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    sweet15's Avatar
    sweet15 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jul 15, 2010, 02:41 PM
    Is it normal to have menstrual for almost 6 weeks?
    I have my menstruation March 26 until March 30... Then I was waiting for next to come but did not came my menstruation and was delayed for 2 months April-May... Finally it came May 29 and did not stop my menstruation until now and it's almost 6 weeks. I had unprotected sex during my menstruation... is it okay to have sex if you have your period... I am worried about my condition. Is it possible that I'm pregnant?. I don't know if it's normal or what or what it may cause... Please help... Thanks...
    AskTheKitty's Avatar
    AskTheKitty Posts: 24, Reputation: 10
    New Member

    Jul 15, 2010, 03:06 PM
    Hello. Your condition sounds just like what I experienced.
    I'd missed my period for 3 months straight and then when I
    Finally got it, it lasted nearly a month. It stopped for about
    3 days and then went nonstop for the next six months.
    I avoided the doctor out of fear, but I wouldn't recommend anyone
    Else doing as I did. The sooner you find out what's going on, the
    Better off you'll be and the sooner you can be treated properly and
    Hopefully return to normal. The longer you wait, the longer you'll
    Be stressing about this needlessly.

    Not sure if you're pregnant or not, but I'd make an appointment
    With your doctor or go to Planned Parenthood to get checked out.
    I waited and stressed out for 6 whole months before I finally went to Planned Parenthood, who referred me to a clinic to get a biopsy to obtain a proper diagnosis.
    My condition was/is due to a hormone imbalance caused by a condition called PCOS:
    Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

    I was put on birth control pills and the bleeding stopped the very next day. Your hormones might just be out of whack. It's in your best interest to get checked out
    Asap, and I really hope you will. This may not be something that just goes away on its own, like I tried convincing myself for so long. Had I known that I could have
    Found relief in less than 2 days, believe me I would have gone in sooner.

    I hope you'll be OK, please get yourself checked out so you can start enjoying
    Life again! :)
    positiveparent's Avatar
    positiveparent Posts: 1,136, Reputation: 291

    Jul 15, 2010, 05:02 PM

    I think the previous poster expressed some very good points.

    So a visit to your Doctor is definitely needed.

    As for having sex whilst menstruating, if its unprotected you run the risk of getting pregnant, and you wouldn't know when you conceived the child, so again visit your doctor, you could just need what's known as a scrape or a D & C, which is basically, a very quick operation that cleans all the junk out of your womb and once done should regulate your periods, however after having this op, if that's what is needed you can fall pregnant very very quickly.

    Please go to your doctor asap, and he will know what to do. We here can advise on past experiences but everyone is different.

    Again your doctor will be able to tell you if you're pregnant..

    Also a very prolonged period could leave you anemic...

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