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    ForeverZero's Avatar
    ForeverZero Posts: 312, Reputation: 82
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    Aug 1, 2007, 05:34 PM
    Things I find unattractive
    Topic came up earlier, I figured I'd share a select list of things I despise in women. Seeing as I've recently come back into the dating world full time, I find myself running into the same castes of women repeatedly, so I figured I'd share, and hopefully get some support to my cause to stop this nonsense.

    First off I'm sick of girls that need to be babied through every one of their plethora of insecurities. It's one thing if you like hearing good things about yourself, it's another thing entirely if you need reassurance every twelve seconds. On top of that, the insecure ones are almost always the ones who won't take a compliment and it drives me berserk.

    Another thing that pushes my crazy button (and yes, it's very easy to do), are chicks that refuse to talk about what's going on in their heads, despite being open about the fact that they're upset about something. Trust me, as your boyfriend, despite how hard you try, I'm usually going to know when you're upset, don't waste my time prying that stuff out of you, because you're in a relationship, you should feel comfortable sharing.

    Women who play hard to get. With me, they might as well rename the game "not going to get chased" because I sure as hell don't chase after them. Don't get me wrong, not putting out the instant you meet a guy does not constitute hard to get, that's common sense. I'll give you an example of hard to get I hate. Met a girl, she chased me around the bar, bought me drinks, etc. She initiated the number trade and whatnot, said she wanted to hang out the next day. Blew me off that time, and two subsequent times, she's a cousin to a friend of mine, so I find out she's not doing , just blowing me off for no reason. So I drop it, and two weeks later I hear from her friend, who's all like why did you quit, she really liked you and couldn't stop talking about you. I told her the story, her friend says, "oh she's just playing hard to get", to which I could only reply that she'd won. Hate it.

    Women who think they're paris hilton. If I had a nickel every time I told a girl to take down my number and call me only to get the answer "i don't call people, they call me", followed by their attempt to force their number on me. Well obviously they don't if you're flirting with me all night and you wanted to get my number in the first place. Don't try to impress me with your social inability to cooperate with modern society, just take down my damn number and call me or take a hike, I got other things to worry about.

    Women who don't have jobs or a car. On my list of priorities, my income and or transportation come well before my potential girlfriend, yours should too.

    Women who talk about how bad their last relationships were. Guess what? Life sucks and we all get into bad relationships at one point or another, get over it, or spend time getting over it and get back to me then. Otherwise, I don't want to hear about how awful chad treated you, because you're only proving to me you lack the common sense to stay away from unemployed drug addicts with criminal records, which leaves me asking the question why are you interested in me? Do I seem like one of them?

    Women who act like I'm a child despite only being within 3 years younger than them. Guess what, I'm bigger,stronger,faster,smarter,more talented, and better looking that most of the girls that play this card, so you know what, I suppose you can take age all to yourself. Reach for the stars, sweetheart.

    Women who think looks are going to sell a relationship. Sure, you may spend the better part of your social nights beating off drunk guys with a stick, but guess what? There's a reason why you're unhappy and single. You're still looking to me for something, which means we're at an even standing, and college educated guys who make good money and don't have drug addictions seem to be in short supply, so drop the cindy crawford and start convincing me why I should be interested in you.

    The "are you going to be able to take care of me?" women. No, I'm not going to be able to take care of you. Why? Because you should be able to care for your goddamn self. I'm not your sugar daddy, and you're not some sort of demented hooker, that being said, how much extra money I have to spend on you is a trivial matter until well after the relationship has taken off.

    The "my ex boyfriend was cheap" girls. I don't really care about how cheap your ex boyfriend was, because nine times out of ten, the women who use this line on me are just money grubbing psychos. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of times that's an accurate case, for example if you spent a lot on him and he didn't spend a dime, then you've got a leg to stand on. Don't try to sell me this crap because you feel like you're entitled to something, did you ever consider the fact that he just never felt like you were worth spending money on? Because I might feel the same way after I hear this.

    Women who try to draw nondescript parallels between me and their ex boyfriend. For example, "oh my ex boyfriend used to like hockey". Well gosh golly, now that me and him have SO MUCH IN COMMON, I think you should dismiss me right off the bat right? Me and the rest of the civilized hockey enjoying/playing community, oh and by the way, don't bother going to canada, you'll have big problems there. The common defense to this is, "well nobody wants to be reminded of a bad relationship constantly". If my propensity for enjoying hockey causes you emotional distress, you probably ought to consider GETTING THE OVER YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP.

