Jobs & Parenting Expert
Oct 31, 2023, 06:38 PM
Why are Jews despised?
Ultra Member
Nov 1, 2023, 03:37 AM
Oh the Protestants hate the Catholics,
and the Catholics hate the Protestants,
and the Hindus hate the Moslems
and everybody hates the Jews.
(Tom Lehrer 'National Brotherhood Week')
Pick your reason
They are the money changers
They arrogantly claim to be the chosen people of God
They killed Jesus
They are different than us
They are inferior
They cause all our problems .
I think that sums up most of the historical reasons
The truth is that in most of the world the Jews are impoverished .
The truth is that if people did not have Jews as scape goats they would have to look inward .The truth is that it was Rome that was threatened by Jesus . The truth is that the vast majority of Jews assimilated and are very secular and in many cases socialist progressives .
The truth is that Jew hatred is riddled in contradiction as Loyd George pointed out
If the Jews are rich [these fanatics] are victims of theft. If they are poor, they are victims of ridicule. If they take sides in a war, it is because they wish to take advantage from the spilling of non-Jewish blood. If they espouse peace, it is because they are scared by their natures or traitors. If the Jew dwells in a foreign land he is persecuted and expelled. If he wishes to return to his own land, he is prevented from doing so.”
It did not start with Hitler . The persecution of Jews can be traced more than 200 years before Christ . There were expulsions ;forced conversions ;synagogue burnings .temple destruction , and genocide long before the 1940s (see Purim) .
There are of course other persecutions throughout history . But those are regional . Nothing else compares to the historical hatred of the Jews .
Ultra Member
Nov 1, 2023, 04:41 AM
Today the new rhetoric of antisemitism is couched in the word "colonialism ". It is rubbish of course . Depending on how far you go back in history ,just about every group of people migrated to what they now call home.
The truth is that Jews can demonstrate historically ,by archeological evidence; by cultural anthology a solid claim for the land that is now Israel AND Palestine .... More so than the people who call themselves Palestinian. The Jews are the indigenous people of the area .
They returned to Israel out of necessity ,from the diaspora, because they have largely been rejected by the people of the lands they migrated to.
And that is true in the US also where a Harvard Harris poll showed 51% of Gen Zers thought the slaughter by Hamas on Oct 7 was justified . The truth is that the progressive left are the new Nazis in America.
Uber Member
Nov 1, 2023, 05:16 AM
And that is true in the US also where a Harvard Harris poll showed 51% of Gen Zers thought the slaughter by Hamas on Oct 7 was justified . The truth is that the progressive left are the new Nazis in America.
The colleges are doing what they perceive as being their job. They are producing what might very well be the most non-thinking generation in American history.
The persecution of the Jews is, in my view, a reflection of mankind's rebellion against God. It goes hand in hand with the ridiculous criticism in much of the media of the new House Speaker saying he had a Bible-based world view. It explains much of the mindless preoccupation with the gender "revolution". God says there are two genders, so we'll decide there are many.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Nov 1, 2023, 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by jlisenbe
God says there are two genders, so we'll decide there are many.
After creating those two genders, God announced the universe, including biology and chromosomes, would have free will. Thus, people grow to different heights, have varieties of skills, there are four seasons, and transgenderism exists.
Now, please return to the discussion about Israel.
Uber Member
Nov 1, 2023, 12:53 PM
God announced the universe, including biology and chromosomes, would have free will.
Where did God make that "announcement"?
Neither the universe nor chromosomes have any "will" at all, free or otherwise. They make no decisions whatsoever.
people grow to different heights, have varieties of skills, there are four seasons, and transgenderism exists.
Three out of four...not too bad!! Might add that if TG is a "free will" issue, then all the TG folks can simply exercise their free will to behave in accordance with their chromosomal makeup, so it certainly appears that you just torpedoed your own argument.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Nov 1, 2023, 01:56 PM
Mother Nature has free will. Chromosomes belong to her.
And sin entered the world. Screwed up chromosomes cause gender dysphoria.
Uber Member
Nov 1, 2023, 02:18 PM
So you don't know where this "announcement " was made. I think you just make it up as you go along.
Nature has no free will and makes no decisions other than higher animals. But any appeal to free will is doomed to fail for you since I will simply suggest that the TG folks use their free wills to live in accordance with their genetic gender.
Now if you want to appeal to sin to explain gender dysphoria, then go ahead, but that does your cause no good at all.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Nov 1, 2023, 02:31 PM
Have you ever read the first chapters of Genesis? Because of what happened then, plants, animals, birds, insects, humans all experience transgenderism.
Uber Member
Nov 1, 2023, 03:13 PM
I've read Genesis many, many times. There is nothing there to support your made-up idea of any "announcement" or any other part of your TG ideas. It's just your own unsupported theory. You have presented nothing to support your completely unscientific idea of TG in plants, animals, birds, and insects. As to humans, you just established above that it's the consequence of sin. Why would we advocate for that which is the fruit of sin? Should you go ahead and celebrate rape, murder, child abuse, and burglary while you're at it?
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Nov 1, 2023, 03:23 PM
Goggle transgender in plants, animals, birds, insects, humans. Get eddacated.
You don't understand the workings of free will apparently. Being a human in the LGBTQ+ community has nothing to do with sin or their own free will. It's the chromosomes that have free will. The LGBTQ+ humans are very likely in your own relationships, but don't dare reveal it because you are so unaccepting.
Back to Israel!
Uber Member
Nov 1, 2023, 05:59 PM
You don't understand the workings of free will apparently. Being a human in the LGBTQ+ community has nothing to do with sin or their own free will. It's the chromosomes that have free will. The LGBTQ+ humans are very likely in your own relationships, but don't dare reveal it because you are so unaccepting.
Just going off of what you said. "And sin entered the world. Screwed up chromosomes cause gender dysphoria." So now you're arguing with yourself. Even worse (for your "case"), there is no evidence of a genetic component affecting the dysphoria situation. You are back to, "Thus sayeth WG."
Almost forgot. Here, you listed TG as an example of free will. "God announced the universe, including biology and chromosomes, would have free will. Thus, people grow to different heights, have varieties of skills, there are four seasons, and transgenderism exists." You are your own worst enemy!! It's getting to where I don't have to do anything to counter your arguments other than just quote you.
And still waiting to hear where this "announcement" happened. I suspect it was only in your mind.
Goggle transgender in plants, animals, birds, insects, humans. Get eddacated.
All you have is, "Thus sayeth WG." That is far removed from being sufficient. I don't accept your propaganda.
Ultra Member
Nov 2, 2023, 02:56 AM
Now, please return to the discussion about Israel.
The persecution of the Jews is, in my view, a reflection of mankind's rebellion against God.
And yet the majority of Jew hatred comes from people who believe they are very religious. In fact ,throughout history it has been the "religious" who have done most of the persecution.
Ultra Member
Nov 2, 2023, 04:12 AM
Uber Member
Nov 2, 2023, 04:33 AM
None of which should be surprising. The dems will fall all over themselves to find some way to oppose Israel and support the terrorist states.
In fact ,throughout history it has been the "religious" who have done most of the persecution.
Two observations.
1. Throughout history, at least prior to the 20th century, the great majority of civilizations that have existed have been religious in one way or another. Rome, for instance, who was responsible for the destruction of the nation of Israel, was very religious. So quite naturally when persecution was being done, it would have been done by those religious populations.
2. The great persecution of the Jews during the 20th century was largely committed by two states with atheist leadership, Nazi Germany and the Soviets.
Uber Member
Nov 6, 2023, 04:57 AM
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