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    goingoofy2's Avatar
    goingoofy2 Posts: 49, Reputation: 13
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    Jun 19, 2007, 11:34 AM
    Now thatz a great start!!

    Have a super day!!
    s2tp's Avatar
    s2tp Posts: 299, Reputation: 61
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    Jun 19, 2007, 11:50 AM
    Hey Snap,

    I was smiling during part of this thread because you were saying some of the same things that I do-
    "sometimes, i just want to talk about it until my mouth dries out. I just want to be heard and cared for. that's what's so strange. normally my boyfriend gets angry with me because i don't talk enough. I don't share my feelings and tell him when and why i'm angry. I keep everything in. all my feelings and thoughts, all my emotions and tears until i pop. then i desperately want a friend, I hate putting everything on my boyfriend all of the time"

    I go through this a lot- and I get depressed like you explained in your main question. I normally come out of it pretty quick, but when I am in it I just want to curl up and disappear. I have learned how to help myself from getting into these modes though- and my trick is music. I have music that I have had good memories with and I try to listen to them when I feel like I am slipping into a depression. It doesn't always perk me up, but it definitely gets me thinking more positive and lessens the sadness. A good cry always helps too- haha. If I have been having an overall bad week I will let everything pile into one big pity cry and then I start to work my way out of it- letting each thing sink in but then let it go. Sometimes writing in my diary helps,but sometimes I just don't feel like writing or talking so I close my eyes and just remind myself things Always get better and there are more happy days to come.

    I hope you are feeling better by now. If you still need someone to talk to I will be around for many more hours... night shift at work (I am overseas)
    notabluebird's Avatar
    notabluebird Posts: 4, Reputation: 2
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    Jun 19, 2007, 11:58 AM
    See if there is a free clinic around you to get checked out. I have gone through a terrible divorce (the ex got everything), behind in bills, wages garnished, my son is in Iraq and living in a women's shelter. I have had times when I feel like you have described. I went to one and a lot of my emotional heartache was because of the stress I was under. The body just shuts down. I do a lot of herbs and teas to try to keep me balanced. It helps most times.
    snapdragon's Avatar
    snapdragon Posts: 74, Reputation: 4
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    Jun 20, 2007, 06:05 PM
    Hey guys, thanks for all of your help and support. I went to the pool hall last night and it went OK. I didn't have conversations with people, but I laughed with a few people and tried (if that counts for anything). Unfortunately I'm still having a bad week. You know it's hard for me to say that I'm depressed, because I'm not suicidal and this only happens every other month or so and for about a week. But, when I'm in that week I just can't see what's so good about life. Everything just seems so off, so wrong and so uninteresting. I just want somebody to hug me for a whole week and tell me I'm beautiful, and worthy of all the good things. I want someone to tell me what's going on in my head I want to know if I just get really down sometimes, if I'm depressed or just crazy. What happened? Why do I feel this way? Why does everything seem so wrong? I just want a hug, I don't want you to understand me, to try to understand me, to pity me or feel sorry for me. I just want a big hug. I want to thank you guys again for all of your help!
    snapdragon's Avatar
    snapdragon Posts: 74, Reputation: 4
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    Jun 20, 2007, 06:22 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by LuvMyMaltipoo
    I would love to talk, but not about you... lets talk about you! How old are you? And whats the number one thing that makes you sad/mad?
    I am 23. The number one thing that makes me sad and mad is that I have no friends and just can't make any. My best friend committed suicide when we were 18 and I lost another friend because of the whole situation. Now I find it so hard to find places to meet people that I can talk to and to just open my mouth and say something. I'm sure I'm scared of rejection and I compare them all to my friend so none of them seem good enough. I'm too hard on everyone. The other thing that makes me so mad and sad is that it's put a strain on my relationship with my boyfriend. I've become such a different person. I just want to get a friend and be happy. I want my boyfriend to smile more, I want to be his friend again instead of his patient. I feel like he tiptoes around me all of the time. I just want to be happy and go out with girls my age. I want to dance and drink. I want to talk about boyfriends and hair. I want to be a girl. I just want. I hate feeling this way and I just have to thank you for caring enough to talk to me. It means a lot!! :D sorry for the lengthy answer
    goingoofy2's Avatar
    goingoofy2 Posts: 49, Reputation: 13
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    Jun 20, 2007, 06:56 PM
    Hey Snap... Snap out of it! Do you work? If so, do you have an opportunity to meet friends there? How about taking a stroll through the mall; certainly there are many people there in stores and out... start a conversation with someone, but with a smile and be interested in what they have to say too... people like to have conversations with those that are also interested in what they have to say.

