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80's... maybe EARLY 90's movie...
[ 11 Answers ]
Okay, I'm looking for a movie that I remember back when I was little. I want to say it's an 80's movie. It was around the time The Last Unicorn came out. I think I remember seeing a preview for Kiko's Mail Service on the tape. Anyway its about a little girl who like goes to a place in the clouds. I...
I need help with an 80's or early 90's fantasy movie title!
[ 5 Answers ]
I stumbled into this place and it looks like someone may be able to help me with this... I've been after a movie title for something like the last ten or fifteen years, and just lately it's started bugging me afresh. I must have seen it when I was super small, and only remember fragments of the...
A really obscure/random children's movie from the late 80's early 90's
[ 3 Answers ]
All right, I don't remember much from it, but it has been bothering me for a long time... so if anyone could help me out I will love you forever. The movie has a bad guy who I don't really remember, but his minions are dark and shadowy and might make mechanical noises when they move. There is a...
This is a tough one... 80's - early 90's TV show/movie
[ 9 Answers ]
OK I saw this animated show/movie (can't remember which it was) on TV when I was really young. It couldn't have been before 1985. It involved a witch or sorcerer who had the ablity to turn people into stone. The villain hyponotized the young men of the village and used them to round up all...
Kids movie from late 80's early 90's I think
[ 11 Answers ]
There was a movie that I watched once when I was younger about a young girl who had dolls that came to life and they lived in a land that she could go to if she stepped through her mirror. I know it is not Alice and Wonderland. This movie was about the girl's grandma was getting older and she... View more questions Search