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    ChihuahuaMomma's Avatar
    ChihuahuaMomma Posts: 7,378, Reputation: 608
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    Jul 5, 2008, 10:44 PM
    She pees (still)
    So I've had no luck training my chihuahua to use the pee pads. She was doing good for a while, and now all my work has seem to be undone.

    Can someone please help me?

    I'm not home that much, enough, but not that much. She goes for walks and such.

    How can I get her re-trained? She's almost 1 1/2 years old.

    Also, we are moving soon, and I want this remedied before then. Also, is there a way to PRE-treat carpet, so that she has no desire to piddle on it?
    MiK=meek's Avatar
    MiK=meek Posts: 16, Reputation: -3

    Jul 5, 2008, 11:11 PM
    Don't know about carpet but I tell you something that work leave her out sound in her little area she learn to use it there but there are other ways give her a treat when she pee on pad and give a her a mad look when don't um take her out side at the times you notice or think she pee that way she tell you and you may also do this not best but worked 3 times let her notice how it smell when she do it since you moving anyway like if she don't pee by it but somewhere else she notice you didn't notice may cause her to get angry and won't do it unless she have to dogs are very intelligent
    ChihuahuaMomma's Avatar
    ChihuahuaMomma Posts: 7,378, Reputation: 608
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    Jul 5, 2008, 11:15 PM
    She can't go outside, I don't have a yard.
    MiK=meek's Avatar
    MiK=meek Posts: 16, Reputation: -3

    Jul 5, 2008, 11:29 PM
    Well ma'am you always can do this when I said take outside instead get to bags just in case take her to a park let her go if she poop scoop it up and keep going to you find a trash can to throw it in
    ChihuahuaMomma's Avatar
    ChihuahuaMomma Posts: 7,378, Reputation: 608
    Vision Expert

    Jul 5, 2008, 11:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by MiK=meek
    well ma'am you always can do this when i said take outside instead get to bags just in case take her to a park let her go if she poop scoop it up and keep going to you find a trash can to throw it in
    Honey, I have three jobs, I can't afford to walk my dog every time she has to poop or pee. That's why she has pee pads, now I just need to get her to use them.
    MiK=meek's Avatar
    MiK=meek Posts: 16, Reputation: -3

    Jul 5, 2008, 11:56 PM
    I ain't sure I should answer this or not but if you don't have the time do you have 5 dollars and a trustworthy 10 year old in your neighborhood who would do it
    ChihuahuaMomma's Avatar
    ChihuahuaMomma Posts: 7,378, Reputation: 608
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    Jul 6, 2008, 01:49 PM
    I agree, you shouldn't answer this question. You think I should $5 and access to my daughter/dog and my home to a ten-year-old? Seriously? This is almost close to good advice. Unfortunately I cannot afford a doggie babysitter.
    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Jul 6, 2008, 07:10 PM
    Hi CM! How are you girl?

    What do you do when you leave her? Does she usually pee more when you are at work? Do you crate her with lots of toys that keep her occupied? I have never used crates, but I have always been able to be home, at least a few times during the day, and had a yard.

    Do you dote on her before you leave, and say things like... mommy will be back after work, or... momma's going to miss youuuuu!? If you do things like that, she is going to be anxious, and then rebelious. She will fixate on the door, and every sound she hears, she might think it's you, and go back into her excited anxious mode, and then pee.

    There are some products that you can buy to deter them from peeing in certain area's, but that doesn't replace training. I get a ton of doggie newsletters, so I will look and see if I can find a housebreaking one that will help for a dog that doesn't have a yard, is left alone during the day, and is not going on her pee pads.

    I probably won't be able to look through it all tonight, so remind me if I don't get back to you in the next couple of days OK? I'm lucky if I remember my own name somedays! LOL!

    Good Luck with your sweetie girl!
    ChihuahuaMomma's Avatar
    ChihuahuaMomma Posts: 7,378, Reputation: 608
    Vision Expert

    Jul 6, 2008, 07:24 PM
    Hi CM! How are you girl?

    What do you do when you leave her? Does she usually pee more when you are at work? Do you crate her with lots of toys that keep her occupied? I have never used crates, but I have always been able to be home, at least a few times during the day, and had a yard.
    No, she roams around the living room and kitchen, all other rooms are shut off. She barked the whole day when she was crated. But she does have plenty of toys, food, and water. And I leave the TV on for her.

    Do you dote on her before you leave, and say things like... mommy will be back after work, or... momma's going to miss youuuuu!? If you do things like that, she is going to be anxious, and then rebelious. She will fixate on the door, and every sound she hears, she might think it's you, and go back into her excited anxious mode, and then pee.
    I give her hugs and kisses, and tell her I'll be back before she knows it. So, should I just leave and ignore her? That would break my heart! But if you think it'll help....

    There are some products that you can buy to deter them from peeing in certain area's, but that doesn't replace training. I get a ton of doggie newsletters, so I will look and see if I can find a housebreaking one that will help for a dog that doesn't have a yard, is left alone during the day, and is not going on her pee pads.
    That's great, thank you. I've tried all those sprays for not peeing in places, I think the urine stench is stronger than those smells now...Is there a pre-treater for carpet cleaners for this purpose?

    I probably won't be able to look through it all tonight, so remind me if I don't get back to you in the next couple of days OK? I'm lucky if I remember my own name somedays! LOL!

    Thanks for everything, Starby! Loves and Hugs (from us both)

    Good Luck with your sweetie girl!

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