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    nobabes's Avatar
    nobabes Posts: 35, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 13, 2009, 02:29 PM
    Where is my relationship going? What is he thinking?
    Hi guys, I've been with my partner for 9 years now, we have a house together and lots of commitments together.

    I am desperate to get married, but we lately tried to speak about it and he proclaimed (out of the blue) he will never ever get married! Mixed signals to say the least... last yr he told my mother he was saving for a ring!

    I pushed for an explanation all I got was... 'your not marriage material', then denied saying it and refuses to talk about the subject!

    When I met him he wasn't hot on marriage and I put it down to his parents horrific marriage. But then he came round and we spoke about it last year... where we would get married, laughed about keeping his mum and dad apart... first dances... etc

    He always says as well that he loves me more than I love him. Which I actually think might be a little true, but I love him enough to be with him for the rest of our lives.

    What's going on with him? I would love to know what guys think?
    Im even starting to wonder whether we actually have a future or not??
    artlady's Avatar
    artlady Posts: 4,208, Reputation: 1477
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    Jul 13, 2009, 02:34 PM

    but I love him enough to be with him for the rest of our lives.
    Really,do you?That statement sounds like someone who is willing to settle.
    If not getting married is a deal breaker than you have to consider if you are willing to be live in partners or if you feel that you are being cheated.
    If marriage is your bottom line than perhaps you need to rethink the relationship.
    Justwantfair's Avatar
    Justwantfair Posts: 3,422, Reputation: 944
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    Jul 13, 2009, 02:40 PM
    I am so sorry to laugh, but I finally feel a little less alone.
    If you would love advice, I have been going through this for five years myself, in what I think is a great relationship that will never be marriage.
    Bottom line for the both of us: You can't stay with two different paths in life, you have just given up the common ground.
    If it's important to you (it's hugely important to me) you won't be comfortable sitting pretty when his actions are a huge shot at your relationship foundation.
    redhed35's Avatar
    redhed35 Posts: 4,221, Reputation: 1910
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    Jul 13, 2009, 02:44 PM

    I'm not against marriage,but you guys have been together for 9 years,a ceremony and a piece of paper does not keep a couple together,they stay together because they want to be together.

    What will change if you get married?

    If its not broken don't fix it,is getting married so important to you?
    nobabes's Avatar
    nobabes Posts: 35, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 13, 2009, 02:51 PM

    Is there any guys out there, who can give me an idea of what he might be thinking?
    redhed35's Avatar
    redhed35 Posts: 4,221, Reputation: 1910
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    Jul 13, 2009, 03:00 PM

    I do see your point,I was married,divorced did the works.

    The point I was trying to make is,9 years is a long time in a relationship,if he was going to marry you,would he not have done it already?

    I guess even though your together,marriage is that final commitment,harder to get out off,harder to walk away from.
    Justwantfair has a really good thread at the moment,its worth the read. Maybe she can post the thread,my computer is kicking up this evening.
    Torrid13's Avatar
    Torrid13 Posts: 637, Reputation: 149
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    Jul 13, 2009, 04:18 PM

    He told you himself he didn't think you were marriage material.

    I would get out of there. You're setting yourself up for a lot more pain down the road.
    liz28's Avatar
    liz28 Posts: 4,662, Reputation: 1034
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    Jul 13, 2009, 04:35 PM

    Only he knows how he feels about you--nobody else would. If you can't figure out how he feels or where this relationship how would you expect complete strangers try to sort it out?

    You can't force him to communicate with you and he doesn't seems like he wants to at this point.

    The two of you decided to play house but now you want to change the rules and it's obivuous he doesn't.

    I would be very concern with my boyfriend of 9 years telling me I isn't marriage material. If you isn't marriage material then why in the world is he with you? Makes you wonder! Also, are you pushing for marriage?
    nobabes's Avatar
    nobabes Posts: 35, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 18, 2009, 08:07 AM

    That's the bit that really gets me, if he had just said I don't want to marry, because of money or family, or any other reason I could maybe understand. But a comment like 'not marriage material'! What the hell is that? I'm not pushing marriage, I just simply brought it up and he flew off the handle.

    Is it possible a man could still be so sexist to think marriage material equals, dinner every night on the table with martini in hand?

    I isn't ever going to be that person, I have more commitments than him with my work, I work long hours and usually bring it home as well, I don't have time to stroke his ego all the time as well. Lol sorry little rant!
    nobabes's Avatar
    nobabes Posts: 35, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 18, 2009, 08:13 AM
    Tell me if this sounds normal to you?

    My mum and dad said to me they found it completely bizarre that we have separate bank accunts, my money is mine and his is his, we each put some into a joint account to pay house, bills, etc.

    He spends his money on his things and I spend my money on my stuff. Is this a new generation thing or not?

