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Spacetime curvature explaining gravity
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OK. I understand the principle of equivalence between acceleration and gravity's effect on an object, I understand the notion that space and time are both curved near massive bodies. I understand that Newton's idea of the attraction of bodies works fine except for motions near the speed of light,...
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Analyze the motion of a rock dropped in water in term of its speed and acceleration. Assume that a resistive force acting on a rock increases as the velocity increases? please help... I don't understand this =[ A sky diver falls through the air. As the speed if the sky diver increases, whtat...
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Hi, I work for a Sales company. And we pay our managers a bonus of 10% on the net profit of their divisions. (Accrual Accounting... and corporate costs are allocated to the divisions). But they are not accounting oriented people, so one of their problems understanding is if they get paid...
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