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    Vita44's Avatar
    Vita44 Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    May 6, 2009, 06:28 PM
    Not pregnant yet had no period for a year, plus other things, are they all linked?
    Hello I've found very little information involving my specific situation on other sites then spotted this site. I hope you can give me some advice.

    I am 23 years old and have had irregular periods since I was 13. My flows were always light and initially came every month. But after a while the gap widened ever so slightly and they got so light that before I knew it I was going four months without seeing any blood at all.

    I started giving blood as soon as I could and had no problem with low iron. But in the last two years my iron has dropped to just below the levels necessary to donate. My periods then went to six months or more between flows and the flow would be so light I'd maybe only see the blood on a toilet tissue. Now I think its been about twelve months since I had even that. Over the last year I've also noticed that I have hard, dark to almost black stool. This is whenever I go to the toilet, every three days. I went to the doctor and was checked over.

    My iron isn't so low as to be classed as anemic, its within normal parameters but at the lowest end of the scale. My hormones are fine and I have no thyroid problems. I had a scan an ultra sound scan and was told everything is fine. The Doctor said she could put me on the pill to help regulate my flow but as she couldn't see anything wrong I didn't bother.

    She never mentioned anything about possible bleeding in the digestive tract. I would like to know if this is the most likely thing it could be with my list of symptoms. Although I feel I should point out, I am obese, about 17 stone at a height of 5.6. I do not drink water at all, don't eat fruit and I may only have two meals a day. I go to the gym but otherwise don't exercise. I've also been told by others that this could be the cause of my problems.

    I just want some advice. Should I go on a diet and drink more water? See if that makes a difference or should I go straight to the doctor?

    Thanks for reading this, I know it was very long. I hope there isn't a word limit.

    unluckynut's Avatar
    unluckynut Posts: 294, Reputation: 23
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    May 6, 2009, 08:17 PM

    My periods were like that, If I were you I would go to a doctor like for infertily I forget the name I couldn't spell it anyway, So he can test everything and see what's wrong. He would check all you hormones. I didn't go I wish I would have It took 10 years to have a baby. I got lucky once tried another 5 years and got a lot of doctors bill that's all. This kind of doctor deals with this all day. Even if you don't want kids now or ever He'd be the best to get all your answers. Good luck!
    gritsonamission's Avatar
    gritsonamission Posts: 7, Reputation: 2
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    May 6, 2009, 10:50 PM
    Can't tell you what it might be... Perhaps a diet issue. My advice: get on a balanced diet. Drink plenty of water. Raise your iron. Exercise regularly, but don't over do it. The pill is great for getting your pipes back in working order. If those don't work, maybe hormonal supplements. PCOS will cause your body not to make certain hormones, which will keep you from having a period. I am not saying that you have this, just that there are different things that can cause you to have this issue. (PCOS isn't as scarry as you think... ) A gyno. Would be able to help you waaay better than anyone on here.
    artlady's Avatar
    artlady Posts: 4,208, Reputation: 1477
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    May 7, 2009, 11:44 PM

    Dark stool could be from taking iron.I assume that you are taking iron pills,given your low iron count.
    DoulaLC's Avatar
    DoulaLC Posts: 10,488, Reputation: 1952
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    May 8, 2009, 03:34 AM

    Sounds like you may be dealing with possible constipation... you are likely not taking in enough fluids. What do you drink and how often? Many fluids come from your foods, but fruit is a big component of that and since you aren't eating fruit either that lowers your intake even more. Eating sometimes only twice a day can play a role as well... what are you eating that allows you to remain at 17 stone? How often do you go to the gym and for how long each visit?

    You might want to ask your gp for a referral to a dietician who can go over your diet and give you a plan that may just help balance out some of the concerns. That would be the first step... get on the right path with what you are eating and drinking... along with your exercise. Weight can play an issue in fertility for some women... and while women over 17 stone do become pregnant, it may be enough to be throwing off your own fertility.

    Have you been tested to see if you are ovulating? While some women will become pregnant with irregular periods, not having a period for a year is likely a sign that you are not ovulating, at least not on a regular basis and without ovulation, you won't get pregnant.

    The pill to help regulate your flow might help, but it doesn't guarantee ovulation, just helps will initiating a period. Discuss all of this some more with your gp or ask to see a reproductive endocrinologist.
    Vita44's Avatar
    Vita44 Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    May 9, 2009, 11:19 AM
    Hello I don't know if I'm replying right so if this looks odd on the page please ignore it.

    My Mother was the same having me. She went eight years before she had me and never had another hint of pregnancy. Since I want a big family. I'll definitely be taking your advice.

    Thanks for replying.
    Vita44's Avatar
    Vita44 Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    May 9, 2009, 11:50 AM
    Well I'm not sure if this is the right way to reply to your answers but I'm going to reply to everyone in this message. If it isn't could someone please tell me the proper way to do it.

    First of all thank you for replying.

    I went to my GP and she tested me for thyroid problems, hormone deficiencies and sent me for a scan to make sure I didn't have polycystic ovaries. Everything was normal.

    It was suggested that I start taking the pill but the doctor also told me that it would likely only work for as long as I was taking it and didn't offer it as a longterm solution.

    I was taking Iron pills until my perscription ran out recently. The pills were only perscribed after I tried to donate and failed because of low iron. I don't take them all the time. I took maybe one pill every couple of days and that was all.

