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    davidmentre's Avatar
    davidmentre Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 27, 2008, 09:35 AM
    Not cooling
    Air conditioning is blowing but not cooling, called a technician and it won't be there 'till next week; they told me to check some things but not sure what, can you tell me?
    maliceluvsyou's Avatar
    maliceluvsyou Posts: 65, Reputation: 3
    Junior Member

    Jun 27, 2008, 09:42 AM
    It may not have any water in the pads, you should try wetting them with the hose.
    hvac1000's Avatar
    hvac1000 Posts: 14,540, Reputation: 435
    Heating & Air Conditioning Expert

    Jun 27, 2008, 10:39 AM
    Check the circuit breaker and fuses for the outside unit. This is usually the first step.
    wmproop's Avatar
    wmproop Posts: 3,749, Reputation: 91
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    Jun 27, 2008, 05:12 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by maliceluvsyou
    It may not have any water in the pads, you should try wetting them with the hose.

    I`m so confused,, what you talking about?water in pads
    hvac1000's Avatar
    hvac1000 Posts: 14,540, Reputation: 435
    Heating & Air Conditioning Expert

    Jun 27, 2008, 05:21 PM
    I`m so confused,,,what you talking about?water in pads

    Do not be confused this person((It may not have any water in the pads, you should try wetting them with the hose.)) who posted this does not know what he is talking about. LOL
    wmproop's Avatar
    wmproop Posts: 3,749, Reputation: 91
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    Jun 27, 2008, 09:29 PM
    Yes I agree, I knew he didn`t but was hoping to be nice,in saying so, I`m trying to practice being nice,, but sometimes its hard,, lol,, I hate it when people are looking for answers and they get off the wall responses,, it only makes it harder for the homeowner
    maliceluvsyou's Avatar
    maliceluvsyou Posts: 65, Reputation: 3
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    Jun 27, 2008, 09:51 PM
    Its not an off the wall answer, I have an older air conditioner in my home (which I believe he is asking about, though I may be wrong) and when its blowing air and not cooling my hubby checks to see if it has any water. And most of the time the air conditioning pads are dry so he wets them with the hose. Sorry for the misunderstanding but you don't have to make fun of me. I was really just trying to help. And I know its hard being nice because I'm not but you didn't have to poke fun. >:-/

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