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    CornDog's Avatar
    CornDog Posts: 16, Reputation: 2
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    Oct 5, 2007, 09:54 AM
    Depression or what?
    Well first.. I really spent about 20 minutes trying to work out the best section for this,
    Still don't know...

    I can't cope anymore, My relationship breakup has been really hard
    I sleep only every second day. And Often find myself thinking of ways to end it...
    My ex is being annoying.. Making me fight for rights to my daughter..
    She left me... All I want is for it all to be over and to start working on building my raltionship with my daughter... But my ex is carrying it out wasting time.. Also trying to control me with my daughter.. My daughter is 10 months old...
    It looks like its going to be a court batlle.
    Anyway this pain won't go away.. I miss my daughter so much, And Even though I don't want to I still miss my EX..
    Im so alone, I can't find joy in anything I do. I know the logic behind needing to stay alive.. But its not helping me feel any better. Im honstly more scared about living than dying..
    And I keep having these weird panic attacks breething heavy and holding kinfes and stuff.. I don't know what Im doing < What are these?
    I am really not attention seeking.. Just kind of confused On what I should really do.. I can't really go to a DR until I finsh fighting custdy in court..
    It could go against me in court.
    My main question is: Should I be worried about these panic attacks I get
    RREILLLY's Avatar
    RREILLLY Posts: 1, Reputation: 0
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    Oct 5, 2007, 12:47 PM
    Your GP is the best person to see. He will be able to diagnose, prescribe and sort out counselling -if this is what you need. You just need to take the first step.
    lifewillbewhatyoumakeit's Avatar
    lifewillbewhatyoumakeit Posts: 20, Reputation: 3
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    Oct 5, 2007, 01:33 PM
    First of all I'm sorry to hear that you are having these problems but you must remember that life will go on and every day the pain will get better. My advice is to go to counselling even one session could help wonders.
    You must immediately put any bad thoughts from your mind and occupy your time with things enjoy doing.
    Speak with your ex and tell her how you feel about the thought of losing your daughter . Sometimes if you put people in your shoes they can often have a change of heart.
    I went through hell with a break up too... I feel a lot better now than 8 months... I used to break down when I was in the middle of work, social outings etc... now the thoughts just go as quickly as they come and yours will one day too.
    pinkface92's Avatar
    pinkface92 Posts: 21, Reputation: 5

    Oct 10, 2007, 09:03 PM
    Um well since you have so much stress its understandable that you may have depression. Wut always helps me is 2 get your mind off the sadness. Find something or some one that makes you feel good about yourself and stick 2 it. You have 2 remain strong for you and your daughter's sake and get through this hard time in your life. I've been very close 2 committing suicide before. It's a horrible feeling and it won't solve anything. If u want 2 die 2 get rid of your problems you won't be alive 2 enjoy the peace or end 2 ypur problems. Hang in there and keep a strong face. And I know u'll get through it and things will get better. Good Luck!!
    CornDog's Avatar
    CornDog Posts: 16, Reputation: 2
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    Oct 11, 2007, 12:33 AM
    I can't live without my daughter. I can't live without being there everyday to see her.
    Im scared of christmas I don't see how I can make it through...
    My stomic eats its self up each day..

    Also I just got off the phone with my ex, had a 3 hour talk... went pretty well she even admitted to still having feelings and admitted she was wrong keeping my daughter from me I don't know.. Im really confused. :confused:
    Im really scared that its really the end.. over gone. No more family. That's it.

