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    jojo818's Avatar
    jojo818 Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 6, 2008, 12:54 AM
    Do you think I'm pregnant? If not, can someone give me some peace of mind?
    Hi there! I'm new here and I really want to get some honest opinions here.:)

    My boyfriend and I had sex (with condoms) back in the last week of November. That week was my ovulation (supposedly ovulated on the 27th, I have a 30 day cycle). But afterwards, like 2 weeks later, I began feeling nauseous, only at night though, I felt just fine throughout the rest of the day. I even got my period on the 13th of December, right on schedule, although it was a little bit lighter and a day shorter than usual. I took a pregnancy test the 18th and it came back negative.

    I feel bloated all the time and I know that this is a PMS symptom, but I don't know if it's just I'm more aware of my body now but it feels like I'm bloated a lot.

    I just went to my doctor on the 4th and got another urine pregnancy test done. It again came back negative. You'd think I'd feel much better considering my doctor told me I wasn't...

    I can't stop thinking about this because I've had plenty of women tell me how they've had their period during their pregnancy. I can't help but thinking I could be one of these women. And with these negative pregnancy tests, maybe I'm testing too early? Again, these 'symptoms' could just all be in my head since I am worried about it, or they could just be PMS symptoms that I have never particularly noticed before.

    I know that all the signs point towards not being pregnant. And I have read many other posts on here trying to help me find my answer.

    Anyway... I'm sorry if this is kind of long, but I would appreciate any answers anyone could give me. Thank you! :o
    MycheleXoXo's Avatar
    MycheleXoXo Posts: 53, Reputation: 2
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    Jan 6, 2008, 03:10 AM
    Hi there! Not a medical expert here... just a mommy and a woman who has been pregnant 6 times in her 37 years so I guess that makes me a pseudo-expert in some ways... ;)

    First off... don't apologize for the length of your question! In order to get the info you need you have to give as much info as possible, right?

    Like I stated before... been pregnant 6 times and each one was completely different (except for "morning sickness" all day every day)... Testing early could possibly be giving you negatives even if you're pregnant because the pregnancy hormone (HCG I believe) could still be low enough in your system to not be registering (altho, even the home pregnancy tests have gotten extremely sensitive to doing just that-EARLY detection)... the best thing you can do if you don't want to wait is to request a blood test... they are much better at picking up the pregnancy hormone... This could be critical especially if you take a lot of meds. Or drink alcohol or caffeine... that type of thing... it's best to know asap (in my opinion)...
    My first pregnancy was exactly like you described except I had a few other symptoms: sore/tender breasts-frequent urination-tired all the time for no reason... and it's difficult to say because (just like you said) all of these things can be PMS too! You can have a period, even for a few months (and rarely more than a few) and still be pregnant... stranger things have happened!
    Condoms are a decent birth-control method, but, as I'm sure you know-not full proof. Ask my second son... ;) And I'm NOT saying that to worry you more! We all know that the only way to be absolutely sure is to, well... not have sex.
    Plus, as you stated... since you are worried about it, you might be thinking everything is a sign! Our minds can do strange things at times... if you want it to be bad enough or don't want it to be bad enough your mind can make you think the best/worst!
    Request the blood test... have it repeated in 5-7 days (or whatever your Dr. thinks is best). The "more pregnant" you are, the higher the level of HCG in your body... I think this is going to be the best solution for you... for your peace of mind and for your health and that of the baby, the sooner you find out a definitive answer the better :)
    Good Luck! Let me know if you have any questions or (IF you want to) what happens!
    jojo818's Avatar
    jojo818 Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 6, 2008, 01:12 PM
    Hey Mychele, thank you for your information. It's nice to have someone with experience answer my question.

    I think I'm going to try one more pregnancy test after I get my period, which is due next week (and hopefully I will get). If it's negative, I think it would be a safe bet that I'm not pregnant. But like you said, those hCG levels may not be high yet, hopefully if I am pregnant those will have increased by the time I take my next test.

    I had symptoms such as frequent urination, increased appetite and thirst. Signs usually associated with pregnancy, I also know that those are Diabetes symptoms. I have a history of Diabetes in my family and I was just tested so I will find out in a couple days whether I have that or not.

