Junior Member
Feb 14, 2010, 05:34 PM
Fainting from Weed
I've been told that you cannot pass out/faint from smoking weed. Be that as it may, I passed out yesterday after smoking (which has happened once before this). I was visiting some old friends for the weekend and knew there would be mass marijuana consumption. Yesterday, I smoked more than I would in a normal weekend but it was spread throughout the day. I hadn't felt "too high" or anything until we smoked the last bowl of the night. And let me say, prior to this last bowl I wasn't high from before, just a little sleepy. We sat around for a while after we smoked, I felt fine. I stood up and about three minutes later starting feeling very dizzy, face felt like fire, and couldn't focus my vision on anything. Next thing you know, my friends are all staring down at me, freaking out because I had hit the floor. I don't remember any of it happening. They said I was unconscious for about 30 seconds. Apart from extreme embarrassment and a bump on the old nogin, I was fine and felt better after that.
Has this happened to anyone else? Obviously I smoked too much. I'm just surprised it happened because I smoke weed almost everyday. I'm just curious as to why this happened. Any clues? Thanks!
Feb 14, 2010, 05:37 PM
Sorry nope, pot will not do that to you. Unless it was laced with something, you may have a medical issue, perhaps breathing issue that the actual smoke is reacting to or other problem it is triggering
Junior Member
Feb 22, 2010, 06:56 PM
Disagree with the previous post. Of course you can pass out with smoking, sometimes there are other circumstances like heat, blood pressure, etc. My advice, having being someone who has passed out smoking a number of times... STOP SMOKING THE CRAP
New Member
Jan 8, 2011, 10:10 AM
I do not agree with this post because if you want to smoke, smoke but take only what you can handle I had a similar incodent with my girlfriend. I got some sting weed and she only smoke with me around once a week and is normally fine but we were smoking and she said she had to go indoors because of feeling funny I said OK looked to my left and she had fallen onto my fathers car, me being very scared I ran over to catch her I got there just in time. But then she fell again and I could not stop the full blow to the floor she had a small cut and little bump on eye. I took her in put her in bed and gave some water. I went back out to finish my joint. I came back she was laying there eating salted peanuts.
New Member
Mar 23, 2012, 08:01 AM
Yes this can happen.. consider too.. empty stomach.. standing up quickly.. U get dizzy n start seeing flashy white lights n boom u down
Junior Member
Mar 23, 2012, 11:49 AM
The whole concept of this post is quite amusing... I mean, talking about fainting while taking illegal drugs, duh! It's like saying I got drunk and I fell over and hit my head... should this happen - I only had 10 bourbons! It just goes with the territory. Don't underestimate the damage that dope will do. I smoked enough of it for a very long time and stopped almost nine years ago. It's not till I stopped that I could assess the true damage. I wouldn't take anyone too serious if they are still living in the problem because it's not as if they are willing to make changes to rectify the problem. Often they will look for the solution in everything else, but the obvious - which is probably to stop smoking dope.
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