    Speaking of getting over it, if your last relationship was more than a year long and it hasn't been at least 3 months since, longer duration for longer relationships, don't even try to convince me you're over it, nobody gets over things like that that fast, and I don't need your baggage.

    Women who try to convince me that I'm not what I really am. For example, I'm fairly sure I'm a good looking guy, I rarely go a night at the bars without a few girls buying me drinks. I spend a lot of time taking care of myself, so it's not undeserved. That being said, I don't need to hear girls trying to talk to me like I'm a few rungs below them on the ladder. The reality of life is if you treat people like who they are, life is a lot easier. I don't need sarcastic remarks about my ego because the reality of life is that you're probably not that much better.

    Women who expect me to initiate every little thing. Welcome to the new millennium, guys don't always ask girls out, guys don't always initiate sex, and guys don't always pay for everything. Besides, if you're willing to let me walk out of your life because I didn't initiate what you wanted when you wanted it, why should I expect that you're going to have the fortitude to fight for a relationship when you want to? Not to mention, the comfort mechanism that HE was the one that wanted to have sex with you, and you just obliged doesn't really fly by me. Nobody held a gun to your head, and if it ended up bad, that's the price you paid, it's nobody's fault but your own.

    Women who spend more time on their facebook/myspace trying to convince people that their lives are exciting than they spend actually doing exciting things. Guess what, if you have the time to upload every single photo you've ever taken, and caption it, explaining to everybody that you are in fact, having as much fun as you appear to be, I'm going to say your life is pretty empty. Which is all right, obviously mine is too if I'm writing on message boards like these, however at least I've come to terms with it.

    Women who exaggerate their careers. For example when asked, what do you do?
    "oh, i'm a writer, my first book hasn't been published yet, so i'm working at burger king until it takes off". Ok, so you're not really a writer, you're a burger flipper with a diary. Because I like to scream whitesnake songs out my window when I'm driving, doesn't mean I say I'm a rock star when you ask what I do.

    Feel free to add or critique, figured some people could use this.
    SpawnOfAzazel's Avatar
    SpawnOfAzazel Posts: 106, Reputation: 18
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    Aug 1, 2007, 05:38 PM
    I don't know what to say or how to critique it, but I laughed because it's so true! :)
    Rarequeen's Avatar
    Rarequeen Posts: 25, Reputation: 2
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    Aug 1, 2007, 05:43 PM
    I am a Real Woman and I totally agree with you it was a laugh though.
    nicespringgirl's Avatar
    nicespringgirl Posts: 1,237, Reputation: 187
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    Aug 1, 2007, 06:08 PM
    Thanks for posting it, I am sure it'd help us learn more about what men like and dislike, it's a valubale post.:)
    U seem like a clever man,One question for you: If the woman is too INDEPENDENT, an overachiever, makes more than you do,controls her emotion very well, extremely rational and too smart.
    What do u think about that? As a man do u think that is unattractive as well?
    ForeverZero's Avatar
    ForeverZero Posts: 312, Reputation: 82
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    Aug 1, 2007, 06:17 PM
    There's no such thing as too smart. There's annoyingly overtly abrasive smart. That's the kind of smart where they feel the need to correct every little thing you say, point out every single flaw in your statements and one up every story you have with one of their own. That's unattractive.

    Too independent is unattractive as well. In my eyes, somebody that's too independent is somebody that's trying to convince me they don't need me at all. What the hell are you doing talking to me then? Pretending like you don't have a weakness in the world is a one way ticket to my list of people who should never expect to hear from me again. Don't try to sell yourself as one thing or another. Let me make the decisions about that. The only people who want to be with people that either have no flaws or think they have no flaws are clingy codependent second stringers. The rest of us have weaknesses and are comfortable with them.

    Making more money than me is irrelevant, in fact, I sort of like that because they expect less financially of me A, and B they learn to appreciate the gifts I give them, if money is no object, it's the gifts from the heart that will impress them. I don't think I could deal with a woman that has a more manly job than me, so if you're a steel mill worker or a professional stunt biker, I have ego insecurities that prevent me from being able to deal with that.