    My mother thinks we should all our money in one account, certainly after 9 years. It doesn't bother me either way, I've never known it different. Just wondered if any one else found it strange?
    Torrid13's Avatar
    Torrid13 Posts: 637, Reputation: 149
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    Jul 18, 2009, 09:19 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by nobabes View Post
    thats the bit that really gets me, if he had just said i dont want to marry, cos of money or family, or any other reason I could maybe understand. But a comment like 'not marriage material'! what the hell is that? im not pushing marriage, i just simply brought it up and he flew off the handle.

    Is it possible a man could still be so sexist to think marriage material equals, dinner every night on the table with martini in hand?

    I aint ever gonna be that person, i have more committments than him with my work, I work long hours and usually bring it home aswell, I dont have time to stroke his ego all the time as well. lol sorry little rant!
    He said that because he's a moron who wants to be the male version of the cat/bag lady who is extremely lonely, scares children, and eats belly button lint. You're actually lucky he said that; can imagine marrying someone like that?

    My ex boyfriend told me (and he WANTED to marry me... for most of our relationship, anyway... ) that I should be "grateful" he broke up with me, and he could be with me 10 years and STILL never want to marry me or EVER have the intention of doing so. What a douchebag, right? Yeah, that's why we don't talk anymore, even though he wanted to be "friends."

    The world's infested! AHH!
    Jake2008's Avatar
    Jake2008 Posts: 6,721, Reputation: 3460
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    Jul 18, 2009, 09:32 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by nobabes View Post
    Hi guys, ive been with my partner for 9 years now, we have a house together and lots of committments together.

    I am desperate to get married, but we lately tried to speak about it and he proclaimed (out of the blue) he will never ever get married! Mixed signals to say the least.....last yr he told my mother he was saving for a ring!

    i pushed for an explanation all I got was....'your not marriage material', then denied saying it and refuses to talk about the subject!

    Wehn I met him he wasnt hot on marriage and i put it down to his parents horrific marriage. But then he came round and we spoke about it last year...where we would get married, laughed about keeping his mum and dad apart....first dances...etc

    he always says aswell that he loves me more than i love him. which i actually think might be a little true, but i love him enough to be with him for the rest of our lives.

    whats going on with him? i would love to know what guys think?
    Im even starting to wonder whether we actually have a future or not????
    Nine years is a very long commitment, and more than enough time to realize that marriage is long overdue.

    I don't think it is unreasonable for you to expect that, especially if you are wanting to have children. There is a totally different level of commitment when you are married, and him throwing excuses around as to why he isn't, is just to throw you off.

    But a couple of thoughts come to mind. First of all, he has all the benefits of marriage, and a nice stable, loving partner, so why take that next step. He's shown he's loyal and a good partner over the long haul, what's the big deal. His mindset is not uncommon in that he's got his life where he wants it, and fears marriage as a death sentence, which many do. And rightly so really, as more marriages than not, end in divorce. Maybe this is masking that insecurity; that he could possibly lose you.

    It really boils down to what you want. If being married is the place you want to be, and he cannot see himself ever being married, then there is little you can do. You either accept it, or you don't. You stay, or you move on.

    He may have toyed with the idea along the way, as you said with saving for a ring, but the bottom line is, he cannot commit to marrying you. With it being a major concern in your life right now I'd like to suggest something else.

    When both parties have drawn their lines in the sand as to where they stand, and there is no compromising the issue, until you settle it, it will eat away at your relationship. Go and see a therapist, and see if this doesn't allow each of you the freedom to express yourselves without fear of reprimand or arguing.

    It may very well be that what stops him are his own insecurities, or other reasons that you (and maybe he himself) are not aware of. The fact that he won't marry you is probably more to do with his mindset, and he may just gain a little insight.

    In the meanwhile, I would let the matter rest, and agree to not talk about it until you are in counselling. Pushing him at this stage of the game won't do any good, and likely would do more harm.

    Good luck to you.
    Justwantfair's Avatar
    Justwantfair Posts: 3,422, Reputation: 944
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    Jul 18, 2009, 10:40 AM

    9Lives disagrees: my dad married his girlfriend after 10 years. He became a godly man at the time.
    What are you disagreeing with?

    This isn't how the rating system is to be used. My personal experience isn't up for disagreement, it is my story. You may only disagree with facts that are incorrect. Please refer to the rules of the site.
    ZoeMarie's Avatar
    ZoeMarie Posts: 2,049, Reputation: 468
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    Jul 18, 2009, 10:52 AM

    It looks like I caught this late. A lot of good advice here. Counseling is a great idea. I think to get a third party involved usually is because they can help you see what you and/or your partner doesn't see.