    I'm also going to go see if I can get on birth control because I know condoms, while reliable, aren't a guarantee against pregnancy. So hopefully if we use two forms of birth control, I won't have to go through this again. Well... if you have any more information or stories or advice you would like to share, I'm all ears. Thank you again!
    jojo818's Avatar
    jojo818 Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 6, 2008, 10:14 PM
    Hey one more question for you or anyone who cares to respond.

    Wouldn't you have enough hCG in your urine for a pregnancy test to detect 4-5 weeks after conception? It should seem like enough time but then again, I have no clue.
    MycheleXoXo's Avatar
    MycheleXoXo Posts: 53, Reputation: 2
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    Jan 7, 2008, 05:09 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jojo818
    Hey Mychele, thank you for your information. It's nice to have someone with experience answer my question.

    I think I'm going to try one more pregnancy test after I get my period, which is due next week (and hopefully I will get). If it's negative, I think it would be a safe bet that I'm not pregnant. But like you said, those hCG levels may not be high yet, hopefully if I am pregnant those will have increased by the time I take my next test.

    I had symptoms such as frequent urination, increased appetite and thirst. Signs usually associated with pregnancy, I also know that those are Diabetes symptoms. I have a history of Diabetes in my family and I was just tested so I will find out in a couple days whether I have that or not.

    I'm also going to go see if I can get on birth control because I know condoms, while reliable, aren't a guarantee against pregnancy. So hopefully if we use two forms of birth control, I won't have to go through this again. Well....if you have any more information or stories or advice you would like to share, I'm all ears. Thank you again!
    I'm full of stories and advice... you just got to ask the right question ;)
    You are very welcome, by the way...
    Take care and keep me posted!
    MycheleXoXo's Avatar
    MycheleXoXo Posts: 53, Reputation: 2
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    Jan 7, 2008, 05:19 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jojo818
    Hey one more question for you or anyone who cares to respond.

    Wouldn't you have enough hCG in your urine for a pregnancy test to detect 4-5 weeks after conception? It should seem like enough time but then again, I have no clue.
    Typically-yes... :)
    I'm no medical expert, by any means... but I have had false negatives and false positives... sort of dependent on quality of test and doing the actual test right without contaminating the stick... blahblahblah;)... Doing an early detection with a good quality test with first morning urine there most definitely should be enough of the hCG... just pointing out that at times there may be not enough due to other factors... hence my reason for requesting blood tests... typically the home pregnancy tests (they use the same ones you buy for home use in your doctor's office) are good enough... but at times things just happen.
    jojo818's Avatar
    jojo818 Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 7, 2008, 05:31 PM
    Yeah true. I do feel confident considering my doctor did the test this time so I couldn't screw it up myself. Gave her my first morning urine too.

    Diabetes test came back negative. Hooray for me.

    I think I'm just going to have to get over the idea that I am probably not pregnant. And like I said before, I'll just have to wait to see if I get my cycle sometime within the next couple of days. It's weird how something like this can make you more aware of your body than ever. It's probably a good thing but now I just feel like that's something else I have to worry about and to stress about, as if school and family and friends wasn't enough. Blah. Anyway, thank you for your help again. I always enjoy talking to people and listening to what they have to say. I appreciate it.
    MycheleXoXo's Avatar
    MycheleXoXo Posts: 53, Reputation: 2
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    Jan 8, 2008, 04:20 AM
    That is such GREAT news! Hooray for you is right! No diabetes is definitely good news! I'm very happy for you!

    And your right... just wait and see what happens in a couple of days with your cycle. It's hard, but it does no good to worry, whether it's from the aspect of wanting to be or not wanting to be... the worrying won't change the outcome and the rest of life typically gives us enough to mull over in our minds... stay positive and definitely let me know what happens!

    Any other questions, feel free to ask away! Someone here is likely to know-and maybe even "I" will know!

    Take care,
    LaraBanana's Avatar
    LaraBanana Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 26, 2011, 11:19 PM
    Hey! Just wondering if the original poster did in fact get pregnant at that time? I was reading your first post and I swear I could have written that straight from my mind. Been experiencing those same things these past few weeks. Some peace of mind would really do me good

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