    I have found people are drawn to those who smile and have the positive vibes even if you are having a poopy day... When I was younger (in school) some mistook my quietness for being "stuck-up" I was devastated knowing I was not and I began to socialize more and I began to smile more too... from that point on I still have some of those same friends... and we laugh about how they thought I was so stuck up. It's hard for someone to approach a quiet person, a depressed person or one that is unapproachable... I was once that person... make the change my friend and soon you will see the people flocking around you, wanting to be around you... wanting to be your friend.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you... breath in through the nose, out through the mouth... Now Smile... have a super evening!
    snapdragon's Avatar
    snapdragon Posts: 74, Reputation: 4
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    Jun 20, 2007, 07:06 PM
    Thank you. I have actually found that out myself. When I go out into the world I smile and am pleasant. I don't want people to see what's inside. I want people to like me. I just need to get over myself. I need to give people a chance. I need to step out of my comfort zone and take a chance at getting my heart ripped out again ( or what will most likely happen is that I'll make a friend). I just need to wake up and realize that there is no perfect friend. There are no perfect people. And she's not coming back, sometimes it feels like I'm just waiting for her. I just need to be slapped in the face and pushed into the world with no clothes on. Thanks for all you've done!
    goingoofy2's Avatar
    goingoofy2 Posts: 49, Reputation: 13
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    Jun 20, 2007, 07:14 PM
    Silly as it sounds... do you speak with her? Do you laugh about the fun things you used to do? Can you relate to the fun happy parts and try to skip over the sad parts? She would rather see you laughing than crying, she would rather see you happy then sad Snap... stand up and throw some water on your face... Smile! Tomorrow is another day and it will be great... each day you try will become easier... not every day will be flowers and sunshine, so allow those days and prepare to do something positive for yourself. I would never have been able to get through the multitude of situations I've been through had I not looked at the bright side... you can too and I promise, you'll have better days ahead!

    B I g H U G s T o Y O U!
    snapdragon's Avatar
    snapdragon Posts: 74, Reputation: 4
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    Jun 20, 2007, 07:26 PM
    I can't tell you how much you're helping me. I don't talk to her, I actually do the opposite. Which I'm sure is bad. I try to forget about it. I had a dream the other night that I shot her in the head. It woke me up and for a few seconds I thought it was a bad dream and that she was still alive, I wanted to call her. It was the first time I'd dreamt of her for years. I think maybe she was trying to tell me something. Or maybe I was trying to tell myself something. Thanks for the advice. I know this is a strange question, but how would I go about doing this? And should I be expecting her to talk back in some way?
    goingoofy2's Avatar
    goingoofy2 Posts: 49, Reputation: 13
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    Jun 20, 2007, 07:35 PM
    Well... I'm certainly not a psychic, however when I lost a dear friend of mine in a bad car accident, I would often just look up and talk, I would yell, I would cry and I would write letters, and in the end I would laugh remembering the goofy faces he made or the jokes he would tell... I hate to say it Snap, but you're putting bad thoughts in your head, therefore you're having bad dreams or thinking bad thoughts... Evidently she's weighing heavy on your mind so either write her a long letter of all your thoughts or just talk... whatever makes you feel better. Again, try to remember the PoSiTiVe and the things that made you laugh and giggle together... it's worth a try! Who knows, somewhere down the road you may even see signs of her.

    Stay positive!!
    ahker's Avatar
    ahker Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 25, 2007, 05:44 AM
    U can talk to me... I also sometime feel like you..
    wrightsonjon's Avatar
    wrightsonjon Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 25, 2007, 05:49 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by snapdragon
    i would really like to talk to soemone right now, i can't stop crying. I'll talk about your kids, or your relationship anything, i just need to talk to somebody I'm not suicidal a am just really sad right now
    I saw your "need to talk" posted June 19. If you still need to talk, let me know, I am a pastors wife and will listen well.
    snapdragon's Avatar
    snapdragon Posts: 74, Reputation: 4
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    Jun 26, 2007, 08:35 AM
    I just wanted to thank everybody for their help. My broyfriend actually has helped me to snap out of it. It took some extreme measures, but, I am now ready to take a big leap. I have left the apartment to stay with my parents for about a week to help my mom while she has a hysterectomy and as soon as I get back I have decided to do what I have been putting off for so long. I'm going for help. I hate that it took me and my boyfrind to almost breakup up I think he knew what I needed to get things straight. Thank everybody for your help!! Now to start my journey, it all starts from here.
    snapdragon's Avatar
    snapdragon Posts: 74, Reputation: 4
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    Jun 27, 2007, 07:37 PM
    :D thanks to everybody for your help. My boyfriend and I have come to some extreme measures, but I'm finally snapping out of it. I'm taking the plunge and going to get help. He made it very clear to me that I need help for both our sakes. I'm home for a few days to get out of my apartment and that town. My mom is having a hysterectomy and I wanted to be with her for her surgery. Thank you everyone for your help!! This is the start of a long and happy life. My boyfriend doesn't know it, but I think he thanks you too. It's nice to know I have people who will listen and understand. THANK YOU!:D
    picklepie's Avatar
    picklepie Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 18, 2007, 10:22 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by snapdragon
    i would really like to talk to soemone right now, i can't stop crying. I'll talk about your kids, or your relationship anything, i just need to talk to somebody I'm not suicidal a am just really sad right now
    I know how you feel because Im really sad right now and all I want to do is cry because I don't know what else to do. Somebody I care about has walked out on me. We were living together for 2 and a half years and yesterday he came back for his things and went. I can't begin to describe how lonely I feel
    Beentherebefore's Avatar
    Beentherebefore Posts: 7, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 20, 2008, 09:06 PM
    Snapdragon and Picklepie;

    Are things better now for both of you?

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