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    smylerlo's Avatar
    smylerlo Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 3, 2007, 12:37 PM
    Help me with my toshiba satellite laptop cd rom drive

    I'm having problems with me cd rom drive. I have a toshiba satellite laptop. The cd drive plays data discs, but when I use it to play audio cd's, it plays them in slow motion. I've tried using different programs for running my audio cd's but the result is still the same- music played in slow-mo. The cd drive works well for data discs though. Device manager says that my cd drive is working properly, but its not. I've also tried playing other audio cd's but
    No change in the output.. don't know what to do. Help

    sashus's Avatar
    sashus Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 5, 2007, 03:08 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by smylerlo

    im having problems with me cd rom drive. i have a toshiba satellite laptop. the cd drive plays data discs, but when i use it to play audio cd's, it plays them in slow motion. ive tried using different programs for running my audio cd's but the result is still the same- music played in slow-mo. the cd drive works well for data discs tho. device manager says that my cd drive is working properly, but its not. ive also tried playing other audio cd's but
    no change in the output.. dunno what to do. help

    I have the same problem, I called Toshiba tech support and they told me to bring it into a repair shop.

    I've found a way to overcome this issue by inserting a data disk and opening a file on the disk, closing the file and inserting the audio CD and it usually works.

    Not the best fix. My laptop is 2months old and hardly used. m115-s3154
    withloveyourfoe's Avatar
    withloveyourfoe Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 5, 2007, 07:39 PM
    Could you possibly try to copy the audio files to your hard drives first? As if they play fine there, it would cancel out any errors with your codecs/media player, etc...

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