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    Lucky098's Avatar
    Lucky098 Posts: 2,594, Reputation: 543
    Ultra Member

    Feb 20, 2011, 07:04 PM
    Puppy! Puppy! Puppy!
    Hello all!

    I have a debate in my life.. I need some Devil's Advocate.

    On Thanksgiving, one of our rescue dogs gave birth to a litter of 8 adorable Solid Black GSP babies..

    There is a male in this litter, who I have held since birth (on accident! I swear) and now whenever I go outside and mess with them he searches for me and greets me. It is so cute...

    It's a male puppy, I more like females, but I can always make him gay! Lol (he would get neutered very young).

    At this point, I do have all the time in the world for a puppy. I go to school and that is it. Exercise in my household isn't quite what it use to be, but there really hasn't been much of a demand for it. My old pointer girls are slowing down a lot and my pits don't really require the same activity as a GSP.

    I'm not sure if I want to keep him or not. I always told myself (and others) that I would never own a rescue dogs because of all the problems that follow, but he is a puppy, he was born here and there is no doubt in my mind that this litter was a planned breeding and that these pups would have been sold for probably $1200 if not more. I also said I wanted to always have a GSP that was directly from Germany... The black and white GSPs are ONLY found in Germany and have been creeping over to the US. I know he is a purebred and his mama is very well tempered. They are good little puppies...

    I am honestly at a loss of what to do... I'd love to have another puppy, but.. yea.. Devil's Advocate!
    shazamataz's Avatar
    shazamataz Posts: 6,642, Reputation: 1244
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    Feb 20, 2011, 07:12 PM

    Well, you know what our answers will bee... keep him haha but really, you have to weigh up the pros and cons.

    Make yourself a list, why it is a good and bad idea.
    Pro: He gets on well with the other dogs
    Con: Will be an extra cost to you

    Things like that. Make sure you study the list and look at all the cons and if they will be an issue in the future.
    An extra cost to you might be fine now, but I always tend to think worst case scenario and think 'well, if I lost my job, can I afford him still'?

    Please don't post pictures or my post will be pointless, I can only imagine how cute he would be LOL
    Lucky098's Avatar
    Lucky098 Posts: 2,594, Reputation: 543
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    Feb 21, 2011, 10:21 AM

    Well, that makes it a bit harder.. If ever I'm in a situation with my dogs, my mom is always there to help me out. Right now, I'm not working and my mom is pretty much taking care of my dog. At this point, its just food... but if anything became medical, she'd pay for it.. My mom probably wouldn't tell me no with this puppy.. SHE even says "Oh, he always tries to find you when he hears your voice" which is making this worse.. lol

    I think I might bring him into the house and do a little test drive.

    And he is absolutely adorable! Hes got that cute little blocky German Shorthaired Pointer puppy head, tons of skin! He's also solid black except for his toes and chest, which are speckled (ticked). So! So, so cute!

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