    Even if I had my daughter half the time.. It would still eat me up that I can never spend my life with the person I love.. you say it gos away? Yes I know the logic behind that but beliving it right now is impossible..
    maddie10's Avatar
    maddie10 Posts: 25, Reputation: 2
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    Oct 11, 2007, 05:09 AM
    I am really sorry about every thing that is going on in your life but no matter how hard things get you have to stay focused and positive for your daughter. As much as you need your daughter your daughter needs you. This is why you have to. I repeat HAVE TO see why our GP. You say that you can't go till after court. But I personally think its better to go now as he can prescribe something to help you threw this bad time. Or even just speaking to someone can help. Trust me I no what I'm talking about as 6 months ago I was so low and even tried taking my I own life. But after months of nagging from a friend I agreed to see a doctor. And now feel on top of the world. And realise how stupid I was with the thoughts I was having. Once you see your gp you will feel stronger. And that horrible felling you have in your stomach will ease. Good luck.
    KBC's Avatar
    KBC Posts: 2,550, Reputation: 487
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    Oct 11, 2007, 06:24 AM
    The unknown,the projected thoughts,the what ifs,WHY do you think that seeing a professional would be bad?

    If the courts see you doing something good for yourself,why would this be a bad thing?

    Think rationally,for your daughters sake,what good are you to her if you want to end your life?

    Would she(if she were able to) want you to hurt yourself?

    Would your Ex?

    The courts see helping yourself as a good thing,join the human race,sometimes we need help!!

    My experiences with the long pains of divorce,mental breakdowns,and recovery from it give me the right to ask this.

    Depression over a separation/divorce is very common,you are NOT ALONE,Don't isolate yourself from help,that's the depression talking,not your rational mind,Get the help.

    Best regards,
    CornDog's Avatar
    CornDog Posts: 16, Reputation: 2
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    Oct 13, 2007, 04:25 PM
    Sorry to RREILLLY, could someone please agree to there post. I Didn't RELISE IT ADDED TO THE Vball Rep feture rating the answer...
    Feelling much better today but still all over the place lol. Starting to see more logical things.. but yeah still wake up with my stomic eating its self after about 4 hours asleep. I plan on going to a GP once I get my new healthcare card.
    Thanks everyone.
    jonathonb's Avatar
    jonathonb Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 15, 2007, 12:23 AM
    Only life can challenge us with such obsticals we need to see them as building blocks that challenge us to become engineers of our destiny I spose?
    CornDog's Avatar
    CornDog Posts: 16, Reputation: 2
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    Jan 1, 2008, 02:01 AM
    Wooh, Reading that amazes me now. LOL I had never felt so crazy in my life as I did back then, Im in the stage of hating my ex right now & Life is pretty good
    I got put on to a tablet called efexor, Its okay but has a few annoying side affects.
    I did try to end my life when going on them, Can be kind of dangours for people that lived by themselves and had no support, I was lucky there.
    Coming back here and reading that really made me go :eek: lol

    Anyway since about 99% of people never come back after posting threads like this, I thought I would come back and tell ya's things are better now, Found this site in my bookmarks ;)
    Everything I read was right, Its one big process, and everyone gos through it I guess.. Some worse than others, If anyone that is feeling like I was is reading this, Believe me It does get better and so so so much easyer with time.
    Thank you to everyone I spoke to on here, It did help at the time, What you guys are doing is great.
    Keep up the good work :p
    Marshall69's Avatar
    Marshall69 Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 6, 2008, 12:31 AM
    I would suggest that you take the time to take care of yourself first. If you are "healthy" in mind and body, then you will be able to make solid decisions about your and your baby's future. It will also help to show the courts that you are a stable person/parent.
    matthew54's Avatar
    matthew54 Posts: 6, Reputation: 4
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    Feb 23, 2008, 02:14 PM
    I think you need to do something about these panic attacks. Anxiety can be well treated, there are so many complimentary and conventional treatments. You don't need to put up with them. I think you could look at your lifestyle are you eating a balance diet, taking enough exercise, a medical from your doctor can rule out things like hypertension. I think maybe you might want to consider doing something that makes you unwind, like yoga, tia chi, or meditation. Rather than going for example to massage find something that you can do for yourself that makes you feel relaxed. I recommend a class also your meet other people.

    I think counselling can be helpful for some people as it can help you to understand you, I think you could learn some relaxation techniques, like autogenic training or self-hypnosis, that might take some time, and some it is a displine but I think it's worth it, as it could help you reduce anxiety. I think also your doctor might be able to refer you to anxiety management and relaxation training. With that you can be assure you are getting a professional recommendation.

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