    It could most definitely be a diet issue. I am not the healthiest eater but I'm certainly not the worst I know of either. But I will definitely look into seeing a nutrition specialist.

    I have a cup of tea on a morning with breakfast. A can of coke with my dinner and glass of milk before bed. I only get a drink in between if I’m thirsty. I have either an omelette, cereal or toast in the morning. And then maybe a snack food, a bag of crisps or something like that at dinner and then I have my dinner between 4 and 6. Usually that’s whatever meat I fancy that day and mashed potato or something along those lines. My fitness instructor at the gym suggested I try to eat little bits every two to three hours to try and get a bigger appetite but I’m finding it difficult. Each gym session is usually an hour and a half, I try to go three times a week but I’ve been very busy at work lately and haven’t been able to go that match. Maybe once a week for the last month or so.

    I don’t have much energy most of the time and have problems with my Achilles tendons from walking on my toes as a child. They didn’t stretch so exercise is difficult for me so I don’t work as hard as other people because it gets extremely painful. I had them corrected when I was young but they still trouble me though a lot less since I started taking Glucosamine Sulphate.

    I had heard that weight could be a factor in fertility but wasn’t sure if it was an old wives tale or not.

    I wasn’t tested to see if I was ovulating or not but isn’t that to do with hormones? Certain hormones initiate ovulation don’t they and my hormone levels were normal.

    I’ll definitely be looking into every suggestion you’ve given me. I really hope its just my weight playing a role but since both my Mother and Grandmother had problems conceiving and only managed one child each, it being genetic is also a possibility.

    Thanks again everyone.
    DoulaLC's Avatar
    DoulaLC Posts: 10,488, Reputation: 1952
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    May 9, 2009, 01:26 PM

    It's possible it is a hereditary issue, but that would be something you can't change. Maybe focus on those issues that you can do something about... your diet, as you mentioned. Your diet can sometimes play a role in how your hormones function.

    If you have been trying to get pregnant for a year or more... and since you haven't had a period in that time, I would ask about a referral to a specialist to investigate some more. There are a number of fertility tests that can be done at different stages of your cycle. Would be a good idea for your partner to have testing done as well as it often times is a male issue or a combination of both.

    Finding out whether you are ovulating is key since without that you won't get pregnant no matter what else you try.
    Vita44's Avatar
    Vita44 Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    May 9, 2009, 01:38 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by DoulaLC View Post
    It's possible it is a hereditary issue, but that would be something you can't change. Maybe focus on those issues that you can do something about....your diet, as you mentioned. Your diet can sometimes play a role in how your hormones function.

    If you have been trying to get pregnant for a year or more....and since you haven't had a period in that time, I would ask about a referral to a specialist to investigate some more. There are a number of fertility tests that can be done at different stages of your cycle. Would be a good idea for your partner to have testing done as well as it often times is a male issue or a combination of both.

    Finding out whether or not you are ovulating is key since without that you won't get pregnant no matter what else you try.
    Hi I think I made a mistake with my question, I didn't realise how people were taking this. I'm not trying to get pregnant I only meant to indicate that I was having missed periods but was not pregnant. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks for responding, I'll definitely be looking into changing my diet, drinking more water and losing weight. Thanks again.
    DoulaLC's Avatar
    DoulaLC Posts: 10,488, Reputation: 1952
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    May 9, 2009, 02:02 PM

    Ahhh, I see... sorry for my confusion... :) Since it was the same for your mother and grandmother, then it very well could be genetic. Some women don't have regular cycles just naturally, but a full year is a bit unusual.
    Perhaps diet changes and some weight loss will make a difference for you... would be healthy choices regardless.
    If you ever get to a point of wanting to become pregnant, then you may want to consider more testing at that time if it remains an issue for you.'s Avatar Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 4, 2010, 01:51 PM
    Well, you have a very unhealthy diet! you need to drink At least a litre of water a day, thirst is something you have to get your body used to, I initially didn't used to drink a lot but I've been increasing my intake slowly and now I actually get thirsty enough to drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water a day, you body gets used to it and you don't have to think about drinking water, it just tells you, water is soooo incredibly important for regulating your bodily functions, hormonal functions, and all, it allows you to absorb nutrients properly, it is absolutely essential for a properly functioning body! you should try to cut out caffeine altogether, that's coffee, tea, chocolate etc
    Take multivitamins and minerals, ensuring they contain zinc and iron as these are very important for conception.
    As for your constipation problems - protein causes constipation, if you can't give up your meat the only way to stop this is by eating your 5 a day, if you can't manage five at least do 3, 2 handfuls of grapes and an apple and a pear,trust me theyr not as bad as you think! they'r actually pretty yummy!
    Constipation causes weight gain, fatigue, hormonal imbalance, mood wings, severe head aches and infertility amongst many many other problems, fruit and veg intake (apart from broccoli-this causes more constipation due to high iron levels which you would have to nutralise with yet more fruit intake)is a fantastic way to stop this also try lots of apple juice! although juices are high in calories, at least they will make your diet and therefore hormonal balance better.
    Also, zinc intake allows you to produce mucus properly, often when your body is not doing so properly this causes constipation as mucus is what lubricates your stools and allows you to excrete trouble free! Hope I help!Xx

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