is it truth? Is a little bit of GOD IN all of us? We are all made in the image of God! We don't all have the Holy Spirit in us. It simply isn't the same. Not the same. Not a biblical truth. Sorry.


    Ok. But that isn't what the pastor says. He says it is from the Hindu relgion.

    Edit... one last thought. Quoting JayZ today to explain something to a group of teenagers in a youth group is more in line in what Paul did. He tried to get that culture to understand a biblical truth with someone from their culture. This pastor was talking to people who didn't know about HINDU.. he had to explain what it was.
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    Oct 3, 2011, 06:16 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by classyT View Post
    I don't believe it is the same thing at all. This pastor is taking a term from a pagan RELIGION ( at least that is what he says it is)
    Then he is wrong. It is not Hindu; it is part of the Indian culture, like shaking hands for Westerners, like kissing on both cheeks is for Europeans.
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    Oct 3, 2011, 06:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Then he is wrong. It is not Hindu; it is part of the Indian culture, like shaking hands for Westerners, like kissing on both cheeks is for Europeans.
    Ok. I can accept that. I am still going to argue Dave. This is the most interesting conversation on AMHD in awhile for me. Ha. I love a good argument. :)
    Wondergirl's Avatar
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    Oct 3, 2011, 06:29 PM
    There's nothing to argue with Dave about. He's right. Paul didn't live in a bubble.
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    Oct 3, 2011, 06:36 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by classyT View Post
    Ok. I can accept that. I am still gonna argue Dave. This is the most interesting conversation on AMHD in awhile for me. Ha. I love a good arguement. :)
    All I can tell you is, check out the quotes Paul uses in Acts 17. They are statements about God. And he quotes the poets with approval. So yes, it actually is the same thing. He's citing/using something from a pagan religion to illustrate the gospel of Christ. Paul did it with pagan writings, and he did it with the Synagogue when trying to reach the Jews. Your objection to what this pastor did doesn't hold up.
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    Oct 3, 2011, 07:00 PM

    I checked them out. Please. I am me. ;)

    Not the same. Paul tried to preach to the culture of the day. He only preached truth. This pastor took something from what he thought was a pagan relgion and tried to make it a biblical truth. What he taught was False. Didn't work. Paul NEVER did that. I wouldn't sit under this pastor teaching. Would you?

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