    Also, people can say things that they don't mean if they are upset/angry. I can't see why he would still be with you if there wasn't something there that made him think you were "marriage material."
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jul 18, 2009, 01:38 PM

    To Justy, and Nobabes,
    If marriage was the goal, why settle for living together for so long??

    With, or without, the piece of paper and traditions, and pomp, and ceremony, YOU ARE MARRIED, and fully committed to life with each other. Don't let that piece of paper (or lack of it) change that, or drive a wedge between you.

    It may take a lot longer than overnight, for a guy to see how important that piece of paper is to you, or the legal ramifications that piece of paper will mean to the law.

    I think you would be best to back away, and let some emotional dust settle, so the men in your lives can process your feelings, and theirs, (we guys are slow to process our own feelings, let alone yours) because we guys are quick to get into our comfort zones, and it takes dynamite to get us out.

    The smartest thing I have read though is keeping the finances separated, as ONLY in marriage should you mix the money. The law doesn't recognize couples after anything happens (break up, death, injury, or illness) without a signed sealed and delivered contract.

    To nobabes,
    Don't have any babies until he seals the deal legally, and if babies are your goal, let him know so he has food for thought.
    nobabes's Avatar
    nobabes Posts: 35, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 8, 2009, 06:29 PM

    Thanks for all your answers guys theyr all appreciated. There are two things I would like to point out though.

    Tal, in Scotland we are legally bound, just as marriage, after two years of cohabiting, but thanks for your response about the finances.

    For those who spoke about counseling... unfortunately in the UK, this isn't such a normal route, therapy and counselling is very much an 'western' thing and counselling is only really used for tradegies, mental illness and the like... Its not really offered by our national health for the reasons I would like to use it and therefore is hugely, massively expensive.
    Justwantfair's Avatar
    Justwantfair Posts: 3,422, Reputation: 944
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    Dec 9, 2009, 08:12 AM


    How are things transpiring now, has there been any improvements? As you know, I am a very interested party. ;)
    jaffeyjoeblaze's Avatar
    jaffeyjoeblaze Posts: 157, Reputation: 16
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    Dec 9, 2009, 08:41 AM

    Let me just say... I was this guy not to long ago... my ex wanted to be apart of my credit card acct, always talked about our wedding, always talked about our house, etc...

    I always disagreed and said 'i don't even know if we will' 'i don't know in this point of my life' 'i don't think we could get married' 'i always wanted children on my own, from a woman who didn't have children' since she has 2 children from a past relationship...

    So what he wants to do is see if he can find somebody more worthy in his eyes to marry and then if he can't he will want to marry you...

    But that is not fair... he must let you go and he must go on so he can find somebody that fits his wants in a wife and as do you need to find that man that wants to unconditionally love you and only you and has no doubts about marriage...

    I was your boyfriend at one time, and now I left my ex because its for the best for us, I can search for the woman and life I want and she can find a man who wants to take care of her and her 2 children...

    That's just my opinion but I hope the best!
    nobabes's Avatar
    nobabes Posts: 35, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 29, 2009, 03:11 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Justwantfair View Post

    How are things transpiring now, has there been any improvements? As you know, I am a very interested party. ;)

    My partner is so bloody strange... lol

    He's not very emotionally in touch as you may have gathered. He only ever really starts to talk about his feelings and REAL opinions after a few drinks. So anyway after a few I started to fish about (at my own peril), it all came out that he scared of marriage, scared of the actual day... the speeches, standing up in front of everyone, etc, etc. And his parents had a terrible marriage also.

    I don't know whether that's just excuses or not, but he seemed quite genuine. But then I also think... surely if he really loved me he would put all that aside for one day?

    Surely a lot of men feel like that, but have done because they love their partners?
    J. Sparks's Avatar
    J. Sparks Posts: 69, Reputation: 15
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    Dec 29, 2009, 08:15 PM

    The biggest deterrent for a man to not want to marry a woman is that the sex life is no good. Now the woman might be happy, or fine with what is there because it's not the most important thing for her in the relationship. But for a guy sex is the most important of all and then comes everything else, relationship, love then marriage.

    If a man says that's not true he's lying. Excellent sex is the most important for a healthy relationship.

    All I can suggest is to give him the best sex he's ever had in his life. ~ Then wait a while. Maybe that is all that is needed to push him into the YES camp.

    Everyone's advice is different. A lot of people won't like mine, but I am frank about everything and I find that works good for me.

    You certainly have nothing to lose, it's already not going to well for you. I'm a male and I am dead certain on this. Blow this man away in bed and he'll make his mind up in only a few days
    That he wants this relationship or not.

    It's been 9 years! He loves you, but he needs more passion to want to tight the knot and doesn't know how to make that happen.

    You seem to be steering everything. So fix this up quick smart or split now.

    Good luck :)

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