    Total control over emotions and complete rationality, I would argue are impossible, however to go with a more practical argument, I prefer irrational women. That's what I'm used to dealing with, I don't want to date a guy, I want to date a girl that insists on wearing her name on her hat, then being grossed out that all the guys she's not interested in know her name.
    nicespringgirl's Avatar
    nicespringgirl Posts: 1,237, Reputation: 187
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    Aug 1, 2007, 06:27 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverZero
    correct every little thing you say, point out every single flaw in your statements and one up every story you have with one of their own.
    Too smart women don't point out these, they keep it quiet, try to make everyone likes her.

    Too independent is unattractive as well. In my eyes, somebody that's too independent is somebody that's trying to convince me they don't need me at all.
    Of course they don't talk to you to get a date, but just as friends. Those women can even fix their cars,lol. THey don't tell you their emotions they just handle it ontheir own.

    Making more money than me is irrelevant, in fact, I sort of like that because they expect less financially of me A, and B they learn to appreciate the gifts I give them, if money is no object, it's the gifts from the heart that will impress them. I don't think I could deal with a woman that has a more manly job than me, so if you're a steel mill worker or a professional stunt biker, I have ego insecurities that prevent me from being able to deal with that.
    Understandable, what do you think about female aerospace engineer?

    I don't want to date a guy, I want to date a girl that insists on wearing her name on her hat, then being grossed out that all the guys she's not interested in know her name.
    She doesn't blow up is that I mean. She thinks all the time and keeps calm when sh!t happens,LOL.

    My concern is will you still think she is a "man"?

    I uderstand appearance is not that important, but what if she is good looking and sweet will you still think she is a "man"?

    Thank you for answering it. :)
    ForeverZero's Avatar
    ForeverZero Posts: 312, Reputation: 82
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    Aug 1, 2007, 06:37 PM
    Aerospace engineer? I don't know what that is. It doesn't sound too manly. And total control of your emotions does not equal not expressing them. I get angry. I let people know when I'm angry. Why? Because I want whoever it is to stop doing whatever it is that's bothering me. Do I jump up and down and throw a hissy fit? No. Do I take a stern tone and sometimes resort to childish namecalling, hell yes, because it gets the job done and it gets all that out there so I feel better, even if I'm in the wrong.

    I'm now inclined to ask the question, why does a smart person try to make everyone like them? I consider myself fairly smart, and as a smart person, I realize that not everybody is going to like me for who I am, so I can do without those people. Call them casualties of war.

    As far as just looking for friends goes, most of the girls "just looking for friends" are the super hot girls with boyfriends who insist on accepting every free drink that comes their way and flirting with every guy that gives them the time of day. You want to lose weight, don't work at a pizza shop. You want to meet good friends, don't hang around at bars.

    One more note about independence, relationships aren't about how much stress you can endure on your own, they're about how much stress you can share with another person and still come out ahead.
    nicespringgirl's Avatar
    nicespringgirl Posts: 1,237, Reputation: 187
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    Aug 1, 2007, 06:56 PM
    Aerospace engineer? I don't know what that is.
    Work on airplane engines and parts.

    And total control of your emotions does not equal not expressing them.
    She doesn't want lose control and hurt others, of course she will speak up for herself when it's necessary. But she tries to tolarate first.

    I'm now inclined to ask the question, why does a smart person try to make everyone like them? I consider myself fairly smart, and as a smart person, I realize that not everybody is going to like me for who I am, so I can do without those people. Call them casualties of war.
    I agree, she is just careful about her words, there is no way for everyone to like you, but she tried to respect everyone so hopefully people treat her the way she wants to be treated.

    As far as just looking for friends goes, most of the girls "just looking for friends" are the super hot girls with boyfriends who insist on accepting every free drink that comes their way and flirting with every guy that gives them the time of day. You want to lose weight, don't work at a pizza shop. You want to meet good friends, don't hang around at bars.
    The smart women I am talking about don't drink, smoke, party... they don't want free stuff from man because they are careful about it. THey work hard to use their own money to suppot themselves.

    One more note about independence, relationships aren't about how much stress you can endure on your own, they're about how much stress you can share with another person and still come out ahead.
    I really like this one, Zero. That makes perefct sense!

    Your answers are very honest, after all my explanation, what do you think about these women?

    P.S. no one is perfect, when we are young we look for perefction, when you grow up we learn to tolerate and appreciate more.

    ForeverZero's Avatar
    ForeverZero Posts: 312, Reputation: 82
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    Aug 4, 2007, 08:41 PM
    Shameless bump

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